Heiner Drenhaus: Publications


Torsten Kai Jachmann, Heiner Drenhaus, Maria Staudte, Matthew W. Crocker (2023) When a Look is Enough to Confirm Referential Expectations: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) Cognition, 236, 105449 DOI: [10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105449]

Muqing Li, Nortje Venhuizen,Torsten Kai Jachmann, Heiner Drenhaus, and Matthew W. Crocker (2023). Does informativity modulate linearization preferences in reference production?. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45, No. 45)., Sydney, Australia

Rabs, E., Delogu, F., Drenhaus, H., & Crocker, M. W. (2022). Situational expectancy or word association? The influence of event knowledge on the N400. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. DOI: [10.1080/23273798.2021.2022171]

Muhlack, B., Elmers, M., Drenhaus, H., Trouvain, J., van Os, M., Werner, R., Ryzhova, M., and Möbius,B. (2021). Revisiting Recall Effects of Filler Particles in German and English. InProc. Interspeech, 3979-3983.

Sikos, L., Venhuizen, N. J., Drenhaus, H., and Crocker, M. W. (2021a). Reevaluating pragmatic reasoning in language games. PLOS ONE, 16(3):1-33.

Sikos, L., Venhuizen, N. J., Drenhaus, H., and Crocker, M. W. (2021b). Speak before you listen: Pragmatic reasoning in multitrial language games. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, volume 43, 1465-1471.

Schäfer, L., Lemke, R., Drenhaus, H., Reich, I. (2021). The Role of UID for the Usage of Verb Phrase Ellipsis: Psycholinguistic Evidence from Length and Context Effects.PLoS ONE doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661087

Lemke, R., Reich, I., Schäfer, L. & Drenhaus, H. (2021). Predictable words are more likely to be omitted in fragments – Evidence from production data. PLoS ONE 16(2):e0246255. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246255.

Köhne, J., Drenhaus, H., Delogu, F., & Demberg, V. (2021). The on-line processing of causal and concessive discourse connectives. Linguistics.Linguistics. Volume 59 Issue 2, 417-448. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ling-2021-0011

Staudte, M., Ankener, Ch., Drenhaus, H. & Crocker, M.W. (2021) Graded expectations in visually situated comprehension: Costs and benefits as indexed by the N400. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(2), 624-631.

Lemke, R., Schäfer, L., Drenhaus, H. and Reich, I. (2020). Script Knowledge Constrains Ellipses in Fragments - Evidence from Production Data and Language Modeling. In: Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics:. Vol. 3, Article 45.

Jachmann, T. K., Drenhaus, H., Stadte, M., & Crocker, M. W. (2019). Influence of Speakers' Gaze on Situated Language Comprehension: Evidence from Event Related Potentials. Brain and Cognition, 135, 103571.

Ankener, Ch. S., Drenhaus, H., Crocker, M. W., & Staudte, M. (2018) Multimodal Surprisal in the N400 and the Index of Cognitive Activity. In: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2018), 94-100.

Delogu, F., Drenhaus, H., & Crocker, M. W. (2018). On the predictability of event-boundaries in discourse: An ERP investigation. Memory and Cognition. 46, 2, 315-325.

Sikos, L., Greenberg, C., Drenhaus, H., & Crocker, M. W. (2017). Information density of encodings : The role of syntactic variation in comprehension. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci 2017), 3168-3173.

Jachmann, T. K., Drenhaus, H., Staudte, M., & Crocker, M. W. (2017). The Influence of Speaker's Gaze on Sentence Comprehension : An ERP Investigation. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci 2017), 2261-2266.

Delogu, F., Crocker, M. W. & Drenhaus, H. (2017). Teasing apart coercion and surprisal: Evidence from ERPs and eye-movements. Cognition, 116, 46-59.

Lasarcyk, E., Drenhaus, H. & Möbius, B. (2015). Experimente zur Wahrnehmung gezielt degradierter synthetischer Sprache. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2015, Tagungsband der 26. Konferenz (Eichstätt), 112-119.

Repp, S., & Drenhaus, H. (2015). Intonation influences processing and recall of left-dislocation sentences by indicating topic vs. focus status of dislocated referent. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, Vol. 30, No. 3, 324-346.

Drenhaus, H., Demberg, V., Köhne, J. & Delogu, F. (2014). Incremental and predictive discourse processing based on causal and concessive discourse markers: ERP studies on German and English. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci 2014), 403-409.

Drenhaus, H., & beim Graben, P. (2012). Ereigniskorrelierte Potenziale (EKPs). Zeitschrift für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, 40(1), 1-30.

beim Graben, P., & Drenhaus, H. (2012). Computationelle Neurolinguistik. Zeitschrift für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft, 40(1), 97-125.

Vasishth, S. & Drenhaus, H. (2011) Locality effects in German. Dialogue and Discourse.Vol 2, No 1, 59-82. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H.; Zimmermann, M. & Vasishth, S. (2011) Exhaustiveness effects in clefts are not truth-functional. Journal of Neurolinguistics, Volume 24, Issue 3, 320-337. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H. (2010 & 2012) Neurowissenschaftliche Komponenten der Sprachverarbeitung. In: Höhle, B. (Eds.) Psycholinguistik, Akademie Verlag, Studienbücher, chapter.

Drenhaus, H. (2010 & 2012) Sprachverarbeitung. In: Höhle, B. (Eds.) Psycholinguistik, Akademie Verlag, Studienbücher, chapter.

Stadie, N.; Drenhaus, H.; Höhle B.; Spalek, K. & Wartenburger, I. (2010 & 2012) Forschungsmethoden der Psycholinguistik. In: Höhle, B. (Eds.) Psycholinguistik, Akademie Verlag, Studienbücher, chapter.

Fritzsche, T.; Drenhaus, H. & Warenburger, I. (2010 & 2012) Experimentalplanung. In: Höhle, B. (Eds.) Psycholinguistik, Akademie Verlag, Studienbücher, chapter.

Drenhaus, H. & Féry, C. (2008) Animacy and Child Grammar: an OT account. Lingua, Volume 118, Issue 2, 222-244. [Abstract]

Féry, C. & Drenhaus, H. (2008) Single prosodic phrase sentences. In: Ishihara, S., Schmitz, M. & Schwarz, A. (Eds.).Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Structures 10. Working Papers of the SFB 632. Potsdam. 1-44.

Vasishth, S., Lewis, R. L., Brüssow, S. & Drenhaus, H. (2008) Processing Polarity: How the ungrammatical intrudes on the grammatical. Cognitive Science. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H., Blaszczak, J. & Schütte, J. (2007) Some psycholinguistic comments on NPI licensing. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 11, E. Puig-Waldmüller (Ed.), Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 180-193. [Abstract]

beim Graben, P., Drenhaus, H., Brehm, E., Rhode, B., Saddy, D. & Frisch, St. (2007) Enhancing dominant modes in nonstationary time series by means of the symbolic resonance analysis. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H., beim Graben, P., Frisch, St., & Saddy, D. (2006) Diagnosis and repair of negative polarity constructions in the light of symbolic resonance analysis. Brain and Language, 96, 255-268. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H., Saddy, D. & Frisch, St. (2005) Processing negative polarity items: When negation comes through the backdoor. In: Kepser, S. & Reis, M. (Eds.), Linguistic Evidence -- Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Mouton de Gruyter (Studies in Generative Grammar 85), 145-165. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H., Saddy, D. & Frisch, St. (2004) Intrusion effects in the processing of negative polarity items. In: Kepser, S. & Reis, M. (Eds.), Pre-Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen, 41-46.

Saddy, J. D, beim Graben, P., Drenhaus, H. & Frisch, S. (2004) Distinguishing Process from Content in Language Processing: a new answer to an old question, American Institute of Physics proceedings of the eighth Experimental Chaos Conference, 94-105. [Abstract]

Hüttner, T., Drenhaus, H., van de Vijver, R. & Weissenborn, J. (2004) The acquisition of the German Focus particle auch 'too': Comprehension does not always precede production. In: BUCLD 28: Proceedings of the 28th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. [Abstract]

Saddy, D., Drenhaus, H. & Frisch, St. (2004) Processing Polarity Items: Contrastive Licensing Costs, Brain and Language, 495-502. [Abstract]

Drenhaus, H. (2004) Minimalism, Features and Parallel Grammars: On the acquisition of German ditransitive structures. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Potsdam.

Drenhaus, H. (2002) On the acquisition of German nicht 'not' as sentential negation: Evidence from Negative Polarity items. BUCLD 26: Proceedings of the 26th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development edited by B. Skarabela, S. Fish & A. H.-J. Do. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 166-174.[Abstract]

Drenhaus, H. (2000) From Head to Adjunct: Evidence from the Acquisition of German DitransitiveVerbs. BUCLD 24: Proceedings of the 24th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development edited by S. Catherine Howell, Sarah A. Fish, and Thea Keith-Lucas. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, 276-285.

Roeper, T & Drenhaus, H. (1999) Explorations in Experimental Language Acquisition. Ms. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Published and reviewed abstracts

beim Graben, P., Drenhaus, H. & Frisch, St. (2006) Evidence for nonlinear dynamics during sentence processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 219.

Drenhaus, H., beim Graben, P. & Frisch, St. (2006) Not all but some ERP results on the scalar expressions \emph{some} and \emph{all}. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 128.

Kügler, F. & Drenhaus, H. (2006) Negation, Prosody and Replacives: An Auditory Acceptability Judgement Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 46.

Warren, T., Vasishth, S., Hirotani, M. & Drenhaus, H. (2006) Multiple-licensor and locality effects in negative polarity licensing. Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, New York.

Vasishth, S., Brüssow, S. Drenhaus, H., Lewis, R. L.& Saddy, D. (2006) Processing constraints on negative and positive polarity. Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, New York.

Vasishth, S. Drenhaus, H., Saddy, D. & Lewis, R. L. (2005) Processing negative polarity. Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, University of Arizona, T2.

Wonneberger, S. Kotz, S., Drenhaus, H. & Thom, G. (2005) EKP-Effekte externer Rhythmusstimulation auf die Syntaxverarbeitung bei Läsionen der Basalganglien. In Lange, K. W., Bäuml, K.-H., Greenlee, M. W., Hammerl, M., & Zimmer, A. Experimentelle Psychologie: Beiträge zur 47. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Universität Regensburg, 230.

Drenhaus, H., beim Graben, P., Frisch, St., & Saddy, D. (2005) On the processing of Negative Polarity Items revealed by the Symbolic Resonance Analysis. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 93.

Drenhaus, H. (2003) Der Einfluß von Adverbien auf Bindungsrelationen beim Spracherwerb. In Golz, J., Faul, F., & Mausfeld, R. (eds.) Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 45. Teap. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers, 75.

Saddy, D., Drenhaus, H., Frisch, St. & Schlesewsky, M. (2002) Licensing and intrusion effects in polarity constructions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 83.

Drenhaus, H., Frisch, S., Saddy, D. & Schlesewsky, M. (2002) Lizensierungs- und Interferenzeffekte in Polaritätskonstruktionen. In Baumann, M. et al. (eds.): Experimentelle Psychologie. Abstracts der 44. TeaP. Regensburg: Roderer, 97.

Brehm, E., Drenhaus, H. & Saddy, D. (2001) Die Verarbeitung des negativen Polaritätsausdruckes jemals-eine EKP-Studie. In: Zimmer, A. et al. (eds.): Experimentelle Psychologie-Abstracts der 43. Tagung in Regensburg. Pabst Science Publisher. Längerich, 18.

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