Computational Linguistics Colloquium
A Distinguished Speaker Series organized by the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics.
Winter Semester 2012/2013
Thursdays, 16:15, Building C7.4, Conference room, unless indicated otherwise
Date | Speaker | Title of talk | Notes |
5 November | John Hale | Experience as a control strategy for incremental parsing | unusual date and time! |
19 November | Massimo Poesio | BrainNet: learning conceptual representations from corpora and neural data In Senatssitzungssaal, building A2.3, 1st floor! |
unusual date and place! |
6 December | Jan de Ruiter | The anticipation of the end of the current speaker's turn in natural conversation | |
10 January | Robert Eklund | The neural correlates of filled pauses. An fMRI study of disfluency perception | |
17 January | Michael Kohlhase | Reconstructing and Exploiting Semantics of Mathematical Documents in Science, Technology, and Engineering | |
24 January | Aline Villavicencio | Get out but don't fall down: computational investigations of verbs and verb-particle constructions in child language |