Annual Research Meeting
The 9th annual research meeting will be held in Kloster Irsee, Germany from June 10 to June 19, 2009.
The 8th annual research meeting was held from September 7 to 15, 2008 in Edinburgh.
The 7th annual research meeting (the first combined IRTG/PIRE meeting) was held in 2007 from June 5 to June 15 at Hotel Weis (near Trier) and Schloß Dagstuhl, Saarland. Here is the customary group picture:
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The 6th annual research meeting was held in 2006 from September 6 to September 15 in Edinburgh and Firbush. Here is a picture taken during the meeting:
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The 5th annual research meeting was held in 2005 from July 6 to July 15, once again at the Mosel near Trier and at Schloss Dagstuhl.
The 4th annual research meeting was held in 2004 from September 6 to September 17 in Edinburgh and Firbush.
The 3rd annual research meeting was from September 8 to September 19 2003 at the Mosel near Trier and at Schloss Dagstuhl.
The 2nd annual research meeting was organized in Edinburgh. The web page has gone, but here is a picture: | ![]() |
The 1st annual research meeting took place from September 9th 2001 to September 19th 2001 in Bosen and Saarbrücken.
Here is a picture from a short excursion to the French border during the first meeting in September 2001:
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