Hans Uszkoreit : Forschungsseminar "Evolution der Sprache"

Die Zeit wird nicht ausreichen, um alle interessanten Bücher und Papiere zu lesen. Aus den meisten Büchern werden wir ohnehin nur Auszüge besprechen können. Die genaue Auswahl werden wir in der ersten Sitzung vornehmen. Die Werke mit einem Sternchen* scheinen besonders geeignet. Genaue bibliographische Angaben bzw. Links zu den Texten werden noch vervollständigt.


Bücher zur Entstehung der Sprache

*Derek Bickerton: "Language & Species", 1990

Derek Bickerton: "Language and Human Behavior", 1996

Terrence W. Deacon: "The Symbolic Species : The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain"

*Kathleen R. Gibson, Tim Ingold (Editor): "Tools, Language and Cognition in Human Evolution" , 1993

*Jean Aitchison: "The Seeds of Speech : Language Origin and Evolution (Cambridge Approaches to Linguistics)", 1996

*Philip Lieberman: "Eve Spoke : Human Language and Human Evolution" , 1998

William Noble, et al.: "Human Evolution, Language and Mind : A Psychological and Archaeological Inquiry"

*Steven Pinker: "The Language Instinct/How the Mind Creates Language", (William Morrow and Company, Inc, New York,
1994) Review

Merritt  Ruhlen: "On the Origin of Language: Tracing the Evolution of the Mother Tongue", 1996.

Merritt  Ruhlen: "On the Origin of Language: Studies in Linguistic Taxonomy", 1996.

Papiere und Bücher zur Entstehung der Syntax

*Briscoe, E.J. "Language Acquisition: the Bioprogram Hypothesis and the Baldwin Effect", unpublished manuscript (submitted Language), 1997.

*Simon Kirby: "Function, Selection and Innateness: the Emergence of Language Universals"

*Simon Kirby and James Hurford: "The evolution of incremental learning: language, development and critical periods"

*Simon Kirby: "Adaptive explanations for language universals: a model of Hawkins' performance theory", in: Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung,

Wir sollten uns auch einige Papier aus einem neuen Sammelband anschauen:

edited by James R. Hurford, Michael Studdert-Kennedy and Chris Knight
To be published by Cambridge University Press in August 1998.

z.B. einige der folgenden Papiere

Chris Knight ``Introduction: Grounding language function in social cognition''

*Jean Aitchison ``On Discontinuing the Continuity-Discontinuity Debate''

*James R Hurford ``Introduction: The Emergence of Syntax''

Frederick J. Newmeyer ``On the Supposed `Counterfunctionality' of Universal Grammar: some Evolutionary Considerations''

Robert C. Berwick, Partha Niyogi and Charles Yang ``Language Evolution and the Minimalist Program: the Origins of Syntax''

Derek Bickerton ``Catastrophic Evolution: the Case for a Single Step from Protolanguage to Full Human Language''

*Simon Kirby ``Fitness and the Selective Adaptation of Language''

John Batali ``Computational Simulations of the Emergence of Grammar''

Luc Steels ``Synthesizing the Origins of Language and Meaning using Co-evolution, Self-organization and Level Formation''