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    Created: 2007-12-12 11:30:26
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Tania Avgustinova. Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents. In Peter Kosta and Jens Frasek editors, Current Approaches to Formal Slavic Linguistics Contributions of the Second European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages. FDSL II held at the University of Potsdam, November 20-22, 1997, Vol. 9 of Linguistik International, Lang, Peter Frankfurt, Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Bern, 2002.
      AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania},
      TITLE = {Clustering Clitics in Bulgarian Nominal Constituents},
      YEAR = {2002},
      BOOKTITLE = {Current Approaches to Formal Slavic Linguistics Contributions of the Second European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages. FDSL II held at the University of Potsdam, November 20-22, 1997},
      VOLUME = {9},
      EDITOR = {Kosta, Peter and Frasek, Jens},
      SERIES = {Linguistik International},
      ADDRESS = {Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Bern},
      PUBLISHER = {Lang, Peter Frankfurt}
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