3.3.3 HCRC Map task: Levels of annotation

HCRC Map task: Levels of annotation.

  1. Conversational moves: They represent the utterance function and are categorised according to their function. They consist of different kinds of initiations and responses. An example is the instruct move, which commands the partner to carry out an action.


    Go right round, ehm, until you get to just above them.

  2. Conversational games: They represent sets of moves. They are defined in terms of initiations which give rise to different discourse expectations. These expectations must be fulfilled by the responses. Each game starts with an initiation and ends when the goal of the game has been fulfilled or abandoned. Conversational games are equivalent to dialogue games, interactions or exchanges, often found in the bibliography. Games can nest. Adjacency pairs and insertions would appear in this level.

  3. Transactions: They consist of conversational games and represent sub-dialogues towards achieving a major goal in the task. In the map task, all the interactions necessary for reconstructing a segment of the route make up a transaction.

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)