3 Speech Acts and Dialogue Management

In this lecture we are going to talk about the use of speech acts in dialogue management. In Section 3.1 we will give an introduction to what speech acts are.

Section 3.2 we will concentrate on how speech acts can facilitate dialogue management and Section 3.3 will briefly consider some examples of existing dialogue act taxonimies.

In Section 3.4 the TRIPS system architecture will be considered. This is a system based on speech acts. Looking into it will enable an insight into how the use of speech acts can be integrated in dialogue management and taken advantage of.

The practical exercise in Section 3.6 will ask you to annotate a small dialogue excerpt in order to get better acquainted with the use of speech acts and the problems involved.

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)