International Post-Graduate College
Language Technology
Cognitive Systems
Saarland University
University of Edinburgh
Annual Meetings
Projects & Tutorials
Social Activities
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Talk Title
Invited Talks
William Barry
(Saarland U.)
Rhythm in languages, in speech (technology) and in general.
Synonym or just homographic homophones?
Rens Bod
(U. of St Andrews)
Is the End of Supervised Parsing in Sight?
Matthew Crocker
(Saarland U.)
Situated Spoken Language Comprehension
Robert Dale
(Macquarie U.)
The Generation of Referring Expressions: Past, Present and Future
Maarten de Rijke
(U. of Amsterdam)
Finding People and Moods
Mirella Lapata
(U. Edinburgh)
Data-driven Natural Language Generation: Experiments on Content Selection
Diane Litman
(U. Pittsburgh)
Discourse and Dialogue Processing in Spoken Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Matthias Mehl
(U. of Arizona)
Personality in (Inter-)Action: An Unobtrusive Observation Approach to Studying Conversation-Based Personality Processes
Sabine Schulte im Walde
(Saarland U.)
Can Human Verb Associations help identify Salient Features for Semantic Verb Classes?
Mark Steedman
(U. Edinburgh)
Semantics and Implicature in the Meaning of English Intonation
Henry Thompson
(U. Edinburgh)
URIs and the Semantic Web: Magic bullet or red herring?
Andy Way
(Dublin City U.)
Hybrid Data-Driven Models of Machine Translation
Michael White
(Ohio State U.)
Learning to Say It Well: Reranking Realizations by Predicted Synthesis Quality
Student Talks
Jens Apel
Processing Parallel Structure: Evidence from Eye-Tracking and a Computational Model
Nuria Bertomeu
A discourse module for a QA system: what to model and how
Mark Buckley
Supporting error correction feedback in tutorial dialogue with a mathematical domain reasoner
James Clarke
Integer Programming for NLP
Vera Demberg
A predictive model for human parsing
Ciprian Gerstenberger
How to model clitics in the General Linearization Model
Tommy Herbert
Voice-Programming for Houses
Hieu Hoang
Factored Machine Translation
Michael Kaisser
Web Question Answering by Exploiting Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources
Helene Kreysa
Does syntactic alignment lead to alignment of eye-movements?
Sebastian Pado
Cross-lingual Bootstrapping of Resources for Role-Semantic Analysis
Ulrike Pado
A Model of Difficulty in Human Sentence Processing
Barbara Rauch
Maximum Likelihood Beamforming for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition
David Reitter
Priming of Syntactic Rules in Task-Oriented Dialogue and Spontaneous Conversation
Verena Rieser
Bootstrapping a Reinforcement Learning-based System for Learning Clarification Strategies
Silke Scheible
A first step towards answering comparison questions in open-domain QA
Dan Shen
Exploring Correlation of Dependency Relation Paths for Answer Extraction
Mira Spassova
3D Model Acquisition and Dynamic Positioning of Projected Displays with Fluid Beam
Juliane Steinberg
Speech-contingent eye movements
Ingmar Steiner
Implementing Metrical Phonology in Festival: Considerations and Outlook
Frances Wilson
The Syntax-Discourse Interface in L2 Learners
Yi Zhang
Towards Robust Linguistically Deep Processing
Last modified: Thu, Jul 13, 2006 11:39:40 by