3.3.2 HCRC Map task

The HCRC map task annotated corpus consists of transcripts of spontaneous task-oriented dialogues between two human agents.

The HCRC map task (see HCRC page) annotated corpus consists of transcripts of spontaneous task-oriented dialogues between two human agents. One agent holds a map with landmarks and a route that he has to communicate to the other. The second participant holds a slightly different map without the route. The task is to reconstruct the route on the second map. The derivation of dialogue acts was done independently of the particular task and the aim was to produce a blueprint for dialogue coding, rather than an instantiation of that blueprint for the particular dialogues in the data.

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)