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References of Keith Waclena   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 1995 >> TOP
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Donald A. Ziff, Stephen Spackmann and Keith Waclena. Funser: A Functional Server for Textual Information Retrieval. In Journal of Functional Programming, Vol. 5(3):317-343, 1995.   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
<< 1992 >> TOP
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Donald A. Ziff, Keith Waclena and Stephen P. Spackman. Using a Lazy Functional Language for Textual Information Retrieval. Technical report, Technical Report, University of Chicago Center for Information and Language Studies, Chicago, 1992.   Bibtex entry  google
<< 1991 >> TOP
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Donald A. Ziff, Keith Waclena and Stephen P. Spackman. CAL: Combinator Assembly Language. Technical report, Technical Report, University of Chicago Center for Information and Language Studies, Chicago, 1991. URL   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
Last modified: Thu October 16 2014 19:11:34         BibAdmin