Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes


  • July 2006: Course at ESSLLI 2006 on "An empirical view on semantic roles within and across languages"

  • May 2006: International workshop on "Multi-lingual semantic annotation: Theory and applications"

  • February 2006: Workshop at DGFS 2006 on "Corpus-based Approaches to Noncompositional Phenomena"

  • 24/10/05-26/10/05: The 3rd cross-lingual FrameNet meeting
    International workshop at UC Berkeley on cross-lingual development and exploitation of Frame Semantics

  • 31/3/05-5/4/05: The 2nd cross-lingual FrameNet meeting
    International workshop at Saarland University on cross-lingual development and exploitation of Frame Semantics

  • 28/2/05-1/3/05: The Verb workshop
    Interdisciplinary workshop at Saarland University organised by Katrin Erk, Alissa Melinger and Sabine Schulte im Walde

  • 14/10/04-19/10/04: The 1st cross-lingual FrameNet meeting
    International workshop at ICSI, UC Berkeley, on cross-lingual development and exploitation of Frame Semantics

  • July 25, 2004, ACL Barcelona
    ACL 2004 Workshop on Text Meaning and Interpretation
    Panel organised by David Farwell and Eduard Hovy: Toward a theory of semantic annotation.
    Speakers: Martha Palmer and Manfred Pinkal.

  • July 21, 2004, ACL Barcelona
    Beyond Syntax: Predicates, Arguments, Valency Frames and Linguistic Annotation
    ACL 2004 Tutorial held by Collin Baker, Jan Hajic, Martha Palmer and Manfred Pinkal

  • May 30, 2004, LREC Lissabon
    Building Lexical Resources from Semantically Annotated Corpora
    LREC 2004 Workshop organised by Charles Fillmore, Manfred Pinkal, Collin Baker and Katrin Erk