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Andreas Eisele, Christian Federmann, Hans Uszkoreit, Herve Saint-Amand, Martin Kay, Michael Jellinghaus, Sabine Hunsicker, Teresa Herrmann and Yu Chen. Hybrid machine translation architectures within and beyond the EuroMatrix project. In 12th EAMT Conference : European Asscociation for Machine Translation ; proceedings of the Twelfth EAMT Conference 22-23 September 2008, Pages 27-34, HITEC, Hamburg, 2008.
Note: HU.
      AUTHOR = {Eisele, Andreas and Federmann, Christian and Uszkoreit, Hans and Saint-Amand, Herve and Kay, Martin and Jellinghaus, Michael and Hunsicker, Sabine and Herrmann, Teresa and Chen, Yu},
      TITLE = {Hybrid machine translation architectures within and beyond the EuroMatrix project},
      YEAR = {2008},
      BOOKTITLE = {12th EAMT Conference : European Asscociation for Machine Translation ; proceedings of the Twelfth EAMT Conference 22-23 September 2008},
      PAGES = {27-34},
      ADDRESS = {Hamburg},
      NOTE = {HU}
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