Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes
Vera Demberg - Thesis Topics

Topics for BSc / MSc Theses or Hiwi Jobs

here's a list of suggested topics suitable for Master's thesis, Bachelor's thesis or Hiwi jobs - we can scale most of these topics according to your requirements. Students, please get in touch if you're interested of these topics!

I propose a range of experimental topics in the area of psycholinguistics, as well as computational linguistics topics, mainly related to the extension of the incremental PLTAG parser I have been developing. These non-experimental projects require good programming skills.

Psycholinguistic Experimental Topics

Experiments on the degree of incrementality in human sentence processing

NLP Topics

Data annotation through crowd-sourcing (MSc)

Pattern recognition in linguistic data (BSc)

Automatic conversion of the French treebank into PLTAG (Tree-Adjoining Grammar) Format

Strong Collocations as multi-anchored trees in TAG

Automatically Calculating Dependency Structures for an incremental Tree-Adjoining Grammar Parser