Georg Rehm and
Thierry Declerck editors. Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age: Proceedings of the GSCL Conference 2017. Springer, Berlin, 2017. google Note: LT.
Thierry Declerck. A Set of Annotations for supporting a TTS application for Folktales. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities, Vol. 1786, Indiana, USA, January 2017. google Note: LT.
Thierry Declerck and
Dagmar Gromann. Porting the xEBR Taxonomy to a Linked Open Data compliant Format. In Proceedings of The Academic Track is part of the Eurofilling XBRL week, Frankfurt, June 2017. google Note: LT.
Thierry Declerck. Software Projects for Developing Digital Humanities Resources. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities (Teach4DH 2017), Berlin, September 2017. google Note: LT.
Dagmar Gromann and
Thierry Declerck. Hashtag Processing for Enhanced Clustering of Tweets. In Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP) 2017, Varna, Bulgarien, September 2017. google Note: LT.
Hans Uszkoreit,
Aleksandra Gabryszak,
Leonhard Hennig,
Jörg Steffen,
Renlong Ai,
Stephan Busemann,
Jon Dehdari,
Josef van Genabith,
Georg Heigold,
Nils Rethmeier,
Raphael Rubino,
Sven Schmeier,
Philippe Thomas,
He Wang and
Feiyu Xu. Common Round: Application of Language Technologies to Large-Scale Web Debates. In Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 5-8, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: LT.
Georg Heigold,
Günter Neumann and
Josef van Genabith. An Extensive Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Morphological Tagging for 14 Languages. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Pages 505-5013, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: LT.
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha and
Cristina España-Bonet. Learning Bilingual Projections of Embeddings for Vocabulary Expansion in Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (ACL Workshop RepL4NLP-2017), Pages 139-145, Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. google Note: LT.
Cristina España-Bonet and
Josef van Genabith. Going beyond zero-shot MT: combining phonological, morphological and semantic factors. The UdS-DFKI System at IWSLT 2017. In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), Pages 15-22, Tokyo, Japan, December 2017. google Note: LT.
Cristina España-Bonet and
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño. Lump at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Towards an Interlingua Semantic Similarity. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (ACL Workshop SemEval-2017), Pages 144-149, Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. google Note: LT.
Hartmut Helmke,
Youssef Oualil and
Marc Schulder. Quantifying the Benefits of Speech Recognition for an Air Traffic Management Application. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Saarbrücken, March 2017. google Note: DK.
David M. Howcroft,
Jorrig Vogels and
Vera Demberg. G-TUNA: a corpus of referring expressions in German, including duration information. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG), Pages 149-153, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 2017. google Note: DK, VD.
David M. Howcroft,
Dietrich Klakow and
Vera Demberg. The Extended SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus: designing a corpus with variable information density. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Anna Schmidt and
Michael Wiegand. A Survey on Hate Speech Detection using Natural Language Processing. In Proceedings of the EACL-Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (EACL-SocialNLP), Pages 1-10, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: DK.
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. A Neural Network Approach for Mixing Language Models. In Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, USA, March 2017. google Note: DK.
Thomas A. Trost and
Dietrich Klakow. Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings. In Workshop Proceedings of TextGraphs-11: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing (Workshop at ACL 2017), Vancouver, Kanada, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Mittul Singh,
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Approximated and domain-adapted LSTM language models for first-pass decoding in speech recognition. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Volha Petukhova,
Manoj Raju and
Harry Bunt. Multimodal markers of persuasive speech : designing a Virtual Debate Coach. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 142-146, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Eustace Ebhotemhen,
Volha Petukhova and
Dietrich Klakow. Incremental Dialogue Act Recognition: token- vs chunk-based classification. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 889-893, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Sébastien Le Maguer,
Ingmar Steiner and
Alexander Hewer. An HMM/DNN comparison for synchronized text-to-speech and tongue motion synthesis. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: IS.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Frank Zimmerer. Attractiveness of French voices for German listeners — results from native and non-native read speech. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2238-2242, Stockholm, August 2017. google Note: BM.
Eran Raveh,
Ingmar Steiner and
Bernd Möbius. A computational model for phonetically responsive spoken dialogue systems. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 884-888, Stockholm, August 2017. google Note: BM, IS.
Erika Brandt,
Frank Zimmerer,
Bistra Andreeva and
Bernd Möbius. Mel-cepstral distortion of German vowels in different information density contexts. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Pages 2993-2997, Stockholm, August 2017. google Note: BM.
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. A Batch Noise Contrastive Estimation Approach for Training Large Vocabulary Language Models. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), Stockholm, Sweden, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Volha Petukhova,
Harry Bunt and
Andrei Malchanau. Computing Negotiation Update Semantics in Multi-issue Bargaining Dialogues. In Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Pages 114-124, Saarbrücken, August 2017. google Note: DK.
Valeria Lapina and
Volha Petukhova. Classification of Modal Meaning in Negotiation Dialogues. In Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Pages 59-70, Montpellier, Frankreich, 2017. google Note: DK.
Volha Petukhova and
Ye Tian editors. Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2017 – SaarDial) Saarbrücken, 15-17 August 2017. google Note: DK.
Meaghan Fowlie and
Alexander Koller. Parsing Minimalist Languages with Interpreted Regular Tree Grammars. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13), Umea, Sweden, 2017. google Note: AK.
Alexander Koller. A feature structure algebra for FTAG. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+13), Umea, Sweden, September 2017. google Note: AK.
Wei Shi and
Vera Demberg. On the need of cross validation for discourse relation classification. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Pages 150-156, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: VD.
Wei Shi,
Frances Yung,
Raphael Rubino and
Vera Demberg. Using Explicit Discourse Relation Connectives in Translation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-2017), Pages 484-495, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2017. google Note: VD.
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Examples and specifications that prove a point: Identifying elaborative and argumentative discourse relations. In Dialogue & Discourse, Vol. 8(2):56-83, 2017. google Note: VD.
Jet Hoek and
Merel Scholman. Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches. In Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Montpellier, Frankreich, 2017. google Note: VD.
Ekaterina Kravtchenko and
Vera Demberg. Informationally redundant event descriptions alter prior beliefs about event typicality. CSLI Workshop: Bridging Computational and Psycholinguistic Approaches to the Study of Meaning, Stanford University, February 2017. google Note: VD, Poster.
David M. Howcroft and
Vera Demberg. Psycholinguistic models of sentence processing improve sentence readability ranking. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: VD.
Attapol T. Rutherford,
Vera Demberg and
Niawen Xue. A systematic study of neural discourse models for implicit discourse relation. In Proceedings of the 15th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: VD.
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task. In Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Valencia, Spanien, April 2017. google Note: VD.
Katja Häuser,
Jutta Kray and
Vera Demberg. Age differences in language comprehension during driving: Recovery from prediction errors is more effortful for older adults. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. google Note: VD.
Irina Stenger,
Tania Avgustinova and
Roland Marti. Levenshtein distance and word adaptation surprisal as methods of measuring mutual intelligibility in reading comprehension of Slavic languages. In Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Dialogue 2017’, Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, Vol. 16(23):304-317, Russia, 2017. google Note: C4.
Klára Jágrová,
Irina Stenger,
Roland Marti and
Tania Avgustinova. Lexical and Orthographic Distances between Czech, Polish, Russian, and Bulgarian - a Comparative Analysis of the Most Frequent Nouns. In Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc Modern Language Series, Pages 401-416, Palacký University Olomouc, 2017. google Note: C4.
Klára Jágrová,
Irina Stenger,
Tania Avgustinova and
Roland Marti. POLSKI TO JĘZYK NIESKOMPLIKOWANY? Theoretische und praktische Interkomprehension der 100 häufigsten polnische Substantive. In Polski w Niemczech/Polnisch in Deutschland. Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte, Vol. 4:5-19, 2017. google Note: C4.
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Cognitive load in the visual world: The facilitatory effect of gaze. The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2017. google Note: MS, Poster.
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Language Processing in the VWP: The Cost of Gaze Inspired Prediction. 23rd Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP), Lancaster, UK, September 2017. google Note: MS, Poster.
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. The Facilitatory Effect of Referent Gaze on Cognitive Load in Language Processing. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. google
Sébastien Le Maguer and
Ingmar Steiner. Uprooting MaryTTS: Agile processing and voicebuilding. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 152-159, Saarbrücken, March 2017. google Note: IS.
Ingmar Steiner. A DevOps manifesto for speech corpus management. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 160-166, Saarbrücken, March 2017. google Note: IS.
Arif Kahn and
Ingmar Steiner. Qualitative evaluation and error analysis of phonetic segmentation. In Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), Pages 138-144, Saarbrücken, March 2017. google Note: IS.
Eran Raveh and
Ingmar Steiner. A phonetic adaptation module for spoken dialogue systems. In Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), Pages 162-163, Saarbrücken, August 2017. google Note: IS.
Eran Raveh and
Ingmar Steiner. Automatic analysis of segmental features in a real-time phonetic convergence pipeline. In Proceedings of the 13th P&P, Berlin, September 2017. google Note: IS.
Silvia Bonacchi and
Bistra Andreeva. Freundlich oder feindlich? Phonetische Disambiguierung von mock impoliteness (Banter-Äußerungen) im Vergleich Deutsch-Polnisch. In Verbale Aggression. Multidisziplinäre Zugänge zur verletzenden Macht der Sprache, Pages 123-144, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2017. google Note: BM.
Manfred Pützer. Acoustic and Electroglottographic Evaluation of Phonation Quality in Patients with Functional Dysphonia. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference AQL, Hong Kong, China, October 2017. google Note: BM.
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Phonation Quality Detection on the Saarbrücken Voice Database using Harmonic Spectrum-based Parameters. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop MAVEBA, Pages 15-18, Firenze, Italy, December 2017. google Note: BM.
Bistra Andreeva. Prosodic Encoding of Phrasal Prominence and Information Structure in a Second Language: When Bulgarian and German Prosody meet. In Contrastive Linguistics XLII, Pages 59-83, 2017. google Note: BM.
Snezhina Dimitrova and
Bistra Andreeva. Prenuklearni akcenti v Bălgarskija ezik. In Novi napravlenija v sinhronnata i diahronnata fonetika i fonologija, Pages 152-166, Sofia University Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski, 2017. google Note: BM.
Les Sikos,
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Neural correlates of referential processing: Event-related potentials for ambiguity versus resolution. The 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2017. google Note: MC, Poster.
Les Sikos,
Harm Brouwer and
Matthew W. Crocker. Neural correlates of referential processing: Event-related potentials for ambiguity versus resolution. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS2017), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2017. google Note: MC, Poster.
Chiara Gambi and
Matthew W. Crocker. How do speakers coordinate planning and articulation? Evidence from gaze-speech lags. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, July 2017. google Note: MC.
Irina Stenger. How Reading Intercomprehension Works among Slavic Languages with Cyrillic Script. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2016 Student Session, Pages 30-42, 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 15-26 August 2016. google Note: TA.
Nicoletta Calzolari,
Khalid Choukri,
Thierry Declerck,
Sara Goggi,
Marko Grobelnik,
Bente Maegaard,
Hélène Mazo,
Asunción Moreno and
Jan Odjik editors. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) Pages 4556, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
John P. McCrae,
Christian Chiarcos,
Francis Bond,
Philipp Cimiano,
Thierry Declerck,
Gerard De Melo,
Jorge Gracia,
Sebastian Hellmann,
Bettina Klimek,
Steven Moran,
Petya Osenova,
Antonio Pareja-Lora and
Jonathan Pool. The Open Linguistics Working Group: Developing the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Thierry Declerck. Representation of Polarity Information of Elements of German Compound Words. In Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop, LDL 2016 – 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources, Portorož, Slovenia, 24 May 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Thierry Declerck and
Piroska Lendvai. Towards a Formal Representation of Components of German Compounds. In Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 11 August 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Thierry Declerck and
Piroska Lendvai. Towards the Harmonization and Segmentation of German Hashtags. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Mediated Communication (NLP 4 CMC 2016), Bochum, Germany, September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Thierry Declerck,
Amelie Dorn and
Eveline Wandl-Vogt. Adding Polarity Information to Entries of the Database of Bavarian Dialects in Austria. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Pages 654-660, Tbilissi, Georgia, 6-10 September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Thierry Declerck and
Karlheinz Mörth. Towards a Sense-based Access to Related Online Lexical Resources. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, Pages 660-668, Tbilissi, Georgia, 6-10 September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Piroska Lendvai,
Uwe Reichel and
Thierry Declerck. Factuality Drift Assessment by Lexical Markers in Resolved Rumors. In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Semantic Change & Evolving Semantics (SuCCESS 2016), Leipzig, Germany, 12 September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Leonhard Hennig,
Philippe Thomas,
Renlong Ai,
Johannes Kirschnick,
He Wang,
Jakob Pannier,
Nora Zimmermann,
Sven Schmeier,
Feiyu Xu,
Jan Ostwald and
Hans Uszkoreit. Real-Time Discovery and Geospatial Visualization of Mobility and Industry Events from Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Data Streams. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: HU.
Roland Roller,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Feiyu Xu,
Laura Seiffe,
Michael Mikhailov,
Oliver Staeck,
Klemens Budde,
Fabian Halleck and
Danilo Schmidt. A fine-grained corpus annotation schema of German nephrology records. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (ClinicalNLP), Osaka, Japan, 13-16 December 2016. google Note: HU.
Aljoscha Burchardt,
Kim Harris,
Georg Rehm and
Hans Uszkoreit. Towards a Systematic and Human-Informed Paradigm for High-Quality Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop “Translation Evaluation: From Fragmented Tools and Data Sets to an Integrated Ecosystem”, Portorož, Slovenia, May 2016. google Note: HU.
Fabian Hillock,
Danilo Schmidt,
Oliver Staeck,
Thorsten Schaaf,
Thomas Tolxdorff,
Alexander Löser,
Feiyu Xu,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Philipp Legge,
Kai Sachs,
Sonja Oechsler and
Klemens Budde. Integrierte Versorgung nierentransplantierter Patienten, Entwicklung einer E-Health-Plattform (Integrated care of renal transplant patients – Development of an electronic health care service platform) In Dialyse aktuell, Vol. 20(6):285-290, July 2016. google Note: HU.
Kristy James,
Alexander Hewer,
Ingmar Steiner and
Stefanie Wuhrer. A real-time framework for visual feedback of articulatory data using statistical shape models. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 1569-1570, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8 September - 12 August 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Nikolina Koleva and
Maria Staudte. Spontaneous spoken instructions and listener's gaze availability in a dynamic real-world environment. 3rd workshop on the Attentive Listener in the Visual World (AttLis), Potsdam, Germany, 10-11 March 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Nikolina Mitev and
Maria Staudte. Mobile eye tracking with instructions produced by a human vs. a system. 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Eye Tracking (SWAET 2016), Turku, Finland, 19-21 June 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Christine Ankener,
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. Low Predictability: An Empirical Comparison of Paradigms Used for Sentence Comprehension. 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Gainesville, FL, USA, 3-5 March 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Bistra Andreeva. Contrastive Prosody: Bulgarian vs. German. Universität des Saarlandes, December 2016. google Note: BM, Kumulative Habilitationsschrift.
Christine Ankener,
Mirjana Sekicki and
Maria Staudte. The influence of visual context on predictions in sentence processing: Evidence from ICA. Language and Perception International Conference (LanPercept), Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 June 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Matthew W. Crocker. Taking surprisal seriously in models of language comprehension. Language and Perception International Conference (LanPercept), Trondheim, Norway, 13-16 June 2016. google Note: MC, Keynote lecture.
Mirjana Sekicki,
Christine Ankener and
Maria Staudte. Language Processing: Cognitive Load with(out) Visual Context. 22nd Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP), Bilbao, Spain, 1-3 September 2016. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Tania Avgustinova. Verblose Sätze im Russischen: Typologie, Empirie, Grammatiktheorie. Universität Leipzig, 3 May 2016. google Note: TA, Presentation.
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Roleo: Visualising Thematic Fit Spaces on the Web. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: VD, System demonstration.
Jonas Groschwitz,
Alexander Koller and
Mark Johnson. Efficient techniques for parsing with tree automata. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Pages 2042–2051, Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: AK.
Asad Sayeed,
Clayton Greenberg and
Vera Demberg. Thematic fit evaluation: an aspect of selectional preferences. In 1st Workshop on Evaluating Vector-Space Representations for NLP, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: VD, DK.
Dilafruz Amanova,
Volha Petukhova and
Dietrich Klakow. Creating Annotated Dialogue Resources: Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Classification. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: DK.
Michael Wiegand,
Christine Bocionek and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds - A Linguistic Approach. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Pages 800–810, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. google Note: DK.
Michael Wiegand,
Marc Schulder and
Josef Ruppenhofer. Separating Actor-View from Speaker-View Opinion Expressions using Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. google Note: DK.
Simon Ahrendt and
Vera Demberg. Improving event prediction by representing script participants. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Pages 546–551, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. google Note: VD.
Florian Pusse,
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. LingoTurk: managing crowdsourced tasks for psycholinguistics. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2016), Demonstrations, Pages 57–61, San Diego, CA, USA, 12-17 June 2016. google Note: VD.
Volha Petukhova,
Andrei Malchanau and
Harry Bunt. Modelling Argumentative Behaviour in Parliamentary Debates: Data Collection, Analysis and Test Case. In Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems. IWEC 2014., Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, Vol. 9935 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chapter CMNA XV Papers, Springer, December 2016. google Note: DK.
Matti Varjokallio and
Dietrich Klakow. Unsupervised morph segmentation and statistical language models for vocabulary expansion. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016), Pages 175–180, Berlin, Germany, 7-12 August 2016. google Note: DK.
Stefan Schneegass,
Youssef Oualil and
Andreas Bulling. SkullConduct: Biometric User Identification on Eyewear Computers Using Bone Conduction Through the Skull. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems, New York, NY, USA, 7-12 May 2016. google Note: DK.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Zofia Malisz. Inter-speech clicks in an Interspeech keynote. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 1397-1401, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. google Note: BM.
Jeanin Jügler,
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. The perceptual effect of L1 prosody transplantation on L2 speech: The case of French accented German. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), Pages 67-71, San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. google Note: BM.
Manfred Pützer,
Frank Zimmerer,
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Jeanin Jügler. Evaluation of Phonatory Behavior of German and French Speakers in Native and Non-native Speech. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2016), San Francisco, CA, USA, 8-12 September 2016. google Note: BM.
Mittul Singh,
Clayton Greenberg,
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016), Osaka, Japan, 13-16 December 2016. google Note: DK.
Ines Rehbein,
Merel Scholman and
Vera Demberg. Annotating Discourse Relations in Spoken Language: A Comparison of the PDTB and CCR Frameworks. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 1039-1046, Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: VD.
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. But vs. Although under the microscope. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2016), Austin, TX, August 2016. google Note: VD.
Vera Demberg and
Asad Sayeed. The Frequency of Rapid Pupil Dilations as a Measure of Linguistic Processing Difficulty. In PLoS ONE, Vol. 11(1), 2016. google Note: VD.
Jürgen Trouvain. Rezension zu ``Duden. Das Aussprachewörterbuch. 7., komplett überarb. u. aktual. Aufl. Bearb. von Stefan Kleiner und Ralf Knöbl in Zusammenarbeit mit der Dudenredaktion´´. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 53(4):237-240, 2016. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain. Rezension zu ``Bose, I., Hirschfeld, U., Neuber, B. & Stock, E. 2013. Einführung in die Sprechwissenschaft. Phonetik, Rhetorik, Sprechkunst.´´. In Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Vol. 53(2):121-123, 2016. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella,
Bernd Möbius and
Frank Zimmerer. The IFCASL Corpus of French and German Non-native and Native Read Speech. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Pages 1333-1338, Portorož, Slovenia, 23-28 May 2016. google Note: BM.
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Phonatory characteristics and Voice quality evaluation of Laryngeal dystonia before and after Botulinum toxin treatment. A case study. In 10th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-16 May 2016. google Note: BM.
Harm Brouwer and
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Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Towards unravelling prosodic characteristics of speaker-overlapping laughing in conversational speech corpora. In Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion – Prosody and phonetics in interaction, Chapter 4, Verlag für Gesprächsforschung, 2014. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Sources of variation of articulation rate in native and non-native speech: comparisons of French and German. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 275-279, 2014. google Note: BM.
Bistra Andreeva. Fonetičnoto săbitie v prozodijata: Văzprepjatstvat li razlikite meždu ezicite komunikacijata? In Săbitie i bezsmărtie (literatura, ezik, filosofija, nauka). Sbornik dokladi ot meždunarodna naučna konferencija, Pages 174-183, 13-14 May 2011. google Note: BM.
Eva Lasarcyk,
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Jürgen Trouvain. Laughing, breathing, clicking -- The prosody of nonverbal vocalisations. In Proceedings Speech Prosody (SP7), Pages 598-602, 2014. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Individuelle Ausprägung von Atmungspausen in der Mutter- und in der Fremdsprache als Anzeichen kognitiver Belastung. In Proceedings 25. Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV '14), Pages 177-184, 2014. google Note: BM.
Camille Fauth,
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Frank Zimmerer,
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Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler,
Yves Laprie,
Odile Mella and
Bernd Möbius. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners: a two-step process. In Proceedings 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Pages 1477-1482, 2014. google Note: BM.
Eva Lasarcyk. Empirical evaluation of the articulatory synthesizer VocalTractLab as a discovery tool for phonetic research: Articulatory-acoustic investigations of paralinguistic speech phenomena. PhD thesis, Saarland University, Saarbrücken: Institute of Phonetics, 2014. google Note: MB.
Volha Petukhova. Understanding questions and finding answers: semantic relation annotation to compute the Expected Answer Type. In In Proceedings of the Tenth Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-10), 26 May 2014. google Note: DK.
Volha Petukhova,
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Stefan Srb,
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Blaise Potard,
John Dines,
Olivier Deroo,
Ronny Egeler,
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Anna Schmidt. The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), ELRA, Paris, 25-29 May 2014. google
Youssef Oualil and
Dietrich Klakow. Multiple Concurrent Speaker Short-Term Tracking Using A Kalman Filter Bank. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , 2014. google Note: DK.
Jan Alexandersson,
Andrey Girenko,
Dimitris Spiliotopoulos,
Volha Petukhova,
Dietrich Klakow,
Dimitris Koryzis,
Niels Taatgen,
Marcus Specht,
Nick Campbell,
Maria Aretoulaki,
Alexander Stricker and
Michael Gardner. Metalogue: A Multiperspective Multimodal Dialogue System with Metacognitive Abilities for Highly Adaptive and Flexible Dialogue Management. In 10th Int. Conf. Intelligent Environments (IE’14), 2-4 July 2014. google Note: DK.
Volha Petukhova,
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Harry Bunt. Interoperability of Dialogue Corpora through ISO 24617-2-based Querying. In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), ELRA, Paris, 25-29 May 2014. google Note: DK.
Clayton Greenberg. Disambiguating prepositional phrase attachement sites with sense information captured in contextualized distributional data. In Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Student Research Workshop, 2014. google Note: DK.
Oliver Ohneiser,
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Matthias Kleinert,
Thorsten Mühlhausen,
Maria Uebbing-Rumke,
Youssef Oualil,
Marc Schulder,
Anna Schmidt,
Arif Khan and
Dietrich Klakow. Air Traffic Controller Support by Speech Recognition. In AHFE 2014, 19-23 July 2014. google Note: DK.
Vera Demberg and
Asad Sayeed. Combining unsupervised syntactic and semantic models of thematic fit. In Proceedings of the first Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2014. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Constantin Houy,
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Sophie Repp and
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Heiner Drenhaus,
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Asad Sayeed and
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Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
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Georg Rehm,
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Gerhard Budin,
Nicoletta Calzolari,
Walter Daelemans,
Radovan Garabik,
Marko Grobelnik,
Carmen García-Mateo,
Josef van Genabith,
Jan Hajic,
Inma Hernáez,
John Judge,
S. Koeva,
Simon Krek,
Cvetana Krstev,
Krister Lindén,
Bernardo Magnini,
Joseph Mariani,
John McNaught,
Maite Melero,
Monica Monachini,
Asunción Moreno,
Jan Odjik,
Maciej Ogrodniczuk,
Piotr Pezik,
Stelios Piperidis,
Adam Przepiórkowski,
Eirikur Rögnvaldsson,
Michael Rosner,
Bolette Sandford Pederson,
Inguna Skadina,
Koenraad De Smedt,
Marko Tadic,
Paul Thompson,
Tamás Váradi,
Andrejs Vasiljevs,
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Bernardo Magnini,
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Renlong Ai,
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Guy Emerson and
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Thierry Declerck. Harmonizing Lexical Data for their Linking to Knowledge Objects in the Linked Data Framework. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Lexical and Grammatical Resources for Language Processing, Dublin, Ireland, The COLING 2014 Organizing Committe, International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL), Sheffield, Dublin, August 2014. google
Thierry Declerck and
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Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
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Henrik Christensen,
Ming Liu,
Francois Pomerleau,
Roland Siegwart,
Mark Neerincx,
Rosemarijn Looije,
Nanja Smets,
Tina Mioch,
Jurriaan van Diggelen,
Fiora Pirri,
Mario Gianni,
Federico Ferri,
Matteo Menna,
Rainer Worst,
Thorsten Linder,
Viatcheslav Tretyakov,
H. Surmann,
Tomas Svoboda,
M. Reinstein,
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Alejandro Figueroa and
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Georg Rehm,
Hans Uszkoreit,
Ido Dagan,
Vartker Goetcherian,
Mehmet Ugur Dogan,
Coskun Mermer,
Tamás Váradi,
Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen,
Gerhard Stickel,
Meirion Prys Jones,
Stefan Oeter and
Sigve Gramstad. An Update and Extension of the META-NET Study Europe's Languages in the Digital Age. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2014. google
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A Detailed Comparison of Seven Approaches for the Annotation of Time-Dependent Factual Knowledge in RDF and OWL. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (held in conjunction with LREC 2014), European Language Resources Association, 2014. google
Felix Burkhardt,
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Felix Burkhardt,
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Gerhard Fobe,
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Abe Kazemzadeh,
Ingmar Steiner and
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Alexis Palmer and
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Andrea Horbach,
Alexis Palmer and
Magdalena Wolska. Finding a Tradeoff between Accuracy and Rater's Workload in Grading Clustered Short Answers. In Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Pages 588-595, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014. google
Anjana Vakil and
Alexis Palmer. Cross-language mapping for small-vocabulary ASR in under-resourced languages: Investigating the impact of source language choice. In 4th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced Languages, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014. google
Michaela Regneri and
Diane King. Automatically evaluating atypical language in narratives by children with autistic spectrum disorder. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science 2014, 2014. google
Annemarie Friedrich and
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Denis Arnold. Die Erhebung perzeptueller Prominenz auf Silben- und Wortebene : der Einfluss von Bewertungsskalen, Bewertungsebenen und Normalisierung. PhD thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2013. [Abstract] google Note: BM.
Vera Demberg. Pupillometry : the index of cognitive activity in a dual-task study. In
Markus Knauff,
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Vera Demberg. Integration costs on auxiliaries? - a self-paced reading study using WebExp. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
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Asad Sayeed and
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Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. On the information conveyed by discourse markers. In Cognitive modeling and computational linguistics (CMCL 2013), Pages 84-93, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Vera Demberg,
Asad Sayeed,
Angela Mahr and
Christian Müller. Measuring linguistically-induced cognitive load during driving using the ConTRe task. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications : [AutomotiveUI ´13], Pages 176-183, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 27-30 October 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Nikolaos Engonopoulos,
Asad Sayeed and
Vera Demberg. Language and cognitive load in a dual task environment. In
Markus Knauff,
Michael Pauen,
Natalie Sebanz and
Ipke Wachsmuth editors, Cooperative minds: social interaction and group dynamics : proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society ; Berlin, Germany,, Pages 2249-2254, Cognitive Science Society, Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Judith Köhne and
Vera Demberg. Discourse connectives give rise to lexical predictions. In DETEC 2013: discourse expectations: theoretical, experimental, and computational perspectives, Tübingen, Germany, 20-21 June 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Fatemeh Asr and
Vera Demberg. Can neighboring relations help to anticipate upcoming discourse relations? AMLaP 2013 : Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Saint Charles Campus, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, 2-4 September 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter, Poster.
Asad Sayeed. An opinion about opinions about opinions : subjectivity and the aggregate reader. In 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013), Vol. 2:691-696, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 9-14 June 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Nikolaos Engonopoulos,
Martin Villalba,
Ivan Titov and
Gabriele Musillo. Predicting the resolution of referring expressions from user behavior. In 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference, Pages 1354–1359, Association for Computational Linguistics, Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Cross-lingual transfer of semantic role labeling models. In 51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013 ; proceedings of the conference, Vol. 1 : Long papers, Vol. 1:1190-1200, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4-9 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Angeliki Lazaridou,
Ivan Titov and
Caroline Sporleder. A Bayesian model for joint unsupervised induction of sentiment, aspect and discourse representations. In 51h Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2013, Pages 1630-1639, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4-9 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Bootstrapping semantic role labelers from parallel data. In SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity, Vol. 1:317-327, Association for Computational Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 13-14 June 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Christian Federmann. Hybrid machine translation using binary classification models trained on joint, binarised feature vectors. PhD thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2013. [Abstract] google Note: HU.
Christian Federmann. Multi-engine machine translation as a lifelong machine learning problem. In Lifelong machine learning : papers from the AAAI spring symposium ; held March 25 - 27, 2013 in Palo Alto, California, USA, on the campus of Stanford University, Pages 4-8, Palo Alto, California, 2013. google Note: MP.
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Thierry Declerck. The xEBR ontology : transforming the XBRL Europe business registers taxonomy into an OWL ontology. In XBRL 26 : international conference, Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 April 2013. google Note: HU.
Francesca Delogu and
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Youssef Oualil,
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Youssef Oualil,
Mathew Magimai Doss,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. A probabilistic framework for multiple speaker localization. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 3962-3966, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 26-31 May 2013. google Note: DK.
Youssef Oualil,
Friedrich Faubel and
Dietrich Klakow. An unsupervised Bayesian classifier for multiple speaker detection and localization. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 2943-2947, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: DK.
Michael Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Combining generative and discriminative model scores for distant supervision. In 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing : EMNLP 2013 ; proceedings of the Conference, Pages 24-29, Grand Hyatt Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA. - Stroudsburg, PA : ACL, 18-21 October 2013. google Note: DK.
Mittul Singh and
Dietrich Klakow. Comparing RNNs and log-linear interpolation of improved skip-model on four Babel languages: Cantonese, Pashto, Tagalog, Turkish. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 8416-8420, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 26-31 May 2013. google Note: DK.
Benjamin Roth and
Dietrich Klakow. Feature-based models for improving the quality of noisy training data for relation extraction. In CIKM’13 : proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Pages 1181-1184, San Francisco, CA, USA. - New York, NY : ACM, 27 October - 1 November 2013. google Note: DK.
K. Kumatani,
Mittul Singh,
Friedrich Faubel,
J. McDonough and
Youssef Oualil. Joint constrained maximum likelihood regression for overlapping speech recognition. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing : [ICASSP 2013], Pages 121-125, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 26-31 May 2013. google Note: DK.
Harry Bunt,
Alex Fand,
Xiaoyue Lin,
Jing Cao and
Volha Petukhova. Issues in the addition of ISO-compliant annotations to the Switchboard corpus. In 9th Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation 2013 : held at the 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013), Pages 67-78, Potsdam, Germany - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 19 March 2013. google Note: DK.
Michael Wiegand,
Josef Ruppenhofer and
Dietrich Klakow. Predicative adjectives : an unsupervised criterion to extract subjective adjectives. In 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies : (NAACL HLT 2013), Pages 534-539, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Vol. 1. - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 9-14 June 2013. google Note: DK.
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Towards contextual healthiness classification of food items - a linguistic approach. In Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP, proceedings of the main conference. - [S.l.] : Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Pages 19-27, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, 14-18 October 2013. google Note: DK.
Michael Wiegand and
Dietrich Klakow. Towards the detection of reliable food-health relationships. In Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media, Pages 69-79, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - Red Hook, NY : Curran, 13 June 2013. google Note: DK.
Munir Georges,
Stephan Kanthak and
Dietrich Klakow. Transducer-based speech recognition with dynamic language models. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 642-646, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: DK.
Magdalena Wolska. Building a POS-annotated corpus of scientific papers in mathematics. In Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics 2012 : 8–13 July 2012 / notes by J. H. Davenport, Pages 8-9, Bremen, Germany, 0. google Note: MP.
Ondřej Bojar,
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Lucia Specia. Findings of the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. In 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2013), Pages 1-44, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-9 August 2013. google Note: MP.
Magdalena Wolska,
Andrea Horbach,
Diana Steffen and
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Andrea Horbach,
Alexis Palmer and
Manfred Pinkal. Using the text to evaluate short answers for reading comprehension exercises. In SEM 2013 : the Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics; Vol. 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity.- Stroudsburg, PA : Association for Computational Linguistics, Pages 286-295, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 13-14 June 2013. google Note: MP.
Marcus Rohrbach,
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Ivan Titov,
Stefan Thater,
Manfred Pinkal and
Bernt Schiele. Translating video content to natural language descriptions. In Proceedings / 2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2013, Pages 433-440, Sydney, NSW, Australi. - Los Alamitos, Cali, 1-8 December 2013. google Note: MP, sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Eva Lasarcyk and
William J. Barry. Articulatory basis of vowels in Saxon vs. Standard High German as suggested by acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using state-of-the-art articulatory speech synthesis. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 47-48, Zürich, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Britta Lintfert and
Bernd Möbius. Capturing developmental patterns in intonation acquisition : a target-oriented parametric approach. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. - Vol. 1, Pages 219-213, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, Mass., 2013. google Note: BM.
Manfred Pützer and
Wolfgang Wokurek. Considering subglottal acceleration, electroglottographic and sound pressure signals of different phonation qualities. In AQL 2013 : 10th International Conference Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Pages 87-88, AQL Press, Cinicinati, Ohio, USA, 3-4 June 2013. google Note: BM.
Wolfgang Wokurek and
Manfred Pützer. Correlation analysis between acoustic source, electroglottogram and neck vibration signals. In Models and analysis of vocal emissions for biomedical applications : 8th international workshop [MAVEBA 2013], Pages 89-32, Firenze University Press, Firenze, Italy, 16-18 December 2013. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Odile Mella,
Jeanin Jügler and
Frank Zimmerer. Designing a bilingual speech corpus for French and German language learners. In Corpus et Outils en Linguistique, Langues et Parole : statuts, usages et mésuages, Pages 32-34, Strasbourg, France, 3-5 July 2013. google Note: BM.
Charlotte Wollermann,
Eva Lasarcyk,
Ulrich Schade and
Bernhard Schröder. Disfluencies and uncertainty perception - evidence from a human-machine scenario. In Proceedings of DiSS 2013 : the 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech ; KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Quarterly progress and status report ; 54, 1), Pages 73-76, Stockholm, Schweden, 21-23 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Barbara Samlowski,
Petra Wagner and
Bernd Möbius. Effects of lexical class and lemma frequency on German homographs. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - [S.l.] : ISCA, 2013, Pages 597-601, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Bernd Möbius. Einatmungsgeräusche vor synthetisch erzeugten Sätzen : eine Pilotstudie. In Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2013 : Tagungsband der 24. Konferenz Bielefeld - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 65), Pages 50-55, TUDpress, Dresden, Germany, 26-28 March 2013. google Note: BM.
Jürgen Trouvain and
Khiet P. Truong. Exploring sequences of speech and laughter activity usingvisualisations of conversations. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013), Grenoble, France, 20-23 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Jeanin Jügler. Feedback methods to improve phonetic and phonological skills in foreign language acquisition. In Proceedings / 4th Summerschool on Speech Production and Perception: Speaker-Specific Behaviour, Pages 23-24, Aix-en-Provence, France, 30 September - 4 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Frank Zimmerer,
Jürgen Trouvain,
Yves Laprie,
Bernd Möbius,
Bistra Andreeva,
Anne Bonneau,
Vincent Colotte,
Camille Fauth,
Dominique Fohr,
Denis Jouvet,
Jeanin Jügler and
Odile Mella. Konstruktion eines phonetisch-phonologischen Lernerkorpus für das Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Pages 100-101, Züric, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Fabian Brackhane and
Jürgen Trouvain. The organ stop vox humana as a model for a vowel synthesiser. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 3172-3176, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: BM.
Bistra Andreeva,
William J. Barry and
Jacques Koreman. The Bulgarian stressed and unstressed vowel system : a corpus study. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 345-348, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: BM.
M. Ariman,
V. Dimitrova,
N. Wagner and
Jeanin Jügler. Werden bestimmte Artikel im Deutschen nach trochäischem Muster gruppiert? : Untersuchung anhand eines Sprachproduktionsexperiments. In Phonetik & Phonologie 9 (P&P-9), Zürich, Schweiz, 11-12 October 2013. google Note: BM.
Marcela Charfuelan and
Ingmar Steiner. Expressive speech synthesis in MARY TTS using audiobook data and emotionML. In Interspeech 2013 : 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Pages 1564-1568, Lyon, France, 25-29 August 2013. google Note: sonst. Mitarbeiter.
Andrea Moro,
Hong Li,
Sebastian Krause,
Feiyu Xu,
Robert Navigli and
Hans Uszkoreit. Semantic rule filtering for web-scale relation extraction. In The semantic web : proceedings / ISWC 2013, 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Pages 347-362, Springer, Sydney, Australia, 21-25 October 2013. google Note: HU.
Hans Uszkoreit and
Feiyu Xu. From strings to things SAR-Graphs: a new type of resource for connecting knowledge and language. In NLP & DBpedia 2013 : proceedings of the NLP & DBpedia workshop co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, 22 October 2013. google Note: HU
Alejandro Figueroa and
Günter Neumann. Exploiting user search sessions for the semantic categorization of question-like informational search queries. In Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing : IJCNLP, Pages 902–906, Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Nagoya, 14-18 October 2013. google Note: HU.
Moshe Wasserblat,
Ezra Daya,
Eyal Hurvitz,
Maya Gorodetsky,
Ido Dagan,
Meni Adler,
Asher Stern,
Sebastian Pado,
Tae-Gil Noh,
Britta Zeller,
Günter Neumann,
Kathrin Eichler,
Rui Wang,
Gabriele Fidanza,
Giorgio Gianforme,
Matthias Meisdrock,
Magnini Bernardom,
Luisa Bentivogli,
Roberto Zanoli,
Alberto Lavelli and
Dmitri Volsky. Introduction to the EXCITEMENT project : towards an open platform for Exploring Customer Interactions through Textual entailMENT. In Proceedings of the Afeka-AVIOS Speech Processing Conference, Tel-Aviv, 19-20 June 2012. google Note: HU.
Bernd Kiefer and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient typed feature structure index : theory and implementation. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2013, Pages 17-25, Nara, 27-29 November 2013. google Note: HU.
Georg Rehm and
Hans Uszkoreit. An extended summary of the META-NET strategic research agenda for multilingual Europe 2020. In
Gerhard Stickel and
Váradi Tamás editors, Lexical challenges in a multilingual Europe : contributions to the annual conference 2012 of EFNIL in Budapest, Pages 179-200, Budapest, 2013. google Note: HU.
Sean O'Riain,
Barry Coughlan,
Paul Buitelaar,
Thierry Declerck,
Hans-Ulrich Krieger and
Susan Marie-Thomas. Cross-lingual querying and comparison of linked financial and business data. In
Philipp Cimiano,
Miriam Fernández,
Vanessa Lopez,
Stefan Schlobach and
Johanna Völker editors, The semantic web: ESWC 2013 satellite events, Pages 242-247, Springer, Montpellier, 26-30 May 2013. google Note: HU.
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. An efficient implementation of equivalence relations in OWL via rule and query rewriting. In Proceedings / 2013 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Semantic Computing, ICSC 2013, Pages 260-263, IEEE, Los Alamitos, California, 26-28 June 2013. google Note: HU.
Weiwei Sun. Learning Chinese language structures with multiple views. PhD thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2012. google Note: HU.
Weiwei Sun and
Xiaojun Wan. Reducing approximation and estimation errors for Chinese lexical processing with heterogeneous annotations. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012, Pages 232-241, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Weiwei Sun and
Hans Uszkoreit. Capturing paradigmatic and syntagmatic lexical relations : towards accurate Chinese part-of-speech tagging. In 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2012, Pages 242-252, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 8-14 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Miroslav Janíček,
Shanker Keshavdas,
Benoit Larochelle,
Hendrik Zender,
Nanja Smets,
Tina Mioch,
Mark Neerincx,
Jurriaan van Diggelen,
Francis Colas,
Ming Liu,
Francois Pomerleau,
Christian Siegwart,
V. Hlavac,
Tomas Svoboda,
Tomas Petricek,
M. Reinstein,
Karel Zimmermann,
Fiora Pirri,
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Arnab Sinha,
Patrick Balmer,
N. Tomatis,
Rainer Worst,
Thorsten Linder,
H. Surmann and
Viatcheslav Tretyakov. Experience in system design for human-robot teaming in urban search & rescue. In 8th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics : FSR 2012, Matsushima, 16-19 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. How could we model cohesiveness in team social fabric in human-robot teams performing under stress? In AI, the fundamental social aggregation challenge, and the autonomy of hybrid agent groups : papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, Pages 28-33, AAAI Press, 2012. google Note: HU.
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Achieving common ground under asymmetric agency and social sentience in communication for human-robot teaming. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings, New York, NY, 5-8 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Marcela Charfuelan and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Analysis of speech under stress and cognitive load in USAR operations. In Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology, Paris, 28-30 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Danijel Skočaj,
Matej Kristan,
Alen Vrečko,
Marko Mahnič,
Miroslav Janíček,
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Michael Zillich,
Kai Zhou,
Marc Hanheide,
Nick Hawes and
Thomas Keller. A system for interactive learning in dialogue with a tutor. In CogSys 2012 : the 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, Nr. (118), Wien, 22-23 February 0. google Note: HU.
Benoit Larochelle and
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. Multi-view operator control unit to improve situation awareness in USAR missions. In 2012 IEEE RO-MAN: the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Pages 1103-1108, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 9-13 September 2012. google Note: HU.
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
Viatcheslav Tretyakov,
Thorsten Linder,
Mario Gianni,
Panagiotis Papadakis,
Matia Pizzoli,
Arnab Sinha,
Fabio Pianesi,
Salvatore Corrao,
Fabrizio Priori,
Sergio Febrini and
Sandro Angeletti. Rescue robots at earthquake-hit Mirandola, Italy : a field report. In 10th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics : proceedings, New York, NY, 5-8 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. A temporal extension of the Hayes/ter Horst entailment rules and an alternative to W3C´s N-ary relations. In Formal ontology in information systems : proceedings of the seventh international conference (FOIS 2012), Pages 323 - 335, 2012. google Note: HU.
Thierry Declerck,
Nikolina Koleva and
Hans-Ulrich Krieger. Ontology-based incremental annotation of characters in folktales. In Proccedings of the 6th Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH 2012), Pages 30-34, Stroudsburg, PA, 24-24 April 2012. google Note: HU.
Walter Kasper and
Mihaela Vela. Monitoring and summarization of hotel reviews. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2012 : proceedings of the international conference in Helsingborg, Sweden, Pages 471-482, Springer, Wien, 25-27 January 2012. google Note: HU.
Bogdan Sacaleanu and
Günter Neumann. An adaptive framework for named entity combination. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1244-1249, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Task-oriented dependency parsing evaluation methodology. In 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration (IRI 2012), Pages 132-137, Piscataway, NJ, 8-10 August 2012. google Note: HU.
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Dependency parsing with efficient feature extraction. In KI 2012: advances in artificial intelligence : 35th annual German conference on AI, Pages 253-256, Springer,, Berlin, 24-27 September 2012. google Note: HU.
Alexander Volokh and
Günter Neumann. Extending dependency treebanks with good sentences. In Empirical methods in natural language processing : proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2012 / 11 th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), Pages 218-222, 2012. google Note: HU.
Günter Neumann and
Sven Schmeier. Guided exploratory search on the mobile web. In KDIR 2012 : proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, Pages 65-74, SciTePress, 4-7 October 2012. google Note: HU.
Carolin Shihadeh and
Günter Neumann. ARNE - a tool for namend entity recognition from Arabic text. In The Fourth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Arabic Script-based Languages proceedings : [CAASL4], Pages 24-31, San Diego, CA, 1-1 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Amir Moin and
Günter Neumann. Assisting bug triage in large open source projects using approximate string matching. In ICSEA 2012 : the Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Pages 22-27, Wilmington, 18-23 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Dan Flickinger,
Valia Kordoni,
Yi Zhang,
António Branco,
K. Simov,
Petya Osenova,
Catarina Carvalheiro,
Francisco Costa and
Sérgio Castro. ParDeepBank : multiple parallel deep treebanking. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11), Pages 97-108, Lisbon, 30 November - 1 December 2012. google Note: HU.
Dan Flickinger,
Yi Zhang and
Valia Kordoni. DeepBank : a dynamically annotated treebank of the Wall street journal. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT11), Pages 85-96, Lisbon, 30 November - 1 December 2012. google Note: HU.
Rui Wang,
Petya Osenova and
K. Simov. Linguistically-augmented Bulgarian-to-English statistical machine translation model. In Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra) at EACL-2012, Pages 119-128, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 2012. google Note: HU.
Rui Wang,
Petya Osenova and
K. Simov. Linguistically-enriched models for Bulgarian-to-English machine translation. In Proceedings of SSST-6 : Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, Pages 10-19, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 12-12 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Yi Zhang,
Rui Wang and
Yu Chen. Joint grammar and treebank development for Mandarin Chinese with HPSG. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1868-1873, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Rui Wang and
Shuguang Li. Constructing a question corpus for textual semantic relations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 4092-4097, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Rui Wang and
Yi Zhang. Sentence realization with unlexicalized tree linearization grammars. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 1301-1310, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. google Note: HU.
Will Roberts and
Valia Kordoni. Using verb subcategorization for word sense disambiguation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 829-832, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Antske Fokkens,
Tania Avgustinova and
Yi Zhang. CLIMB grammars : three projects using metagrammar engineering. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1672-1679, ELRA, Paris, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Hong Li,
Yi Zhang,
Feiyu Xu and
Hans Uszkoreit. Simple ontologies for practical information extraction and advanced information extraction for practical ontologies. In Dangdai-yuyanxue : jikan = Contemporary linguistics, (1):2012, 2012. google Note: HU.
Feiyu Xu,
Sven Schmeier,
Renlong Ai and
Hans Uszkoreit. Yochina : mobile multimedia and multimodal crosslingual dialog system. In Towards a natural interaction with robots, knowbots and smartphones : International Workshop On Spoken Dialog Systems Technology, Paris, 28-30 November 2012. google Note: HU.
Tina Klüwer,
Feiyu Xu,
Peter Adolphs and
Hans Uszkoreit. Evaluation of the KomParse conversational non-player characters in a commercial virtual world. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 3535-3542, ELRA, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Ulrich Schäfer and
Magdalena Wolska. Automatische Terminologie-, Taxonomie- und Glossarextraktion. In DOK : Technologien, Strategien & Services für das digitale Dokument, (6):62-65, 2012. google Note: HU, MP.
Ulrich Schäfer. Satzsemantische Suche – präziser finden mit der TAKE Searchbench. In DOK : Technologien, Strategien & Services für das digitale Dokument, (2):28-31, 2012. google Note: HU.
Ulrich Schäfer,
Christian Spurk and
Jörg Steffen. A fully coreference-annotated corpus of scholarly papers from the ACL anthology. In 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : proceedings of COLING 2012, Pages 1059-1070, Mumbai, 8-15 December 2012. google Note: HU.
Benjamin Weitz and
Ulrich Schäfer. A graphical citation browser for the ACL anthology. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Pages 1718-1722, ELRA, 23-25 May 2012. google Note: HU.
Ulrich Schäfer and
Benjamin Weitz. Combining OCR outputs for logical document structure markup : technical background to the ACL 2012 contributed task. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012., Pages 104-109, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Ulrich Schäfer,
Jonathan Read and
Stephan Oepen. Towards an ACL anthology corpus with logical document structure : an overview of the ACL 2012 contributed task. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries : ACL 2012, Pages 88-97, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. google Note: HU.
Melanie Reiplinger,
Ulrich Schäfer and
Magdalena Wolska. Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles : a comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis. In Proceedings of the ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries, Pages 55-65, ACL, Stroudsburg, PA, 10-10 July 2012. google Note: HU, MP.
Mikhail Kozhevnikov and
Ivan Titov. Cross-lingual bootstrapping for semantic role labeling. In xLiTe : Cross-Lingual Technologies, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 7-7 December |
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