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References of Karel Pala   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 2002 >> TOP
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Elena Karagjosova and Ivana Korbayova. An Analysis of Conditional Responses in Dialogue. In Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek and Karel Pala editors, 5th International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2002), September 9-12, Pages 317-320, Springer Verlag, Brno, Czech Republic, 2002. URL   Bibtex entry  google
Note: forthcoming. [Annote]
<< 2000 >> TOP
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Geert-Jan M. Kruijff and Ivana Korbayova. Aggregation and Contextual Reference in Automatically Generated Instructions. In Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek and Karel Pala editors, Proceedings of the Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue - Third International Workshop, TSD 2000, Brno, Czech Republic, September 13-16, Vol. 1902:87-92 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, 2000. URL   Bibtex entry  google [Annote]
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Karel Oliva, Milena Hnátková, Vladimir Petkevic and Pavel Kveton. The Linguistic Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech. In Petr Sojka, Ivan Kopecek and Karel Pala editors, 3rd International Workshop Text, Speech and Dialogue 2000 (TSD '00), September 13-16, (1902):3-8, Springer, Brno, Czech Republic, 2000.   Bibtex entry  google
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