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References of J. P. Tubach   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 1989 >> TOP
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William J. Barry, Martine Grice, Valerie Hazan and Adrian J. Fourcin. Excitation Distributions for Synthesised Speech. In J. P. Tubach and Joseph Mariani editors, 1st European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), Vol. 1:353-356, Paris, France, 1989.   Bibtex entry  google
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Mark A. Huckvale, I. S. Howard and William J. Barry. Automatic Phonetic Feature Labelling of Continuous Speech. In J. P. Tubach and Joseph Mariani editors, European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), Vol. 2:565-568, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1989.   Bibtex entry  google
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Wim J. Peeters and William J. Barry. Diphthong Dynamics: Production and Perception in Southern British English. In J. P. Tubach and Joseph Mariani editors, European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '89), September, Vol. 1:55-58, Paris, France, 1989.   Bibtex entry  google
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