EGK Colloquium
Staff and Guests
Hotel and Bostalsee Information
Papers and Data
9th (Sun) |
10th (Mon) |
11th (Tue) |
12th (Wed) |
13th (Thu) |
14th (Fri) |
15th (Sat) |
16th (Sun) |
17th (Mon) |
18th (Tue) |
19th (Wed) |
Mark Steedman |
Dan Jurafsky |
Paola Merlo |
Miles Osborne |
Rens Bod |
Bill Barry |
Manfred Pinkal |
Hans Uszkoreit |
Martine Grice |
Day |
Session 1 9:15-11:00 |
Session 2 11:30-13:00 |
Session 3 15:00-17:00 |
Evening Session |
9th (Sun) |
Arrive at Hotel in the afternoon |
10th (Mon) |
Student Thesis Proposal B. Braun, Nikiforos Karamanis |
Bill Barry, Martine Grice RC: Introduction to Intonation |
Student Seminar Presentations:
Dominik Heckmann, Ruli Manurung |
11th (Tue) |
Student Thesis Proposal D. Heckmann, P. Dienes |
Mark Steedman Intonation, Grammar, and Spoken Language Processing |
Student Seminar Presentations: Nikiforos Karamanis Bettina Braun |
Mark Steedman Formal Grammars for Computational Musical Analysis |
12th (Wed) |
Student Thesis Proposal A. Koller, K. Striegnitz |
Paola Merlo RC: Introduction to Empirical NLP |
Student Seminar Presentations:
A. Koller, M. Gabsdil |
13th (Thu) |
Student Thesis Proposal: M. Gabsdil Student Seminar Presentation: Ruli Manurung |
Paola Merlo Automatic Acquisition of Verb Information |
Miles Osborne Ensemble Learning; Student Seminar Presentation: J. Hockenmaier |
14th (Fri) |
Student Thesis Proposal J. Hockenmaier, C. Sporleder |
Dan Jurafsky Prosodic Features in Speech Act Recognition |
Student Thesis Proposal, A. Dubey; Student Seminar
Presentation, Pia Knöferle |
Panel Discussion |
15th (Sat) |
Leaving hotel, Move to Saarbrücken |
16th (Sun) |
"Social Event": trips to Trier
and Völklinger
Hütte |
17th (Mon) |
Student Thesis Proposal, P. Knöferle |
Rens Bod Memory of Language: Modeling the Storage and Computation of (In)frequent Sentences |
Student Seminar Presentation, Amit Dubey, Peter
Dienes |
Hans Uszkoreit |
18th (Tue) |
Student Thesis Proposal J. Horlock, |
Dan Jurafsky Probabilistic Psycholinguistics |
Student Seminar Presentation, Caroline Sporleder |
Rens Bod Computational Linguistics of Musical Sequences |
19th (Wed) |
Closing Session |
Staff and Guests
Name |
Affiliation |
Department |
Bill Barry |
Universität Saarbrücken |
Phonetics |
Rens Bod |
Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Matt Crocker |
Universität Saarbrücken |
Psycholinguistik |
Martine Grice |
Universität Saarbrücken |
Phonetics |
Dan Jurafsky |
University of Colorado |
Linguistics, Computer Science |
Paola Merlo |
Université de Genève |
Linguistics Department |
Miles Osborne |
University of Edinburgh |
School of Informatics |
Manfred Pinkal |
Universität Saarbrücken |
Computational Linguistics |
Mark Steedman |
University of Edinburgh |
School of Informatics |
Hans Uszkoreit |
Universität Saarbrücken |
Computational Linguistics |
Name |
Thesis Proposal |
Seminar-Talk paper |
Bettina Braun Universität Saarbrücken Phonetics |
Error Resolution in Computer-directed speech |
Pierrehumbert, J. and J. Hirschberg. 1990. The
Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse.
In: Cohen, P.R., J. Morgan and M.E.Pollack: Intentions in Communication.
pp. 271-309 Hobbs, J.R. 1990. The Pierrehumbert-Hirschberg Theory of Intonational Meaning Made Simple: Comments on Pierrehumbert and Hirschberg. In: Cohen, P.R., J. Morgan and M.E.Pollack: Intentions in Communication. pp. 313-323 |
Peter Dienes Universität Saarbrücken Computational Linguistics |
Saffran, Jenny. R. 2001. Words in a sea of sounds: the output of infant statistical learning. Cognition 81:149-169. | |
Amit Dubey Universität Saarbrücken Psycholinguistics (Corpus Linguistics) |
Yet Another Thesis Proposal on Probabilistic Parsing |
Freidman et. al.
Learning Probabilistic Relational Models. In International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, August 1999 pp
1300-1307. |
Malte Gabsdil Universität Saarbrücken Computational Linguistics |
J. Hirschberg, D. Litman, M. Swerts (2001).
Identifying User Corrections Automaticaly in Spoken Dialogue Systems
. In Proceedings of NAACL01, Pittsburg. |
Dominik Heckmann Universität Saarbrücken |
Unbiquitous User Modeling for Situated Interaction |
Recognizing Time Pressure and Cognitive Load on the
Basis of Speech: an Experimental Study |
James Horlock University of Edinburgh School of Informatics |
David Palmer, Mari Ostendorf, John Burger (to appear). Robust Information Extraction from Automatically Generated Transcripts . Speech Communication. | |
Julia Hockenmaier University of Edinburgh School of Informatics |
Statistical Parsing with CCG |
Scaling to Very Very Large Corpora for Natural Language
Disambiguation |
Nikiforos Karamanis University of Edinburgh School of Informatics |
Coherent Language Generation |
Keller, Frank; Alexopoulou, Theodora (2001)
Phonology competes with syntax: experimental evidence for the interaction
of word order and accent placement in the realization of Information
Structure, Cognition, pp. 301-372. |
Tiina Karsikas Universität Saarbrücken Phonetics |
Pia Knöferle Universität Saarbrücken Psycholinguistics |
Frequency, Plausibility, and Context in Processing |
Saffran, Jenny R. (2001).
The Use of Predictive Dependencies in Language Learning
. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 493-515. |
Alexander Koller Universität Saarbrücken Computational Linguistics |
Underspecification and how to get rid of it |
Michael Brent (1993). From grammar to lexicon:
Unsupervised learning of lexical syntax. Computational Linguistics, 19(2):243-262. |
Ruli Manurung University of Edinburgh School of Informatics |
Evolutionary Programming-based Natural Language
Generation of Rhyme-and-Metre Poetry |
Oberlander, J. and Brew, C. [2000] Stochastic text generation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 358, 1373--1385. |
Caroline Sporleder University of Edinburgh School of Informatics |
Learning Lexical Inheritance Hierarchies
Stephen Clark and David Weir (2000). "A Class-Based
Probabilistic Approach to Structural Disambiguation", in COLING
2000, Saarbrücken. |
Kristina Striegnitz Universität Saarbrücken Computational Linguistics |
Hotel and Bostalsee Info
Information about the Bostalsee (in German):
How to get there
- By car:
- A1 Saarbrücken - Trier - Koblenz: "Nonnweiler/Primstal" exit to B269 heading towards Bostalsee-Bosen. A62 Kaiserslautern - Trier: "Türkismühle/Bostalsee" exit heading for Bostalsee.
- By rail:
- Take the train to Türkismühle and then the bus to Weingärtner, Nohfelden Bosen. You can check out the connections to the hotel here. (As destination use Weingaertner, Nohfelden Bosen). Staff from the hotel can also pick up guests at Türkismühle station. Please call the hotel (+49 6852 8890) and state your arrival time.
Excursion on Saturday
... information can be found here .Papers and Data
Reading Circle
- Grice, M., Ladd, R.D. and A.Arvaniti (2000). On the place
of phrase accents in intonational phonology. Phonology 17:143-185.
(In the library, folder EGK)
Sound files from Martine's paper
- Eric Brill and Raymond Mooney (1997). An Overview of Empirical Language Processing. AI Magazine.
Suggestions for Seminar Talk Papers
Paola Merlo
- Eugene Charniak (1997). Statistical Techniques for Natural Language Parsing. AI Magazine. (Conceptual Overview of statistical parsing; parsing as learning).
- Michael Brent (1993). From grammar to lexicon: Unsupervised learning of lexical syntax. Computational Linguistics, 19(2):243--262. (Important paper on induction of subcategorization frames).
- Donald Hindle and Mats Rooth (1993). Structural ambiguity and lexical relations. Computational Linguistics, 19(1):103--120.
- Maria Lapata and Chris Brew (1999). Using subcategorization to resolve verb class ambiguity. Proceedings of Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora, pp. 266--274, College Park, MD. (Complementary reading to Merlo's talk on acquisition).
Martine Grice
- Beckman, M. E. (1996). Parsing of prosody. Language and Cognitive Processes, 11, 17-68.
- Warren, P. (1999). Prosody and language processing. Hove: Psychology Press, Pp. 155-188.
- Cutler, A., Dahan, D., & van Donselaar, W. (1997) review. Language & Speech, 40, 141-201.
- Kjelgaard, M.M., & Speer, S.R. (1999). Prosodic facilitation and interference in syntactic closure ambiguity. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 153-194.
- Schafer, A.J., Speer, S.R., Warren, P., & White S.D. (2000). Intonational disambiguation and comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29, 169-182.
- Pynte, J., & Prieur, B. (1996). Prosodic breaks and attachment decisions in sentence processing. Language and Cognitive Processes, 11, 165-191.
- Carlson, C., & Fraser, L. (to appear) Prosodic boundaries in adjunct attachment. Journal of Memory and Language.
- Krahmer, E., & Swerts, M. (2001). On the alleged existence of contrastive accents. Speech Communication, 34, 391-405.
- Birch, S. & Clifton, C. (1995). Focus, accent, and argument structure: Effects on language comprehension. Language and Speeech, 33, 365-391.
- Schafer, A; Carlson, K. Clifton, C. Frazier, L. (2000). Focus and the interpretation of pitch accent: Disambiguating embedded questions. Language & Speech, 43 75-105.
- Buering, D. (2000 ms) On D-Trees, Beans, and B-Accents. [Also available as pdf file from D. Buering s web page,]
- Keller, Frank; Alexopoulou, Theodora (2001) Phonology competes with syntax: experimental evidence for the interaction of word order and accent placement in the realization of Information Structure, Cognition, pp. 301-372
- H. Rump and R. Collier 1996 Focus Conditions and the Prominence of Pitch-Accented Syllables, Language and Speech 39: 1-18.
- D. R. Ladd and Rachel Morton 1997 The Perception of Intonational Emphasis: Continuous or Categorical? Journal of Phonetics 25: 313-342.
- Amalia Arvaniti, D. R. Ladd, and Ineke Mennen 1998 Stability of Tonal Alignment: the case of Greek Prenuclear Accents. Journal of Phonetics, 26: 3-25.
- D. R. Ladd, Ineke Mennen, and Astrid Schepman 2000 Phonological conditioning of peak alignment of rising pitch accents in Dutch. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107: 2685-2696.
Miles Osborne
- John C. Henderson, Eric Brill. Bagging and Boosting a Treebank Parser. Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-2000), pages 34-41.
- John C. Henderson and Eric Brill. Exploiting Diversity in Natural Language Processing: Combining Parsers . Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-99), pages 187-194. College Park, Maryland, USA. June, 1999.
- Eric Brill and Jun Wu. 1998. Classifier combination for improved lexical disambiguation .
- Steven Abney, Robert E. Schapire, and Yoram Singer. Boosting applied to tagging and PP attachment. In Proceedings of the Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora, 1999. [paper]
David Milward (canceled)
- Allen, Byron, Dzikovska, Ferguson, Galescu, Stent. An Architecture for a Generic Dialogue Shell. [paper]
Background Reading for Invited Talks
Paola Merlo
- Paola Merlo and Suzanne Stevenson (to appear). Automatic Verb Classification based on Statistical Distributions of Argument Structure. Computational Linguistics, 27(3), 374--408.
- Beth Levin. English Verb Classes and Alternations. Chicago UP.
- Optional:
- Tom Mitchell (1997). Machine Learning. Chp. 1-3. McGraw-Hill. (Introduction to machine learning and decision tress).
- Paola Merlo and Suzanne Stevenson (2000). In Crocker, Pickering and Clifton (Eds) Lexical Syntax and Parsing Architecture. Architecture and Mechanisms in Language Processing, pp. 161--188. (Relevant psycho-linguistic background).
- Manning and Schütze (1999). Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. (Cahpter on lexical acquisition).
Miles Osborne
David Milward (canceled)
- Knight, S., Gorrell, G., Rayner, M., Milward, D., Koeling, R., Lewin, I.(2001). Comparing grammar-based and robust approaches to speech > understanding: a case study. PDF In Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology 3-7 September 2001, Aalborg, Denmark. [paper]
- Milward, D. (2000). Distributing Representation for Robust Interpretation of Dialogue Utterances. PDF In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, ACL-2000, 1-8 October 2000, Hong Kong. Pages 133-141. [paper]