Research Interests
- Acquisition of wide-coverage lexical semantic resources
- Integrated deep and shallow semantic processing
- Discourse semantics
- Modeling textual entailment
- Advanced dialogue technologies
Finished Projects
- A2: Script Knowledge for Modellung Semantic Expectation - (SFB 1102: IDEAL)
- A3: Modelling the Information Density of Event Sequences in Texts - (SFB 1102: IDEAL)
- Situation Entities Project (Cluster of Excellence M2CI)
- Semantic Role Labeling for Vedic Sanskrit
- Schreibgebrauch (BMBF)
- SMILE (Cluster of Excellence M2CI)
- SALSA (The SAarbrücken Lexical Semantics Annotation and Analysis Project)
- CHORUS (SFB 378)
- CORTE (Computerlinguistische Methoden für die Rechtsterminologie, DFG)
- DIALOG (SFB 378)
- LISA (SFB 378) 1998-2001
- Verbmobil (BMBF) 1992-2000
- TRINDI: "Task Oriented Instructional Dialogue" (EU) 1998-2000
- LIMA: "Sprachverstehen für mathematische Texte" (Saarland) 1998-2000
- LeKTOR: "Linguistisches Konversions-Tool für die Orthografie-Reform" (continued with Corrigo by CLT Sprachtechnologie) 1997-99
- ELAN: "Ellipse und Anapher" (DFG) 1994-98
- FraCaS: "A Framework for Computational Semantics" (EU) 1994-96
- SAMOS: "Semantische Analyse in einem modularen System" (DFG-Schwerpunkt "Kognitive Linguistik") 1993-96
- GuK: "Graduierung und Komparation" (DFG-Schwerpunkt "Kognitive Linguistik") 1988-92