Judeo-Spanish in Bulgaria: a contact language between archaism and innovation
- Mitko Sabev (2022). Vowel reduction in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, and bilingual and monolingual Bulgarian spontaneous speech, Phonetics Colloquium, Saarbrücken, 14 December 2022.
- Mitko Sabev, Jonas Grünke, Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva (2023). Spectral and durational properties of Judeo-Spanish and Bulgarian vowels, Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2023, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2-4 June 2023.
- Susann Fischer (2023). On experiencer doubling and other internal arguments. Romance Linguistic Circle, University of Cambridge, 13th June 2023
- Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev (2023). Information structure, unstressed vowel reduction, and duration in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. International Workshop “Exploring the relation between duration and length across languages: Typology, variation, and contact”, Berlin, 23.–24. Juni 2023.
- Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva, Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev (2023). Vokativintonation im Sprachkontakt: Der Fall des Judenspanischen in Bulgarien, GAL-Jahrestagung, Sektion 'Phonetik und Sprechwissenschaft', Mainz, 21. September 2023.
- Christoph Gabriel and Jonas Grünke (2023). Sprachliche Variation und Normierungstendenzen im bulgarischen Judenspanisch, Sektion 1, XXXVIII. Romanistentag "Präsenz und Virtualität", Leipzig, 24.-27. September 2023.
- Susann Fischer (2023). Natural language change in contact settings. The case of clitic climbing in Judeo-Spanish. NEREUS XI, University of Bukarest, 10.-11. November 2023.
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Lisa Figura (2023). Intergenerational Transmission of an Endangered Heritage Language: the Case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, Bucharest Colloquium of Language Acquisition (BUCLA) 8 , University of Bucharest, 16-18 November 2023
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Susann Fischer (2023). Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish: Simplicity vs. Complexity in Language Contact, VII Encuentro sobre dialectos del español (SpaDiSyn), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 27-28 November 2023.
- Jonas Grünke, Jorge Vega Vilanova, Susann Fischer, Christoph Gabriel (2023). The Impact of Language Contact on the Realization of Focus in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Going Romance XXXVII, Nijmegen, 30 November – 1 December 2023
- Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, and Mitko Sabev (2023). Rufkonturen im Sprachkontakt: Der Fall des Judenspanischen in Bulgarien. 47th Austrian Linguistics Conference, Graz, Austria, 9 December 2023.
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Lisa Figura (2023). Applying acquisitional principles to diachrony: the case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, Forschungskolloquium Linguistik (Romanstik und Finnougristik/Uralistik), 12 December 2023
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Susann Fischer (2024). Morphosyntactic instability in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish as a heritage language. Romance Grammars, Context and Contact (RGCC), University of Birmingham, 9 January 2024.
- Jonas Grünke, Jorge Vega Vilanova, Susann Fischer, Christoph Gabriel (2024). Focus marking in language contact: the case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Romance Grammars, Context and Contact (RGCC), University of Birmingham, 9 January 2024.
- Susann Fischer (2024). Interface syntax vs. narrow syntax in language change: the case of Judeo-Spanish, Linguistischer Arbeitskreis, Universität Bochum, 31. Januar 2024.
- Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, and Mitko Sabev (2024). Attitudinal meaning in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish calling contours. DGfS Annual Meeting 2024, AG 02 "Attitudinal meaning in prosody", Bochum, 28 February 2024.
- Susann Fischer and Christoph Gabriel (2024). Bulgarian Judeo-Spanis a showcase for the interaction of syntax, information structure, and prosody in language acquisition and change. JMM80: Workshop on the occasion of Jürgen Meisel's birthday. Frankfurt, 16 March 2024.
- Susann Fischer (2024). Simplicitiy and complexity in language contact or narrow syntax vs. interface syntax: the case of Judeo-Spanish. Invited Talk. Ca'Foscari University. 16. May 2024.
- Jorge Vega Vilanova and Susann Fischer (2024). DOM and CD as showcase phenomena for testing learnability theories in contact settings: Data from Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, Congrés internacional sobre canvi lingüístic i contacte de llengües iberoromàniques i gal·loromàniques (CICLIG), Universitat de Barcelona, 23-24 May 2024.
- Christoph Gabriel (2024). Prosody at the interfaces: the case of Judeo-Spanish in contact with Bulgarian. Invited talk at Seminario di Linguistica / Doctoral School, Università di Torino. Torino, 21 June 2024.
- Susann Fischer and Jorge Vega Vilanova (2024). Testing learnability theories in contact settings: Differential Object Marking, Clitic Doubling, and Clitic Climbing. Diachronic Generative Syntax (DIGS 25), 25. – 28. Juni 2024. Universität Mannheim.
- Susann Fischer, Jorge Vega Vilanova, Tania Avgustinova, Diana Klüh (2024). Language contact effects on the word order of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish speakers, Workshop on Judeo-Spanish, 12 and 13 July 2024, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
- Jonas Grünke, Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva, Mitko Sabev (2024). The impact of language contact: stress placement in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish, Workshop on Judeo-Spanish, 12 and 13 July 2024, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.
- Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke, Mitko Sabev (2024). How does unstressed vowel reduction interact with information structure? Insights from Bulgarian and Judeo-Spanish. P&P20. 20. Jahrestreffen für Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. Halle, 2 October 2024.
- Susann Fischer (2024). Narrow syntax phenomena in Judeo-Spanish. Invited Talk. Workshop on Dynamics of Linguistic Contact, Universidade de São Paulo. 30 October, 2024.
- Susann Fischer (2024). (Contact-induced) language change and the case of clitic doubling across Spanish varieties. Keynote Speaker. Conference: Morphology Seminar -Seminário de morfologia, Science Center, Federal University Juiz da Fora. 4 November, 2024.
- Jonas Grünke, Christoph Gabriel, Bistra Andreeva, Mitko Sabev (2024). What can stress placement tell us about (in)stability in language contact? The case of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Going Romance 2024. Braga (Portugal), 4–6 December 2025.
- Bistra Andreeva, Christoph Gabriel, Jonas Grünke & Mitko Sabev (2025). Approaching the impact of information structure on unstressed vowel reduction: insights from Bulgarian and Judeo-Spanish. The 22nd Old-World Conference in Phonology (OCP22), 5–7 February 2025, Amsterdam.