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Secure contracts signed by mobile phone

Funding : The project (IST-2002-506883) is funded in the European Union's 6th Framework Programme with 2 mln Euros.

Duration : The project runs for 30 months, January 2004 - June 2006.

Partners : group photo
Atos Origin (AO) (E)
Informa (IN) (E)
Telefónica Móviles España (TM)  (E)
Nergal (NE) (I)
The Institute of Phonetics of the University of Saarbrücken (SU) (D)
The University of Buckingham (BU) (UK)
Group des Écoles des Télécommunications  - INT (GI ) (F)
Group des Écoles des Télécommunications - ENST (GE ) (F)

Project aim
The SecurePhone project integrates a biometric recogniser in a 3G/B3G enabled PDA, which allows users to mutually recognise each other and securely authenticate messages (text or audio). This will enable them to sign legally binding contracts on their PDA/mobile phone. The biometric recogniser combines source authentication methods on the basis of text-dependent speaker verification, video recordings of the speaker's face and a written signature. More information will be made available later.

Local project web pages

Saarbrücken University (SU) role in project
The main responsibility of Saarland University is text-dependent speaker verification and coordination of multimodal data fusion (speech with face image and handwritten signature).  Our initial project aims are to compare HMM with HMM or DTW of parameter trajectories in a Kohonen network (calibrated with speakers). We shall also explore the potential use of wavelets in the preprocessing stage, in place of the standard MFCCs.

SU collaborators
Jacques Koreman  homepage  Email
Andrew C Morris  homepage  Email
Dalei Wu  homepage  Email

We also work together with the
Department for Spoken Language Systems

You can find more information on the main project webpage:
SecurePhone home page
