4.2.4 Nodes

Nodes can have outgoing edges that connect them to other nodes.

Nodes can have outgoing edges that connect them to other nodes. Some node types (e.g. end nodes) may never have outgoing edges. Some (e.g. start nodes) must have precisely one. Some (e.g. conditional nodes) can have an arbitrary number of outgoing edges.

A node is inserted into the graph by right-clicking into the location where the node should be, and then selecting the node type from the context menu. Nodes can always be moved around by dragging them with the mouse.

In general, every node has properties, which can be edited by right-clicking on the node and selecting Properties from the context menu, or by double-clicking on the node.

Nodes are little coloured boxes. Attachment points for outgoing edges appear in the form of little triangles at the lower part of the box. An edge is added by dragging a triangle onto another node. The active edge is coloured red, all other nodes are blue. An edge can be activated by clicking on it. An active edge can be deleted by pressing the Delete key, or by selecting Edit - Delete from the menu.

Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Stephan Walter and Aljoscha Burchardt
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)