The Phonetics of English Pronunciation

Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2008

Leitung: William Barry

Ort: Geb. C5 1,  Musiksaal 

Vorlesung: Montag 9-10 Uhr  
Beginn: 14.04.2008




This one-hour weekly lecture is geared towards German students of English who
a)      are aware that there is such a thing as a “German accent” in English but really don’t know what it means, or
b)      perhaps think that they have no problem with it, or
c)      perhaps don’t even care but have to do the course anyway!
It aims, therefore, to motivate, explain and instruct.
It will deal with:
· the tricky and uncomfortable problem of acquiring new articulatory patterns (= new pronunciation habits)
· the different aspects of pronunciation that may need to be changed,
· the means to recognise, describe and understand them phonetically,
· what German learners of English may have to change in order not to sound (too) German,
· how the things they have to change might be different in some aspects if they want to sound American, not British (or Scottish, or Irish, or Australian, New Zealand, South African ….)
· but are not different in other aspects,
· how they are also different depending on what variety of German they speak!

I hope it will be an eye-opening (sorry, ear-opening) journey through the landscape of English (and German) pronunciation, providing an awareness and a sound theoretical basis for – and motivation to work on – the practical exercises.



H. Eckert and W. Barry (2002): The Phonetics and Phonology of English Pronunciation, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier

A hard-copy of the Powerpoint slides and notes is available for copying in Sekretariat Barry, building 17.2, room 4.11, or Download here:

From week to week the scripts on the lecture topics listed below will be made available