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D.Klüh, T.Avgustinova (accepted) Initial observations on language-contact-induced grammatical features in Ladino speakers’ Bulgarian. To appear in "Съпоставително езикознание/ Contrastive Linguistics", Sofia University St.Kliment Ohridski.

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2023) Web-based experiments in mediated receptive multilingualism. Papers of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”. Volume XXXVI, pages 7-28.

I.Zaitova, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2023) Microsyntactic unit detection using word embedding models: Experiments on Slavic languages. In: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Methods and Applications. RANLP, pages 1251–1259

J.Kudera, I.Stenger, P.Georgis, B.Möbius, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow (2023) Cross-linguistic intelligibility of idiomatic phrases in Polish-Russian translation tasks. In: Phraseology, constructions and translation: Corpus-based, computational and cultural aspects, Presses universitaires de Louvain, pages 237-249.


B.Andreeva, T.Avgustinova, C.Gabriel, S.Fischer (2022). Judenspanisch in Bulgarien: eine Kontaktsprache zwischen Archaismus und Innovation, Linguistique balkanique, LXI (2022), 1, 3-13. ISSN 0324-1653

I.Stenger, J.Kudera, Y.Chen, T.Avgustinova (2022) Multimediale Interkomprehensionsexperimente. 14. Deutscher Slavistiktag, Bochum, p.125.

J.Kudera, I.Stenger, B.Möbius, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow (2022) Phonetic cues in auditory identification of Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian language of origin.  In: Language and Speech.

I.Stenger, P.Georgis, T.Avgustinova, B.Möbius, D.Klakow (2022) Modeling the Impact of Syntactic Distance and Surprisal on Cross-Slavic Text Comprehension. Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, European Language Resources Association, Marseille, France, pages. 7368-7376

J.Kudera, P.Georgis, H.Tusfiqur, B.Möbius, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow (2022) Comprehension of closely related languages: A visual world eye tracking study. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2022, Tagungsband der 33. Konferenz (Sønderborg), pages 212-219.


K.Jágrová, M.Hedderich, M.Mosbach, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow (2021) On the Correlation of Context-Aware Language Models With the Intelligibility of Polish Target Words to Czech Readers.  Frontiers in Psychology 12,1664-1078.

M.Mosbach, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, B.Möbius, D.Klakow (2021) 2.0 - Calculating Linguistic Distances and Asymmetries in Auditory Perception of Closely Related Languages . Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), INCOMA Ltd., pp. 968--977.

B.Abdullah, Iu.Zaitova, T.Avgustinova, B.Möbius, D.Klakow (2021) How Familiar Does That Sound? Cross-Lingual Representational Similarity Analysis of Acoustic Word Embeddings. Proceedings of the Fourth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics, 407-419.

J.Kudera, P.Georgis, B.Möbius, T.Avgustinova,, D.Klakow (2021) Phonetic Distance and Surprisal in Multilingual Priming: Evidence from Slavic. Proceedings  of Interspeech, 3944--3948.

J.Kudera, L.Tavi, B.Möbius, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow (2021) The effect of surprisal on articulatory gestures in Polish consonant-to-vowel transitions: A pilot EMA study. ITG-Fachbericht 298: Speech Communication (Kiel, Germany; online), 179-183.

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2021) On Slavic cognate recognition in context. In: V.P. Selegej, Vladimir et al. (Eds) Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Papers from the Annual International Conference ‘Dialogue’, pp. 660-668, Moscow, Russia, 2021.

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2021) Multilingual learnability and reaction time in online Slavic intercomprehension experiments. In: S.Koeva, M.Stamenov (Eds) Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, 2, Marin Drinov Academic Publishers, pp. 191-200, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2021.


T.Avgustinova (2020) Surprisal in Intercomprehension. In: M.Slavcheva et al. (Eds) Knowledge, Language, Models. INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954-452-062-5, pages 6-19.

B.Abdullah, T.Avgustinova, B.Möbius., D.Klakow (2020) Cross-domain adaptation of spoken language identification for related languages: The curious case of Slavic languages. arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.00545.

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2020) How intelligible is spoken Bulgarian for Russian native speakers in an intercomprehension scenario? In: V.Micheva et al. (Eds) Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia 2020), Volume II: pages 142-151

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2020) Visual vs. auditory perception of Bulgarian stimuli by Russian native speakers. In: V.P. Selegej et al. (Eds.), Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Papers from the Annual International Conference Dialogue-2020. Issue 19, pages 684–695

I.Stenger, K.Jágrová, T.Avgustinova (2020) The INCOMSLAV Platform: Experimental Website with Integrated Methods for Measuring Linguistic Distances and Asymmetries in Receptive Multilingualism. In J.Fiumara et al. (
Eds), LREC 2020 Workshop: Citizen Linguistics in Language Resource Development (CLLRD 2020), pages 40–48

I.Stenger, K.Jágrová, A.Fischer, T.Avgustinova (2020): “Reading Polish with Czech Eyes” or “How Russian Can a Bulgarian Text Be?”: Orthographic Differences as an Experimental Variable in Slavic Intercomprehension. In T.Radeva-Bork, P.Kosta (Eds) Current developments in Slavic Linguistics. Twenty years after (based on selected papers from FDSL 11). Peter Lang, 483-500 (preprint, link to publication)


T.Avgustinova (2019) Gegenseitige Verstehbarkeit und Surprisal in Slavischer Interkomprehension: empirische Basis und linguistische Modellierung. Invited lecture at University of Hamburg

K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova (2019) Slavic Intercomprehension Matrix. 13.Deutscher Slavistentag, Internationaler Kongress der deutschsprachigen Slavistik. Sektion: Didaktik der slavischen Sprachen und Kulturen

T.Avgustinova, L.Iomdin (2019) Towards a Typology of Microsyntactic Constructions. In: G.Corpas-Pastor, R.Mitkov (Eds) Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. Springer, Cham:15-30

M.Mosbach, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow. (2019): - A Toolbox for Calculating Linguistic Distances and Asymmetries between Related Languages. In: G.Angelova et al. (Eds), Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, pages 811-819

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, K.Belousov, D.Baranov, E..Erofeeva (2019) Interaction of linguistic and socio-cognitive factors in receptive multilingualism [Vzaimodejstvie lingvističeskich i sociokognitivnych parametrov pri receptivnom mul’tilingvisme], 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies Dialogue-2019, Moscow, Russia:

K.Jágrová, T.Avgustinova (2019) Itelligibility of highly predictable Polish target words in sentences presented to Czech readers. CICLing 2019. Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (preprint, appendix)

T.Avgustinova (2019). Klitische Dopplung im Bulgarischen / Cliric doubling in Bulgarian. Invited lecture at University of Hamburg


K.Jágrová, I.Stenger. T.Avgustinova (2018) Polski nadal nieskomplikowany? Interkomprehensionsexperimente mit Nominalphrasen. Polnisch in Deutschland. Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte, 5/2017, pages 20–37

K.Jágrová, T.Avgustinova, I.Stenger, A.Fischer. (2018) Language Models, Surprisal and Fantasy in Slavic Intercomprehension. In R. K. Moore et al. (Eds), Computer Speech and Language. Elsevier


K.Jágrová, I,Stenger, T.Avgustinova, R.Marti (2017) POLSKI TO JĘZYK NIESKOMPLIKOWANY? Theoretische und praktische Interkomprehension der 100 häufigsten polnische Substantive. Polnisch in Deutschland. Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte. Vol. 4/2016, pages 5-19

K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, R.Marti, T.Avgustinova (2017) Lexical and orthographic distances between Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian: A comparative analysis of the most frequent nouns. In J.Emonds, M.Janebová (Eds), Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2016. Olomouc: Palacký University, pages 401–416

I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, R.Marti (2017) Levenshtein distance and word adaptation surprisal as methods of measuring mutual intelligibility in reading comprehension of Slavic languages. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: International Conference ‘Dialogue 2017’. Issue 16(23), vol. 1, pages 304–317.

I.Stenger, K.Jágrová, A.Fischer, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti (2017) Modeling the impact of orthographic coding on Czech–Polish and Bulgarian–Russian reading intercomprehension. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 40(2), pages 175–199.


A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti. (2016). Orthographic and Morphological Correspondences between Related Slavic Languages as a Base for Modeling of Mutual Intelligibility. In: N.Calzolari et al. (Eds) Language Resources and Evaluation Conference LREC 2016, pp. 4202-4209, included linguistic resources, Portorož, Slovenia

T.Avgustinova (2016) Slavic Diachronic Corpora: Challenges and Perspectives, Workshop on Historical Corpus Linguistics: Methods and Applications. SFB 1102, Saarbrücken (slides).

T.Avgustinova (2016) Verblose Sätze im Russischen: Typologie, Empirie, Grammatiktheorie. Universität Leipzig (slides).

T.Avgustinova, I.Stenger, K.Jágrová, R.Marti (2016). Formal Aspects of Mutual Intelligibility between Slavic Languages: Output Analysis of Czech-to-Polish and Bulgarian-to-Russian Orthography Transformation Experiments. Филологическият проект - кризи и перспективи. Сборник доклади от международна научна конференция, 24-26 април 2015. Й.Тишева et al. (Eds) В.Търново: Фабер, Изд. на СУ "Св. Климент Охридски". Фак. по слав. филологии. (preprint, presentation)


A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti. (2015). An Orthography Transformation Experiment with Czech-Polish and Bulgarian-Russian Parallel Word Sets. In: B.Sharp et al. (Eds) Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science 2015 Proceedings. Ca Foscarina Editrice, Venezia.

A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti (2015) Orthography in Language Modelling of Mutual Intelligibility. REMU International Conference on Receptive Multilingualism, University of Eastern Finland. (poster)

T.Avgustinova, A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, D.Klakow, R.Marti, I.Stenger (2015) The Empirical Basis of Slavic Intercomprehension. REMU International Conference on Receptive Multilingualism, University of Eastern Finland. (slides)

A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti (2015) Models for Mutual Intelligibility. Workshop on Data Mining  and its Use and Usability for Linguistic Analysis. Saarbrücken (slides)

A.Fischer, K.Jágrová, I.Stenger, T.Avgustinova, D.Klakow, R.Marti (2015) C4: Mutual Intelligibiliy and Surprisal in Slavic Interconprehension. Inaugural Colloquium SFB 1102. Saarbrücken (poster)


D.Klakow, T.Avgustinova, I.Stenger, A.Fischer, K.Jágrová (2014) The INCOMSLAV Project. Seminar in formal linguistics at ÚFAL, Charles University Prague, 2014

T.Avgustinova (2014) Besonderheiten der linken Peripherie deutscher Sätze anhand korpusbasierter Studien zur Vorfeldbesetzubng. In E.Dentschewa et al. (Eds) Traditionen, Herausgorderungen und Perspektiven in der germanistischen Lehre und Forschung. 90 Jahre Germanistik an der St.-Kliment-Ochpages ridski-Universität, Sofia, pages 448-460


A.Fokkens, T.Avgustinova (2013) SlaviCLIMB: Combining expertise for Slavic grammar development using a metagrammar. In D.Duchier, Y.Parmentier (Eds) High-level Methodologies for Grammar Engineering. ESSLLI: Düsseldorf, pages 87-92


A.Fokkens, T.Avgustinova, Y.Zhang (2012) CLIMB gram­mars: three pro­jects using meta­gram­mar en­gi­neer­ing. In N. Cal­zo­lari et al. (Eds), Pro­ceed­ings of the Eighth In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Lan­guage Re­sources and Eval­u­a­tion (LREC'12). Instan­bul, Turkey: Eu­ro­pean Lan­guage Re­sources As­so­ci­a­tion (ELRA).


T.Avgustinova (2011) Comprehensive Minimal Dependency Approach to Lean Annotation of Morphosyntactic Phenomena. Ju. Stoyanova, H. Kuyukchiev (Eds) Psychology and Linguistics. Papers in Honor of Prof. Encho Gerganov.  Sofia: Prosveta, pages  221-239

T.Avgustinova (2011) Parallel construction of Slavic grammatical resources. A.E.Kibrik et al. (Eds) Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: DIALOG 2011, Vol.10:17.  Russian State Humanitarian University, Moscow,  pages 42-52


T.Avgustinova, Y.Zhang (2010) Conversion of a Russian dependency treebank into HPSG derivations. 9th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT'9). M. Dickinson et al. (Eds) NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 9, pages 7-18


T.Avgustinova, Y.Zhang (2009) Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the Development of a Russian Resource Grammar. Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains at the RANLP 2009 Conference,  Borovets, Bulgaria (paper)

T.Avgustinova, Y.Zhang (2009) Parallel Grammar Engineering for Slavic Languages. demo & presentation, Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks at the ACL/IJCNLP 2009 Conference, Singapore

T.Avgustinova,Y.Zhang (2009) Developing a Russian HPSG based on the Russian National Corpus. DELPH-IN Summit 2009, Barcelona


T.Avgustinova (2008) Review of: Klaus Welke (2007) Einführung in die Satzanalyse (Constituent Analysis in German) In: LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1002. Tue Mar 25 2008. ISSN: 1068-4875


E.Paskaleva, T.Avgustinova (2007) On the typology of Russian-Bulgarian cognates as statistically extracted from aligned parallel corpora. 7th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL-7). Leipzig.

T.Avgustinova (2007) Linguistically Informed Fine Tuning (LIFT) Across Slavic Languages. A Common NLP Paradigm for Balkan Languages - International Workshop, RANLP-2007. Borovets, Bulgaria

T.Avgustinova (2007) Generalized Dependency Theory. 19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop: Data interpretation in linguisitc analysis. Saarbrücken (handout)

T.Avgustinova (2007) Language Family Oriented Perspective in Multilingual Grammar Design. Linguistik International: Band 17. Peter Lang - Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft.  Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. ISBN 978-3-631-55362-6 / US-ISBN 978-0-8204-9925-3


T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2006) Shared and Non-Shared Grammar in Modelling Slavic Morphosyntax. Readings in Multilinguality. Selected papers for young researchers in BIS-21++. G.Angelova et al. (Eds). Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia (Published by Incoma Ltd., Shoumen, Bulgaria) pages 9-16

T.Avgustinova (2006) Grammatical Relatedness of Slavic Languages Taken Seriously. 5th Conference on Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages FASSBL-5 (Dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of Prof. Jordan Penchev). S.Koeva, M.Dimitrova-Vulchanova (Eds), Sofia. Pages 19-22

T.Avgustinova (2006)  A Functional Typology of Copular "be": Towards an HPSG Formalisation. 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. S.Müller (Ed), CSLI Publications, pages 27-38, on-line CSLI publication)


T.Avgustinova (2004) Shared Grammar: A Language-family-oriented Perspective in Grammar Design. Philosophische Fakultät II - Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Antrittsvorlesung (20 December 2004) / Inauguration Lecture, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova (2003)  Reconsidering agreement. Philosophische Fakultät II - Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Habilitationskolloquium. Universität des Saarlandes, 8 July 2003 (slides)

T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2003)  Reconsidering the relations in constructions with non-verbal predicates. Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics. Contributions of the Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL IV). P.Kosta et al. (Eds), Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. (Linguistik International 10). Part II, pages 483-498.

T.Avgustinova (2003) Russian infinitival existential constructions from an HPSG perspective. Investigations into Formal Slavic Linguistics. Contributions of the Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL IV). P.Kosta et al. (Eds), Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft: Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. (Linguistik International 10). Part II, pages 461-482. 

T.Avgustinova (2003)  Metagrammar of systematic relations: a study with special reference to Slavic morphosyntax. Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information. U.Junghanns, L.Szucsich (Eds), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2003. (Interface Explorations 7) ISBN 3-11-017824-9, pages 1-24.

T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2003) Towards a typology of agreement phenomena. The Role of Agreement in Natural Language. W. E. Griffin (Ed), Texas Linguistics Forum 53. Austin, TX 2003, pages 167-180. (on-line; alternative URL)


T.Avgustinova (2002) Shared grammatical resources for Slavic languages. Selected topics in multilingual grammar design. Habilitationsschrift. Universität des Saarlandes.

T.Avgustinova (2002) Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents. Current Approaches to Formal Slavic Linguistics. P.Kosta, J.Frasek (Eds), Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. (Linguistik International. Band 9) ISSN 1436-6150, ISBN 3-631-50311-3.

T.Avgustinova (2002) Review of: Goldsmith, John A., ed. (1999) Phonological Theory: The Essential Readings. Blackwell Publishers, viii+438pp, paperback ISBN 0-631-20470-9. In: LINGUIST List 13.621. Thu, Mar 7 2002.


T.Avgustinova (2001) Distinguishing argument structure, syntactic dependents and valence in HPSG: relevance for Slavic. Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. G.Zybatow et al. (Eds), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. Linguistik Interantional: Volume 5, pages 554-567

B.Andreeva, T.Avgustinova, W.Barry (2001)  Link-associated and focus-associated accent patterns in Bulgarian. Current Issues in Formal Slavic Linguistics. G.Zybatow et al. (Eds), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. Linguistik Interantional: Volume 5, pages 353-364

T.Avgustinova (2001) Arguments, grammatical relations, and diathetic paradigm. 7th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. D.Flichinger, A.Kathol (Eds), CSLI Publications, pages 23-42 (on-line CSLI publication)

T.Avgustinova (2001) Russian infinitival existential constructions from an HPSG perspective. Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), Potsdam (paper)

T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2001) Reconsidering the relations in constructions with non-verbal predicates. Fourth European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL4), Potsdam (paper)

T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2001) Towards a typology of agreement phenomena. Texas Linguistic Society Conference "The role of agreement in natural languages", March 2-4, University of Texas, Austin (slides, paper)

T.Avgustinova (2001) Review of: Stump, Gregory T. (2001) Inflectional Morphology: A Theory of Paradigm Structure (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 93). Cambridge University Press, hardback ISBN: 0-19-512600-9, xvi+308pages. In: LINGUIST List 12.1861. Thu, 19 Jul 2001.

T.Avgustinova (2001) Review of: Corbett, Greville G. (2000) Number. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics, xx+358 pages. In: LINGUIST List 12.1357. Thu May 17 2001.

T.Avgustinova (2001) Review of: Levine, Robert D., and Georgia M. Green, Eds. (1999) Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar, Cambridge University Press, 335 pages. In: LINGUIST List: Vol-12-492. Thu Feb 22 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875

T.Avgustinova (2001) Shared grammatical resources for Slavic languages. Selected topics in multilingual grammar design. DFG-Absclußbericht, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova, H.Uszkoreit (2000) An ontology of systematic relations for a shared grammar of Slavic. 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING'2000, Saarbrücken, Vol.1, pages 28-34 (regular paper)

T.Avgustinova (2000) Gaining a perspective of language-family-oriented grammar design: predicative special clitics in Slavic. Workshop on Generative Linguistics in Poland GLiP-1, Warszawa, Poland, 13-14 November 1999. P.Bański, A.Przepórkowski (Eds) IPI PAN, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, pages 5-14

T.Avgustinova (2000) Arguments, grammatical relations, and diathetic paradigm. Berkely Formal Grammar Conference: LFG'2000 and HPSG'2000, University of California, Berkeley, pages 85-89 (abstract, handout)

T.Avgustinova (2000) Review of: Bruce Tesar and Paul Smolensky. Learnability in Optimality Theory. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2000. In: LINGUIST List: Vol-11-2024. Sat Sep 23 2000. ISSN: 1068-4875


T.Avgustinova, B.Andreeva (1999) Thematic Intonation Patterns in Bulgarian Clitic Replication. XIVth International Congress of Phonetic Studies (ICPhS'99), San Francisco, pages 1501-1504

T.Avgustinova (1999) Prosodic Constraints in Morphosyntactic Domains. Beiträge der Europäischen Slavistischen Linguistik (POLYSLAV-2). K.Böttger, M.Giger, B.Wiemar (Eds), Die Welt der Slaven, Band 4, Verlag Otto Sagner, München, pages 10-15

T.Avgustinova, W.Skut, H.Uszkoreit (1999) Typological Similarities in HPSG: A Case Study on Slavic Verb Diathesis. Slavic in HPSG. CSLI Publications. R.D.Borsley, A.Przepiórkowski (Eds), pages 1-28

T.Avgustinova (1999) Distinguishing argument structure, syntactic dependents and valence in HPSG. Third European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL3), Leipzig (abstract)

T.Avgustinova, B.Andreeva (1999) Link-associated and focus associated accent patterns in Bulgarian. Third European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL3), Leipzig (abstract)

T.Avgustinova, C.Gardent, K.Oliva (1999) Binding of reciprocals with particular respect to Czech. CLAUS Nr.109, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova (1999) Shared grammatical resources for Slavic languages (selected topics in multilingual grammar design). Arbeitsbericht und Forscungsschwerpunkte, December 1999, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova (1999) Gaining the perspective of language-family oriented grammar design. Selected Topics in Multilingual Grammar Design (Based on Data from Slavic Language Family). DFG-Zwischenbericht Mai 1998 - April 1999, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova (1998) On Word Order Types in Bulgarian. Beiträge der Europäischen Slavistischen Linguistik (POLYSLAV-1). M.Giger, B.Wiemar (Eds), Die Welt der Slaven, Band 2, Verlag Otto Sagner, München, pages 19-25

T.Avgustinova (1998) Determinedness and Replication Potential of Nominal Material in Bulgarian. Balkanistica. D.L.Dyer (Ed), Volume 11, pages 1-17 (scan)

T.Avgustinova, B.Andreeva (1998) Intonational Properties of Bulgarian Replicated Nominal Material (A Study Based on Map Task Dialogues). First Conference on Linguistic Theory in Eastern European Languages (CLITE-1), Szeged, Hungary

T.Avgustinova (1998) Review of: Walter A. Cook. S.J. (1998) "Case Grammar Applied" A Publication of The Summer Institute of Linguistics and The University of Texas at Arlington. 1998. In: LINGUIST List: Vol-9-1813. Sun Dec 20 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875


T.Avgustinova (1997) Word Order and Clitics in Bulgarian. Saarbrücken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, Volume 5 (summary in English and German; electronic version in PDF)

T.Avgustinova (1997)  An HPSG Approach to the Syntax of Bulgarian Relatives. Formale Slavistik. U.Junghanns, G.Zybatow (Eds), Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag, 177-191

T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1997) On the Nature of the Wackernagel Position in Czech. Formale Slavistik. U.Junghanns, G.Zybatow (Eds), Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag, pages 25-47

T.Avgustinova, W.Skut (1997) Encoding Common Slavic Linguistic Knowledge in HPSG.  Second European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL2), Potsdam

T.Avgustinova (1997) Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents. Second European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL2), Potsdam (paper)

T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1997)  The Proper Treatment of Binding in HPSG (in general) and in Czech (in particular). 30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, Poznan

T.Avgustinova, W.Skut (1997) Panslavism Revisited. 30th Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Workshop on Slavic Languages in HPSG, Poznan

T.Avgustinova (1997) Determinedness Constraints on Clitic Replication. CLAUS Nr.87, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1996)  The Communicative Nature of the Wackernagel Position. Prague School Linguistics Conference, Prague

T.Avgustinova (1996) Between Lexicon and Syntax Proper. CLAUS Nr.80, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova (1996) Relative Clause Constructions in Bulgarian HPSG. CLAUS Nr.71, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1996) Unbounded Dependencies in HPSG Without Traces Or Lexical Rules. CLAUS Nr.70, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova (1996)  An HPSG-style Grammar of Bulgarian (for the Purposes of a Grammar-Checker Implementation). LATESLAV, Final Deliverable Report, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1995) Wackernagel Position and Related Phenomena in Czech. Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Band 41. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pages 21-42 (scan)

T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1995)  The Position of Sentential Clitics in the Czech Clause. CLAUS Nr.68, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova (1994) On Bulgarian Verbal Clitics. Journal of Slavic Linguistics. 2:1, pages 29-47

T.Avgustinova (1994) Morphosyntactic Phrase - Evidence from Bulgarian. LATESLAV, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova (1993) On Bulgarian Verb Clitics. CLAUS Nr.33, Universität des Saarlandes

T.Avgustinova (1993)  Review of: P.Sells, S.M.Shieber, T.Wasow (Eds). Foundational Issues in Natural Language Processing. System Development Foundation Benchmark Series. A Bradford Book, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts / London, England. 1991. In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematixal Linguistics. Volume 59-60, Univerzita Karlova Praha


T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1991) The Structure of Bulgarian Verb Complex. CLAUS Nr.4, Universität des Saarlandes


T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1990) Syntactic Description of Free Word Order Languages. 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING'90 Volume 3, Helsinki, pages 311-313


T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva, E.Paskaleva (1989) An HPSG-based parser for Bulgarian.  International Seminar on Machine Translation "Computer and Translation", Tbilissi, Publ.House of All-Union Translation Centre, Moscow, pages 10-12

T.Avgustinova, K.Oliva (1989) Word order in Bulgarian verb complex. 12th Biannual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europea, Varna

T.Avgustinova, E.Paskaleva (1989) Computational modelling of inflectional morphology (based on Bulgarian and Russian data). 4th Scando-Bulgarian Symposium, Helsinki


T.Avgustinova (1987) Study of the Semantico-Syntactic Structure of the Adjective Phrase in Bulgarian (for the Purposes of the Automatic Syntactic Parsing). Diploma Thesis, St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (in Bulgarian)


T.Avgustinova (1983) Noun Phrases with Adverbial Temporal Meaning in Polish and Bulgarian. Course Thesis, Faculty of Slavonic Philologies, St. Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia (in Bulgarian)

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