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References of Michael Collins   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
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Manny Rayner, Ivan Bretan, David M. Carter, Michael Collins, Vassilios Digalakis, Björn Gambäck, Jaan Kaja, Jussi Karlgren, Bertil Lyberg, Stephen G. Pulman, Patti Price and Christer Samuelsson. Spoken Language Translation with Mid-90's Technology: A Case Study. In K. Fellbaum editor, 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '93), September 21-23, Vol. 2:1299-1302, Berlin, Germany, 1993.   Bibtex entry  google
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Manny Rayner, Ivan Bretan, David M. Carter, Michael Collins, Vassilios Digalakis, Björn Gambäck, Jaan Kaja, Jussi Karlgren, Bertil Lyberg, Stephen G. Pulman, Patti Price and Christer Samuelsson. Spoken Language Translation with Mid-90's Technology: A Case Study. Technical report, SRI International Technical Report CRC-032, SRI International, Cambridge, 1993.   Bibtex entry  google
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