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References of Andrew C. Morris   Download bibtex file Order by:   Type | Year
<< 2007 >> TOP
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Jacques Koreman, D. Wu and Andrew C. Morris. Enhancing speaker discrimination at the feature level. In Christian Müller editor, Speaker Classification I. Fundamentals, Features, and Methods (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Vol. 434, Springer., 2007.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: WB.
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S. Schacht, Jacques Koreman, C. Lauer, Andrew C. Morris, D. Wu and Dietrich Klakow. Frame Based Features. In Christian Müller editor, Speaker Classification I. Fundamentals, Features, and Methods (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Vol. 434, Springer, 2007.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: DK, WB.
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Andrew C. Morris, Jacques Koreman, B. Ly-Van, H. Sellahewa, S. Jassim and R. Llareno Gomez. Global features for rapid identity verification with dynamic biometric data. In Proceedings of 8th Annual Conf. of the Int. Speech. Comm. Assoc. (Interspeech 2007), Antwerp, 2007.   Bibtex entry  google
Note: WB.
<< 2006 >> TOP
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Jacques Koreman, Andrew C. Morris and D. Wu. Multi-modal biometric authentication on the SecurePhone PDA. In Second Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, Toulouse, 2006.   Bibtex entry  google
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L. Allano, Andrew C. Morris and Jacques Koreman. Non intrusive multi-biometrics on a mobile device: a comparison of fusion techniques. In SPIE Conference on Biometric Technology for Human Identification III, Florida., 2006.   Bibtex entry  google
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Andrew C. Morris, S. Jassims, H. Sellahewa and Jacques Koreman. Multimodal person authentication on a smartphone under realistic conditions. In SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida, 2006.   Bibtex entry  google
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H. Sellahewa, Andrew C. Morris, D. Wu and Jacques Koreman. Comparison of weighting strategies in early and late fusion approaches to audio-visual person authentication. In SPIE Conference on Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, Florida, 2006.   Bibtex entry  google
<< 1997 >> TOP
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Andrew C. Morris, Gerrit Bloothooft, William J. Barry, Bistra Andreeva and Jacques Koreman. Human and Machine Identification of Consonantal Place of Articulation from Vocalic Transition Segments. In G. Kokkinakis, N. Fakotakis and E. Dermatas editors, 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH '97), September 22-25, Vol. 4:2123-2126, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.   Bibtex entry  google
Last modified: Thu October 16 2014 19:11:34         BibAdmin