3.3.9 DAMSL: The scheme

The main aim is to capture the multiple function utterances can have, as well as the interrelation of different speech acts.

The main aim is to capture the multiple function utterances can have, as well as the interrelation of different speech acts. There are three layers of Communicative Acts described:

  1. Forward Communicative Functions : They correspond, by and large, to the traditional speech acts.

  2. Backward Communicative Functions : They account for the relation of the current utterance to the dialogue up to that point.

  3. Utterance Features : They capture information both about the content and the form of utterances. For example, they give information on the relation of the utterance to the communication and task management. An utterance is labeled for its communication management function only when there is no task management function present.

A dialogue should be annotated on all three levels. The different categories within Forward and Backward Communicative Functions are independent, so an utterance can be annotated for more than one dialogue act belonging to the same level. Within each level there is a further hierarchical structure. For example, the Backward Communicative Function Agreement is sub-divided into Accept, Accept-Part, Maybe, Reject-Part, Reject and Hold.

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)