Computational Linguistics Colloquium
A Distinguished Speaker Series organized by the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics.
Winter Semester 2011/2012
Thursdays, 16:15, Building C7.4, Conference room, unless indicated otherwise
Date | Speaker | Title of talk | Notes |
27 October | James Magnuson | Anticipation is making me look: Prediction, priming and computation in language understanding | |
17 November | James Henderson | Latent Feature Models for the Structure and Meaning of Text | |
1 December | Bonnie Webber | Towards Discourse-enhanced Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) | |
15 December | Stephan Oepen | Parser Evaluation over Local and Non-Local Deep Dependencies in Large Corpora | |
12 January | Takuya Matsuzaki | Supertagging-based HPSG parsing | |
19 January | Mirjam Ernestus | The production and comprehension of reduced pronunciation variants in spontaneous speech | |
9 February | Mirella Lapata |
Cancelled! |