Phonetics at Saarland University

The Phonetics group is part of the Department of Language Science and Technology (LST). Phonetics faculty members are involved in several Bachelor and Master degree programs at Saarland University (UdS). Research and teaching in phonetics at UdS cover both linguistic phonetics and speech technology. Active research areas include speech production and perception, prosody, voice pathology, phonetic characteristics of dialogs, and text-to-speech synthesis.

Head of Group

Prof. Dr. Bernd Möbius
Building C7.2, Room 4.10
Tel: +49 681 302-4500


Cristina Deeg
Building C7.2, Room 4.11
Tel: +49 681 302-2926
Fax: +49 681 302-4684

Postal and visitor address

Dept. of Language Science and Technology
Saarland University
Campus SB, Building C7.2
66123 Saarbrücken


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