Merel Scholman - Publications and talks
Ph.D. Dissertation
Scholman, M.C.J. (2019). Coherence relations in discourse and cognition: Mapping approaches, annotations, and interpretations. (Doctoral thesis). [electronic copy]
Journal and Conference Papers (peer-reviewed)
Hoek, J., Scholman, M.C.J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (to appear, 2021). Is there less agreement when the discourse is underspecified? Annotation of coherence relations in TED talks. Proceedings of the DiscAnn Workshop.
Scholman, M.C.J., Demberg, V. & Sanders, T.J.M. (2020). Individual differences in expecting coherence relations: Exploring the variability in sensitivity to contextual signals in discourse. Discourse Processes, 57(10), 844-861. [paper]
Demberg, V., Scholman, M.C.J., & Asr, F.T. (2019). How compatible are our discourse annotation frameworks? Insights from mapping RST-DT and PDTB annotations. Dialogue & Discourse, 10(1), 87-135. [paper]
Yung, F., Demberg, V., & Scholman, M. (2019). Crowdsourcing discourse relation annotations by a two-step connective insertion task. Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Florence, Italy. [paper]
Sanders, T.J.M., Demberg, V., Hoek, J., Scholman, M.C.J., Asr, F.T., Zufferey, S., & Evers-Vermeul, J. (2018). Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, ahead of print. [paper]
Evers-Vermeul, J., Hoek, J. & Scholman, M.C.J. (2017). On temporality in discourse annotation: Theoretical and practical considerations. Dialogue & Discourse, 8(2), 1-20. [paper]
Hoek, J. & Scholman, M.C.J. (2017). Evaluating discourse annotation: Some recent insights and new approaches. Proceedings of the 13th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Montpellier, France. [paper]
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task. Proceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Valencia, Spain. [paper]
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Examples and specifications that prove a point: Identifying elaborative and argumentative discourse relations. Dialogue & Discourse, 8(2), 56-83. [paper]
Scholman, M.C.J., Rohde, H. & Demberg, V. (2017). ''On the one hand'' as a cue to anticipate upcoming discourse structure. Journal of Memory and Language, 97, 47-60. [paper]
Rehbein, I., Scholman, M.C.J., & Demberg, V. (2016). Annotating discourse relations in spoken language: A comparison of the PDTB and CCR frameworks. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 16), Portoroz, Slovenia. [paper]
Scholman, M.C.J., Evers-Vermeul, J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2016). A step-wise approach to discourse annotation: Towards a reliable categorisation of coherence relations. dii:10.5087/dad.2016.201 Dialogue & Discourse, 7(2), 1-28. [paper]
Conference Presentations, Workshop Presentations, and Invited Talks
Scholman, M.C.J., Demberg, V., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2018). Descriptively adequate and cognitively plausible? Defining tangible criteria for the justification of coherence relational categories. Talk presented at the international workshop Making sense of discourse, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 20 September 2018.
Scholman, M.C.J., Demberg, V., & Rohde, H. (2018). Signalling with one hand: A cross-linguistic comparison of the facilitative effect of ''On the one hand''. Talk presented at XPRAG workshop Implicit and explicit marking of discourse relations, Osnabrueck, Germany. 24-25 May 2018.
Scholman, M.C.J., Demberg, V., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2018). For example, specifically, or because; Individual differences in coherence relation interpretation biases? Talk presented at TextLink Final Action Conference, Toulouse, France. 19-21 March 2018.
Sanders, T.J.M., Demberg, V., Evers-Vermeul, J., Hoek, J., Scholman, M.C.J., & Zufferey, S. (2018). Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related. Talk presented at TextLink Final Action Conference, Toulouse, France. 19-21 March 2018.
Scholman, M.C.J. (2017). Crowdsourcing interpretations of multi-functional discourse relations. Invited talk, ELiTU, Utrecht University. 11 December 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J. (2017). Examples and specifications that prove a point: Interpreting multi-functional discourse relations. Invited talk, Department of Psychology, Lancaster University. 19 October 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Crowdsourcing discourse relation annotations: The influence of context on readers' interpretations. Talk presented at SLE, Zurich, Switzerland. 10-13 September 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Examples and specifications that prove a point: Identifying elaborative and argumentative discourse relations. Talk presented at ST&D, Philadelphia, USA. 31 July - 2 August 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Crowdsourcing discourse interpretations: On the influence of context and the reliability of a connective insertion task. Talk presented at Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Valencia, Spain. 3 April 2017. [paper]
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). The influence of context on the interpretation of the segments in a discourse relation. Talk presented at DGfS, Saarbrücken, Germany. 8-10 March 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J. & Demberg, V. (2017). Distinguishing between causal and additive Instantiations and Specifications: A crowdsourcing experiment. Talk presented at CogLing7, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 5-6 January 2017.
Scholman, M.C.J., Rohde, H. & Demberg, V. (2016). Predictions of upcoming discourse structure based on 'On the one hand'. Poster presented at 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse, Kassel, Germany. 18-20 July 2016.
Rehbein, I., Scholman, M.C.J., & Demberg, V. (2016). Annotating discourse relations in spoken language: A comparison of the PDTB and CCR frameworks. Poster presented at Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 16), Portoroz, Slovenia. [paper]
Evers-Vermeul, J., Hoek, J. & Scholman, M.C.J. (2016). On temporality in discourse annotation. Talk at TextLink Second Action Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 11-13 April 2016.
Scholman, M.C.J., Mak, W.M., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2016). Expecting the unexpected: Do contextual signals guide the processing of coherence relations? Poster presented at TextLink Second Action Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 11-13 April 2016.
Sanders, T.J.M., Demberg, V., Evers-Vermeul, J., Hoek, J., Scholman, M.C.J., & Zufferey, S. (2016). How can we relate various annotation schemes? Unifying dimensions in discourse annotation. Talk presented at TextLink Second Action Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 11-13 April 2016.
Scholman, M.C.J., Rohde, H. & Demberg, V. (2016). Predictions of upcoming discourse structure based on 'On the one hand'. Poster presented at Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Text Structuring (LPTS 2016), Valencia, Spain. 24-26 January 2016.
Rehbein, I., Scholman, M.C.J., & Demberg, V. (2015). Annotating discourse relations in spoken language: A comparison of the PDTB and CCR frameworks. Poster presented at International Workshop: Identification and Annotation of Discourse Relations in Spoken Language (DiSpoL 2015), Saarbrücken, Germany. 1-2 October 2015. [poster]
Scholman, M.C.J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2015). Annotating coherence relations in corpora of language use. Talk presented at International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. 26-31 July 2015.
Demberg, V., Rohde, H., Scholman, M.C.J., Cummins, C., & Nicolet, E. (2015). "On the one hand" as a cue in the comprehension of discourse structure. Talk presented at First Conference of the TextLink COST Action Network on "Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe". Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 26-28 January 2015.
Scholman, M.C.J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2014). How to annotate coherence relations in corpora of language use. Talk at Vereniging Interuniversitair Overleg Taalbeheersing (VIOT 2014), Leuven, Belgium. 16-18 December 2014.
Scholman, M.C.J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2014). Annotating coherence relations in corpora of language use. Poster presented at CLARIN Annual Conference 2014, Soesterberg, the Netherlands. 23-25 October 2014.
Scholman, M.C.J., & Sanders, T.J.M. (2013). Categories of coherence relations in discourse annotation. Talk presented at International Workshop on Discourse Annotation, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 21-22 June 2013.