LCT Courses at Saarland University
LCT students attend the courses offered for the local LST Master Program at UdS. These comprise the core courses and specialization courses.Preparatory courses at the beginning of the winter semester are offered to make the transition for first year students from different backgrounds easier.
See LST Master website for an overview of the core courses and access to study material of the preparatory course.
See Course Lists for the UdS course lists of the current semester and all past semesters.
As long as they fulfill the study requirements, LCT students are free to select their courses from the LST Master course offer at UdS and compose their individual study plan. It is recommended each student consults their study plan at the beginning of each semester with the study advisor. The study plan has to be approved by the local LCT coordinator, as it is part of the LCT student's contract.