Prof. Dr. Manfred Pinkal
Computerlinguistik in Saarbrücken -
Kirsten Bergmann
Koexpressivität von Sprache und Gestik in Wegbeschreibungen -
Michael Roth
Relationen zwischen Nomen und ihren Assoziationen -
Andreas Maier
Umgebungsbeschreibung anhand auditiver Perzeption zur Unterstützung mobiler Navigation -
Johanna Geiß, Olga Mordvinova, Marit Rams
Natürlichsprachige Suchanfragen über strukturierte Daten -
Ekaterina Buyko
Text Mining in der Biomedizin -
Steven Buraje Poggel
Mood Guessing - Emotion analysis of written text -
Michaela Regneri
Semantik im Großen Stil -
Jana Besser
An Extended Classification Scheme for Disfluencies Occurring in Spontaneous Speech -
Jörg Didakowski
Eigennamenerkennung mit großen lexikalischen Ressourcen -
Jette Klein-Berning, Johanna Geiß
Multilinguales Information Retrieval mit Latent Semantic Indexing -
Angelika Girstl
Mixed Initiative Dialogue -
Muralikrishnan Ramasamy
Subject Extraction and Wh-interrogatives -
Michael Radeka
Korpusbasiertes E-Learning; Einsatz lexikalischer Resourcen im (Fremd-)Sprachunterricht - All slides in one zip file
to the TaCoS-Calendar which will also contain the program when it's
planned. It (should be) viewable with any iCal-compatible calendar application.
There is also a web version.
There is also a web version.
Call For Papers
We have a poster, which can be downloaded here as a PDF file.
There are two versions of the icon:
Black (logo_black.png, 52KB, 854x265):
White; (logo_white.png, 52KB, 854x265):
Black (logo_black.png, 52KB, 854x265):
White; (logo_white.png, 52KB, 854x265):
As soon as it's finished, you can download the conference program here as PDF file.
But not yet :)
- Wikipedia: The article about TaCoS in the German Wikipedia.
- TaCoS 2005: The last TaCoS