Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: a contact language between archaism and innovation

- Bistra Andreeva, Tania Avgustinova, Christoph Gabriel, and Susann Fischer (2022). Judenspanisch in Bulgarien: eine Kontaktsprache zwischen Archaismus und Innovation, Linguistique balkanique, LXI (2022), 1, 3-13. ISSN 0324-1653
- Susann Fischer (2022). Language change at the Interfaces - but how? Data from Judeo-Spanish, In Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru, Alina Tigău, Ioana Stoicescu, and Mihaela Zamfirescu (eds.). New Insights into Linguistic Communicative Behaviour. Cambridge: CSP, 306-333.
- Mitko Sabev (2023). Unstressed vowel reduction and contrast neutralisation in western and eastern Bulgarian: A current appraisal, Journal of Phonetics., Volume 99, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2023.101242
- Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev, Christoph Gabriel und Bistra Andreeva (2023). Vowel Reduction in Spontaneous Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, Proc. of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Rep.), 2844-2848.
- Mitko Sabev, Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, and Jonas Grünke (2023). Bulgarian Unstressed Vowel Reduction: Received Views vs Corpus Findings. Proc. Interspeech 2023, Dublin, 2603-2607, doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-976.
- Jonas Grünke, Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, and Mitko Sabev (2023). Vocative Intonation in Language Contact: The Case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. In Timothy L. Face & Meghan Armstrong (eds.), Special Issue "Prosody in Shared Linguistic Spaces of the Spanish-Speaking World", Languages 2023, 8(4), 284; //doi.org/10.3390/languages8040284
- Bistra Andreeva and Snezhina Dimitrova (2023). Vocative Intonation in Bulgarian. Proc. The Second International Conference on Tone and Intonation, 29-33, doi: 10.21437/TAI.2023-7
- Diana Klüh, Tania Avgustinova (2023). Initial observations on the grammatical characteristics, influenced by language contact, in the speech of bilinguals speaking Bulgarian and Ladino, In: Съпоставително езикознание/ Contrastive linguistics, ХLVIII, 2023, No 3–4. pp. 52-64
- Bistra Andreeva and Snezhina Dimitrova (2024). Вариативност при реализацията на българска интонация, БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК, ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ / BULGARIAN LANGUAGE, SUPPLEMENT, 71 (2024), Print ISSN: 0005-4283, Online ISSN: / 2603-3372, doi: 10.47810/BL.71.24.PR.03
- Mitko Sabev and Bistra Andreeva (2024). Редукция на неударените гласни в съвременния български книжовен език: съпоставка на общоприети възгледи с корпусни данни, БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК, ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ / BULGARIAN LANGUAGE, SUPPLEMENT, 71 (2024), 428-440. Print ISSN: 0005-4283, Online ISSN: / 2603-3372, doi: 10.47810/BL.71.24.PR.28
- Mitko Sabev and Bistra Andreeva (2024). The acoustics of Contemporary Standard Bulgarian vowels: A corpus study‚ The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3):2128-2138. doi: 10.1121/10.0025293.
- Bistra Andreeva (2024). Темпорални характеристики на четена българска реч [Temporal characteristics of read Bulgarian speech.]. In Koeva, Svetla, Hristina Deykova, Maxim Stamenov (eds.). Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024). Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 36-44. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/ConfIBL2024
- Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, and Aldina Quintana (2024). Vocalic alternations in İstanbul Judeo-Spanish. A pilot study on semi-spontaneous speech data. In Laura Minervini and Frank Savelsberg (eds.). New perspectives on Judeo-Spanish and the linguistic history of the Sephardic Jews. Leiden: Brill, 256–281.
- Beeke Muhlack, Jürgen Trouvain, Mitko Sabev, and Bistra Andreeva (2024). A preliminary study on filler particles in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish (Ladino). Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop 2024, 7-9, doi: 10.21437/LW.2024-2
- Susann Fischer (2024). Language contact and the development of Judeo-Spanish Syntax. In: Laura Minervini and Frank Savelsberg (eds.) New Perspecties on Judeo-Spanish and the linguistic history of the Sephardic Jews. Leiden: Brill.
- Susann Fischer, Jorge Vega Vilanova, Bistra Andreeva, Tania Avgustinova, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, Diana Klüh, Mitko Sabev (2024). Patterns and interfaces in language contact. The case of Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria. Linguistische Berichte 280, 409-439.
- Susann Fischer (accepted). The vulnerability of Differential Object Marking in language contact. In: Exploring Linguistic Landscapes.
- Suann Fischer (accepted). Natural Language Change in Contact Settings. The Case of Clitic Climbing in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Proceedings of NEREUS XI.
- Susann Fischer and Marc Olivier Hinzelin (accepted). Clitics. In: Manual of Classification and Typology of Romance Languages. (Manuals of Romance Linguistics MRL), M. Heinz, M.-O. Hinzelin, L. Filipino (eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Diana Klüh, Tania Avgustinova (accepted). Experiments with Bulgarian (heritage) Ladino speakers translating Ladino stimuli to Bulgarian. In: Нова чуждестранна българистика.
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Susann Fischer (submitted). Exploring Interface Phenomena: Confronting Methodological Challenges, Isogloss.