Third Annual Research Meeting
September 8 - September 19 2003
Rough Schedule
8-14 September | Hotel Weiss (near Trier/Mosel) |
Student presentations | |
Invited talks related to planned project areas | |
Initial project planning/discussion | |
14-19 September | Dagstuhl |
Joint project work | |
Project supervision/discussion meetings (in groups) | |
Reporting of results |
More Detailed Schedule (preliminary)
For this year's research meeting we want to form small groups that will work on projects. At the moment, we are trying to come up with suitable projects and to form the groups.
The projects should in some way be related to a computer game based in natural language.
Project Proposals
- Project 1: Clarification in task-oriented dialogues
- Project 2: Stochastic realization with tree-adjoining grammars
- Project 3: Realization with XDG
- Project 4: Improving Speech Synthesis - from Analysis to Implementation
- Project 5: Planning and Verbalizing Plans
- Project 6: Bootstrapping Resources
- Project 7: Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition