These pages have been written in HTML 4.01, and use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 2) and PHP.
Validation | Result |
HTML 4.01 | |
CSS 2 |
They were tested on Netscape 4.79, Netscape 6.1 (Mozilla 5.0), Konqeror 2.2.1, Opera 6.0 (all of these on a GNU/Linux system with X 11) and Internet Explorer 5.0 (Windows 2000). Netscape 4.X is notorious for CSS bugs, so we just strove to keep the pages readable. It looks better in any of the other browsers, but we do not expect you will miss anything because of Netscape 4.X.
The language in which you see the pages is chosen using the
language preferences in your browser settings (using content
). The available languages are German and English.
The default is German.
The pages were put on the Web in June 2002.
Thanks to Katrin Erk and Anne Lehnert for proofreading, to Valia Kordoni for design suggestions, and to Anthony Jameson and Jörg Siekmann for suggestions to improve the structuring of information. Also thanks to everyone who helps to keep the information on this site up-to-date.