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Christer Samuelsson and Manny Rayner. Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimization Tool for a Large-Scale Natural Language System. In John Mylopoulos and Raymond Reiter editors, 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30, Pages 609-615, Morgan Kaufmann, Sydney, Australia, 1991.
      AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Rayner, Manny},
      TITLE = {Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimization Tool for a Large-Scale Natural Language System},
      YEAR = {1991},
      BOOKTITLE = {12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '91), August 24-30},
      PAGES = {609-615},
      EDITOR = {Mylopoulos, John and Reiter, Raymond},
      ADDRESS = {Sydney, Australia},
      PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann}
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