11:10 | Katrin Erk and Sebastian Pado | Shallow semantic parsing: Making most of limited training data
| Hinrich Schuetze
12:00 | Guillaume Pitel | Using bilingual LSA for FrameNet annotation of French
text from generic resources
| Gerd Fliedner
12:50 | Lunch break
14:30 | Emanuele Pianta | Exploiting Parallel Texts to Leverage the Manual
Annotation Bottleneck: The MultiSemCor case
| Ulrich Heid
15:20 | Lea Cyrus | Modelling interlingual relationships on the basis of
predicate-argument structures
| Hans Boas
16:10 | Coffee break
16:30 | Aljoscha Burchardt and Anette Frank | Approximating Textual Entailment with LFG and FrameNet frames
| Hans Kamp and Michael Schiehlen
| 17:20 | Short break
| 17:30 | Srini Narayanan | Using semantic annotation for NLP: Prospects and Issues | Martin Kay
| 18:20 | Closing remarks
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