% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:12 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Year = 1994 % @InProceedings{Andersen_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Andersen, Ove and Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {On the Use of Data-Driven Clustering Techniques for Identification of Poly- and Monophonemes for Four European Languages}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'94), April 19-22}, ADDRESS = {Adelaide, Australia} } @Article{Avgustinova:1994, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania}, TITLE = {On Bulgarian Verb Clitics}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Slavic Linguistics}, VOLUME = {2}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {29-47} } @TechReport{Avgustinova:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania}, TITLE = {Morphosyntactic Phrase - Evidence from Bulgarian}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Internal Report, Projekt LATESLAV}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @PhdThesis{Backofen:1994, AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf}, TITLE = {Expressivity and Decidability of First-Order Languages over Feature Trees}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Technische Fakultät}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/kndisco.ps.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1994:EDF.pdf Backofen:1994:EDF.ps Backofen:1994:EDF.dvi} } @Article{Backofen:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf}, TITLE = {Regular Path Expressions in Feature Logic}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation}, VOLUME = {17}, PAGES = {412-455}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RegularPathExprJSC94.dvi.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1994:RPE.pdf Backofen:1994:RPE.ps ackofen:1994:RPE.dvi} } @TechReport{Backofen_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Busemann, Stephan and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Netter, Klaus and Neumann, Günter and Oepen, Stephan and Spackman, Stephen P. and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Abschlussbericht: DISCO - Dialogsystem für autonome kooperierende Agenten}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {R:S95-060}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Backofen_1994_DDFAKA.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In der Entwicklung der Informationstechnologie wird die natürliche Sprache zu einem unentbehrlichen Medium für die Kommunikation zwischen Menschen und ihren autonomen maschinellen Partnern (Agenten). Im Projekt DISCO wurde ein Dialogsystem entwickelt, das maschinelle Dialogpartner in die Lage versetzt, mit ihren menschlichen Partnern in natürlicher Sprache zu kommunizieren. Während existierende Dialogsysteme zur Kommunikation zwischen der Maschine und einem einzigen menschlichen Benutzer gedacht sind, nimmt das DISCO-System an Dialogen zwischen mehr als zwei Teilnehmern teil. Die autonomen kooperierenden Agenten, für die das DISCO-System geschaffen wurde, sind KISoftwaresysteme auf vernetzten Computern. DlSCO führte Forschung sowohl in Computerlinguistik als auch in anderen Gebieten der KI durch. Frühere Arbeiten an natürlichsprachlichen Dialogsystemen konzentrierten sich entweder auf moderne Methoden für die linguistische Spezifikation und die Sprachverarbeitung oder auf fortgeschrittene Dialogverarbeitung. Im Unterschied dazu konnte DISCO erfolgreich Resultate aus beiden Gebieten integrieren. Als Ergebnis erhielt das DFKI ein auf modernsten Technologien aufbauendes, umfangreiches, flexibles, erweiterbares natürlichsprachliches Kernsystem, das für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsentwicklungen eingesetzt werden kann und bereits in mehreren anderen Projekten eingesetzt wird.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1994:ADD.pdf} } @InProceedings{Backofen_Treinen:1994, AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Treinen, Ralf}, TITLE = {How to Win a Game with Features}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {1st International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics (CCL'94), September 7-9}, VOLUME = {845}, PAGES = {320-335}, EDITOR = {Jouannaud, J.-P.}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, ADDRESS = {München, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/FeatureGamesCCL94.ps.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Backofen:1994:HWG.pdf Backofen:1994:HWG.ps Backofen:1994:HWG.dvi} } @InProceedings{Balkan_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Balkan, Lorna and Netter, Klaus and Arnold, Doug and Meijer, Siety}, TITLE = {TNSLP - Test Suites for Language Processing}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {CEC Language Engineering Convention}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, URL = {ftp://issco-ftp.unige.ch/pub/publications/tsnlp-coling.ps.gz}, ABSTRACT = {The growing language technology industry needs measurement tools to allow researchers, engineers, managers, and customers to track development, evaluate and assure quality, and assess suitability for a variety of applications. The tsnlp (Test Suites for Natural Language Processing) project (1) has investigated various aspects of the construction, maintenance and application of systematic test suites as diagnostic and evaluation tools for NLP applications. The paper summarizes the motivation and main results of tsnlp: besides the solid methodological foundation of the project, tsnlp has produced substantial (i.e. larger than any existing general test suites) multi-purpose and multi-user test suites for three European languages together with a set of specialized tools that facilitate the construction, extension, maintenance, retrieval, and customization of the test data. The publicly available results of tsnlp represent a valuable linguistic resource that has the potential of providing a wide-spread pre-standard diagnostic and evaluation tool for both developers and users of NLP applications.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Balkan:1994:TTSb.pdf} } @InCollection{Barry:1994, AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {Databases in Speech Technology}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {817-822}, EDITOR = {Asher, R. E.}, ADDRESS = {Oxford}, PUBLISHER = {Pergamon Press} } @TechReport{Blackburn_de Rijke:1994, AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and de Rijke, Maarten}, TITLE = {Zooming In, Zooming Out}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {November}, NUMBER = {48}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus48.dvi ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus48.ps}, ABSTRACT = {This is an exploratory paper about combining logics, combining theories and combining structures. Typically when one applies logic to such areas as computer science, artificial intelligence or linguistics, one encounters hybrid ontologies. The aim of this paper is to identify plausible strategies for coping with ontological richness.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Blackburn:1994:ZZ.pdf Blackburn:1994:ZZ.ps Blackburn:1994:ZZ.dvi} } @TechReport{Blackburn_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Patrick and de Rijke, Maarten and Vennema, Ide}, TITLE = {The Algebra of Modal Logic}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {November}, NUMBER = {47}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus47.dvi}, ABSTRACT = {Our main aim is to review the frame semantics and axiomatics of modal logic from the perspective of the duality between (Kripke) frames and boolean algebras with operators as defined by Jónsson and Tarski. To this end, we introduce modal languages and their interpretation in models and frames in Part II. We define and discuss the notion of a modal formula characterizing a class of frames or models, and give the Sahlqvist algorithm which yields, given a suitable modal formula as input, the corresponding first-order condition on the class of frames characterized by the formula. We define the concept of a normal modal logic and explain the canonical frame method for proving completeness of a logic with respect to classes of frames. In Part III we develop the algebraic perspective on modal logic. We introduce boolean algebras with operators and show how they arise naturally in both the semantic and the axiomatic approach towards algebraizing modal logic. We discuss in detail how the category of boolean algebras with operators and homomorphisms links up with the category of frames with so-called bounded morphisms. Finally, we apply this duality to give easy proofs for some important and well-known results from modal logic.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Blackburn:1994:AML.ps Blackburn:1994:AML.dvi} } @InProceedings{Bos:1994, AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan}, TITLE = {Focusing Particles and Ellipsis Resolution}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Focus and Natural Language Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives}, EDITOR = {Bosch, P.}, ADDRESS = {Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press} } @InProceedings{Bos:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan}, TITLE = {Presupposition and VP-Ellipsis}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {1184-1190}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @TechReport{Bos:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan}, TITLE = {Presupposition and VP-Ellipsis}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {April}, NUMBER = {37}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus37.ps}, ABSTRACT = {We discuss a treatment of VP-ellipsis resolution in DRT in general, and particularly cases where the source clause of the elliptical VP contains presupposition triggers. We propose to restrain VP-ellipsis resolution by presupposition neutralization. We view presupposition as a kind of anaphora, with the ability to accommodate an antecedent if not provided by discourse.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1994:PVEb.pdf Bos:1994:PVEb.ps} } @InProceedings{Bos_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Mastenbroek, Elsbeth and McGlashan, Scott and Millies, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {A Compositional DRS-Based Formalism for NLP-Applications}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {1st International Workshop on Computational Semantics}, PAGES = {21-31}, ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1994:CDB.pdf} } @TechReport{Bos_et_al:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Bos, Johan and Mastenbroek, Elsbeth and McGlashan, Scott and Millies, Sebastian and Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {Verbmobil Semantikkonstruktion}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {6}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Verbmobil-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:1994:VS.pdf} } @InProceedings{Brants:1994, AUTHOR = {Brants, Thorsten}, TITLE = {Parameteroptimierung für ein Statistisches Sprachmodell}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {1. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, 13.-15. Oktober}, PAGES = {13-17}, ADDRESS = {Freiburg, Germany} } @InProceedings{Brawer:1994, AUTHOR = {Brawer, Sascha}, TITLE = {Mechanismen einer kontextfreien Grammatik für des Deutsche}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Studentenprogramm der 18. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI-94), September 21-23}, NUMBER = {D-94-12}, EDITOR = {Sehn, A. and Autexier, S.}, SERIES = {DFKI-Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany} } @InProceedings{Buitelaar_Mineur:1994, AUTHOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Mineur, Anne-Marie}, TITLE = {Coercion and Compositionality in Categorial Grammar}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {9th Amsterdam Colloquium}, PAGES = {175-188}, EDITOR = {Dekker, Paul and Stokhof, Martin}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam}, PUBLISHER = {Institute for Logic, Language and Computation}, URL = {Full text in postscript gzipped http://dfki.de/~paulb/ac93.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:1994:CCC.pdf Buitelaar:1994:CCC.ps} } @TechReport{Busemann_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Oepen, Stefan and Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Neumann, Günter and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {COSMA - Multi-Participant NL Interaction for Appointment Scheduling}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {RR-94-34}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-34.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-34.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-34.ps.Z http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/~dfkidok/publications/RR/94/34/abstract.html}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1994:CMP.pdf Busemann:1994:CMP.ps Busemann:1994:CMP.dvi} } @InProceedings{Butz:1994, AUTHOR = {Butz, Andreas}, TITLE = {Betty: Planning and Generating Animations for the Visualization of Movements and Spatial Relations}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {2nd International Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI '94), June 1-4}, PAGES = {53-58}, EDITOR = {Catarci, T. and Costabile, M. F. and Levialdi, S. and Santucci, G.}, ADDRESS = {Bari, Italy}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~butz/work/betty.ps.Z}, ABSTRACT = {In the field of multimodal presentation of information on a computer screen normally the modes Text and (statical) Graphics are used [Feiner'89, Wahlster'90 + '93]. But especially the computer screen yields the possibility to present informations in the form of animated graphics, i.e. animations. [Badler'90, Karp'90]. One advantage of animations is, that the dimension Time (succession, duration) can immediately be expressed. Another advantage is, that in an animation it is much easier to (virtually) cross the border to the third spatial dimension than it is in statical graphics. The problem of synthesizing an animation was regarded in this work as a planning problem and the result is an animation planner that, starting from an visualization goal, plans the whole script for an animation including all low-level camera and object motions. The system takes all decisions about camera positions, zooms, moves and cuts considering the actual context as well as some fundamental filmmaking rules [Karp'90]. The script is then realized by a given animation system which computes the single frames and does the playback. BETTY is part of the multimodal user interface WIP (Knowledge-based Presentation of Information, [Wahlster'93]), that generates instructions for technical devices. At the moment BETTY is able to compute animations to demonstrate movements, to localize parts of a device and to explode constructive groups.} } @Book{Conrath_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Conrath, Karl and Mangold, Max and Pützer, Manfred}, TITLE = {Mettlacher Wörterbuch}, YEAR = {1994}, VOLUME = {14}, PAGES = {275}, SERIES = {Phonetica Saraviensia}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, NOTE = {unter Mitarbeit von Manfred Pützer} } @InProceedings{Dale_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Dale, Robert and Finkler, Wolfgang and Kittredge, Richard and Lenke, Nils and Neumann, Günter and Peters, Conny and Stede, Manfred}, TITLE = {Report from Working Group 2: Lexicalization and Architecture}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Principles of Natural Language Generation}, NUMBER = {93}, PAGES = {30-39}, EDITOR = {Hoeppner, Wolfgang and Horacek, Helmut and Moore, Johanna}, SERIES = {Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report}, ADDRESS = {Schloß Dagstuhl}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Dale_1995_LAA.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This report summarises the results of the discussions held in Working Group 2: The group discussions focussed around three reasonably independent topics, and we have organised the report to reflect this.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Dale:1994:RWG.pdf} } @TechReport{Eineborg_Gambäck:1994, AUTHOR = {Eineborg, Martin and Gambäck, Björn}, TITLE = {Neural Networks for Wordform Recognition}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {February}, NUMBER = {R94:05}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {SICS}, URL = {www.sics.se/libabstracts.html#R94-05}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Eineborg:1994:NNW.pdf} } @InProceedings{Erbach:1994, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Bottom-Up Earley Deduction}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {796-802}, EDITOR = {Linguistics, Association for Computational}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan}, PUBLISHER = {ACL} } @InProceedings{Erbach:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Multi-Dimensional Inheritance}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {2. Konferenz Verarbeitung Natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS '94), 28.-30. September}, PAGES = {102-111}, EDITOR = {Trost, Harald}, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag} } @InCollection{Erbach:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Specification of Datatypes for LFG}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {The Reusability of Grammatical Resources. Deliverable B: Specification of Datatypes}, EDITOR = {Erbach, Gregor and van der Kraan, Mark and Manandhar, Suresh and Moshier, M. Andrew and Ruessink, Herbert and Thiersch, Craig}, ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Saarbrücken, Tilburg, Utrecht} } @TechReport{Erbach:1994_3, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {ProFit - Prolog with Features, Inheritance, and Templates}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {July}, NUMBER = {42}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus42.ps ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus42.dvi https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/claus42.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {ProFIT is an extension of Standard Prolog with Features, Inheritance and Templates. ProFIT allows the programmer or grammar developer to declare an inheritance hierarchy, features and templates. Typed feature terms can be used in ProFIT programs together with Prolog terms to provide a clearer description language for linguistic structures. ProFIT compiles all typed feature terms into a Prolog term representation, so that the built-in Prolog term unification can be used for the unification of typed feature structures, and no special unification algorithm is needed. ProFIT programs are compiled into Prolog programs, so that no meta-interpreter is needed for their execution. ProFIT thus provides a direct step from grammars developed with typed feature terms to Prolog programs usable for applications.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1994:PPF.pdf Erbach:1994:PPF.ps Erbach:1994:PPF.dvi} } @TechReport{Erbach:1994_4, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Bottom-Up Earley Deduction}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {April}, NUMBER = {39}, PAGES = {7}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus39.ps ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus39.dvi}, ABSTRACT = {We propose a bottom-up variant of Earley deduction. Bottom-up deduction is preferable to top-down deduction because it allows incremental processing (even for head-driven grammars), it is data-driven, no subsumption check is needed, and preference values attached to lexical items can be used to guide best-first search. We discuss the scanning step for bottom-up Earley deduction and indexing schemes that help avoid useless deduction steps.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1994:BEDb.pdf Erbach:1994:BEDb.ps Erbach:1994:BEDb.dvi} } @TechReport{Erbach:1994_5, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Multi-Dimensional Inheritance}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {December}, NUMBER = {40}, PAGES = {10}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus40.ps}, ABSTRACT = {In this paper, we present an alternative approach to multiple inheritance for typed feature structures. In our approach, a feature structure can be associated with several types coming from different hierarchies (dimensions). In case of multiple inheritance, a type has supertypes from different hierarchies. We contrast this approach with approaches based on a single type hierarchy where a feature structure has only one unique most general type, and multiple inheritance involves computation of greatest lower bounds in the hierarchy. The proposed approach supports current linguistic analyses in constraint-based formalisms like HPSG, inheritance in the lexicon, and knowledge representation for NLP systems. Finally, we show that multi-dimensional inheritance hierarchies can be compiled into a Prolog term representation, which allows to compute the conjunction of two types efficiently by Prolog term unification.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1994:MDIb.pdf Erbach:1994:MDIb.ps} } @InCollection{Erbach_Krenn:1994, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Krenn, Brigitte}, TITLE = {Idioms and Support Verb Constructions in HPSG}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Grammar in HPSG CSLI Lecture Notes}, PAGES = {365-396}, EDITOR = {Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus and Pollard, Carl}, ADDRESS = {Stanford}, PUBLISHER = {Center for the Study of Language and Information} } @Article{Erbach_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Moshier, M. Andrew and Manandhar, Suresh and Ruessink, Herbert and van der Kraan, Mark and Thiersch, Craig}, TITLE = {The Reusability of Grammatical Resources}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {AUG News: The Newsletter of the ALEP User Group}, VOLUME = {1}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {8-12} } @TechReport{Erbach_et_al:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Moshier, M. Andrew and Manandhar, Suresh and Ruessink, Herbert and van der Kraan, Mark and Thiersch, Craig}, TITLE = {The Reusability of Grammatical Resources}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {3(2)}, PAGES = {5-7}, ADDRESS = {Brighton, Sussex}, TYPE = {ELSNews}, INSTITUTION = {European Network in Language and Speech} } @TechReport{Erbach_et_al:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Moshier, M. Andrew and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Multiple Inheritance for ALEP. ET 9.2 deliverable}, YEAR = {1994} } @TechReport{Erbach_et_al:1994_3, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Skut, Wojciech and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Linear Precedence Constraints in Lean Formalisms (Part II). ET 9.2 deliverable}, YEAR = {1994}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Uszkoreit_1994_LPCLFP2.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this report, we demonstrate the practical application of the methods outlined in Part I by the implementation of a grammar that covers the ordering of adjuncts and complements in the German Mittelfeld.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1994:LPCa.pdf} } @TechReport{Erbach_Uszkoreit:1994, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Linear Precedence Constraints in Lean Formalisms (Part I). ET 9.2 deliverable}, YEAR = {1994}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Uszkoreit_1994_LPCLFP1.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {In this report a method for encoding LP constraints is presented that lends itself for a an easy integration into ALEP grammars since it does not require any changes to the formalism and to the implementation of the current ALEP development platform.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1994:LPCb.pdf} } @Book{Gregor_et_al:1994, TITLE = {The Reusability of Grammatical Resources. Deliverable C}, YEAR = {1994}, EDITOR = {Erbach, Gregor and van der Kraan, Mark and Manandhar, Suresh and Moshier, M. Andrew and Ruessink, Herbert and Thiersch, Craig}, ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Saarbrücken, Tilburg, Utrecht} } @Book{Gregor_et_al:1994_1, TITLE = {The Reusability of Grammatical Resources. Deliverable B: Specification of Datatypes}, YEAR = {1994}, EDITOR = {Erbach, Gregor and van der Kraan, Mark and Manandhar, Suresh and Moshier, M. Andrew and Ruessink, Herbert and Thiersch, Craig}, ADDRESS = {Edinburgh, Saarbrücken, Tilburg, Utrecht} } @TechReport{Gardent:1994, AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire}, TITLE = {Discourse Multiple Dependencies}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {October}, NUMBER = {45}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/coli/claus/claus45.ps ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/coli/claus/claus45.dvi}, ABSTRACT = {It is sometimes claimed (cf. [Mann/Thompson 1988, Scha/Polanyi 1988, Webber 1991, Gardent 1991, Pruest 1992]) that discourse has a tree structure which reflects the semantic structure of discourse. In this paper, I argue that this claim is problematic in cases of discourse multiple dependencies i.e. cases where one discourse segment is semantically related to two discourse segments. I develop a discourse framework which is based on [Scha/Polanyi 1988] but integrates ideas from Feature-based Tree Adjoining Grammars (FTAGs). I then show that this new framework adequately captures multiple dependencies whilst retaining the precise linguistic predictions made by the discourse grammar. In particular, I show how it permits a simple modelling of discourse semantics, discourse coherence and discourse based constraints on anaphora resolution.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Gardent:1994:DMD.pdf Gardent:1994:DMD.ps Gardent:1994:DMD.dvi} } @InProceedings{Gardent_Dorrepaal:1994, AUTHOR = {Gardent, Claire and Dorrepaal, Joke}, TITLE = {Reversible Discourse Processing}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-1), December 19-21}, ADDRESS = {Tilburg, The Netherlands} } @InProceedings{Hinkelman_Spackman:1994, AUTHOR = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Spackman, Stephen P.}, TITLE = {Communicating with Multiple Agents}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {1191-1197}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/Hin_Spa_Coling94.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/Hin_Spa_Coling94.entry}, ABSTRACT = {Previous dialogue systems have focussed on dialogues between two agents. Many applications, however, require conversations between several participants. This paper extends speech act definitions to handle multi-agent conversations, based on a model of multi-agent belief attribution with some unique properties. Our approach has the advantage of capturing a number of interesting phenomena in a straightforward way.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Hinkelman:1994:CMA.pdf Hinkelman:1994:CMA.ps} } @InCollection{Kasper:1994, AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter}, TITLE = {Flache Sprechhandlungsanalyse}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Dialogmodellierung in VERBMOBIL - Festlegung der Sprechhandlungen für den Demonstrator}, NUMBER = {31}, EDITOR = {Maier, Elisabeth}, SERIES = {VM-Memo}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI} } @InCollection{Kasper_Eberle:1994, AUTHOR = {Kasper, Walter and Eberle, Kurt}, TITLE = {French Past Tenses and Temporal Structure}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Tense Systems in European Languages}, PAGES = {149-171}, EDITOR = {Thieroff, Rolf and Ballweg, Joachim}, ADDRESS = {Tübingen}, PUBLISHER = {Niemeyer} } @Proceedings{Judith L._Philip:1994, TITLE = {The Balancing Act. Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language. Proceedings of the Workshop}, YEAR = {1994}, EDITOR = {Klavans, Judith L. and Resnik, Philip}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press} } @InCollection{Konieczny_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Konieczny, Lars and Scheepers, Christoph and Hemforth, Barbara and Strube, Gerhard}, TITLE = {Semantikorientierte Syntaxverarbeitung}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Kognitive Linguistik: Repräsentationen und Prozesse}, EDITOR = {Felix, S. and Habel, Christopher and Rickheit, Gert}, ADDRESS = {Opladen}, PUBLISHER = {Westdeutscher Verlag} } @MastersThesis{Konrad:1994, AUTHOR = {Konrad, Karsten}, TITLE = {Abstrakte Syntaxtransformation mit getypten Merkmalstermen}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Department of Computer Science} } @Book{Krenn_Samuelsson:1994, AUTHOR = {Krenn, Brigitte and Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {The Linguist's Guide to Statistics. Compendium for a Course in Statistical Approaches in Computational Linguistics}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @TechReport{Krieger:1994, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}, TITLE = {Typed Feature Formalisms as a Common Basis for Linguistic Specification}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {RR-94-39}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-39.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-39.dvi.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:TFF.pdf Krieger:1994:TFF.ps Krieger:1994:TFF.dvi} } @InCollection{Krieger:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}, TITLE = {Derivation Without Lexical Rules}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Constraints, Language and Computation}, PAGES = {277-313}, EDITOR = {Rupp, Christopher J. and Rosner, Michael and Johnson, Roderick}, ADDRESS = {London}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/paper.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/paper.entry}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:DLR.pdf Krieger:1994:DLR.ps} } @InProceedings{Krieger_Schäfer:1994, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich}, TITLE = {TDL - A Type Description Language for Constraint-Based Grammars}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {893-899}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/tdl-coli94.ps.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:TTDa.pdf Krieger:1994:TTDa.ps Krieger:1994:TTDa.dvi} } @TechReport{Krieger_Schäfer:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich}, TITLE = {TDL - A Type Description Language for HPSG. Part 1: Overview}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {RR-94-37}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-37.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-37.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/RR-94-37.ps.Z}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:TTDb.pdf Krieger:1994:TTDb.ps Krieger:1994:TTDb.dvi} } @TechReport{Krieger_Schäfer:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Schäfer, Ulrich}, TITLE = {TDL - A Type Description Language for HPSG. Part 2: User Guide}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {D-94-14}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {DFKI Document}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/D-94-14.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/D-94-14.entry}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Krieger:1994:TTDc.pdf Krieger:1994:TTDc.ps} } @Article{Kruijff-Korbayová:1994, AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana}, TITLE = {Review of: Lambrecht, Knud: Information Structure and Sentence Form. Topic, Focus, and the Mental Representations of Discourse Referents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics} } @TechReport{Lerner:1994, AUTHOR = {Lerner, Jean-Yves}, TITLE = {Ellipse und Variablenbindung bei Komparativen}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {July}, NUMBER = {41}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @InCollection{Metzing_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Metzing, Dieter and Ando, Kiyoshi and Siegel, Melanie}, TITLE = {Aspekte aufgabenbezogener japanischer Dialoge}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Untersuchungen zur Kommunikationsstruktur}, PAGES = {163-181}, EDITOR = {Fiehler, R. and Metzing, Dieter}, ADDRESS = {Bielefeld}, PUBLISHER = {Aisthesis} } @TechReport{Metzing_Siegel:1994, AUTHOR = {Metzing, Dieter and Siegel, Melanie}, TITLE = {Zero Pronoun Processing: Some Requirements for a VERBMOBIL System}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {46}, ADDRESS = {Bielefeld}, TYPE = {Verbmobil-Memo}, INSTITUTION = {Universität Bielefeld} } @InProceedings{Milward:1994, AUTHOR = {Milward, David}, TITLE = {On-Constituent Coordination: Theory and Practice}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {935-941}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @Article{Milward:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Milward, David}, TITLE = {Dynamic Dependency Grammar}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, VOLUME = {17}, PAGES = {561-605} } @InProceedings{Milward_Cooper:1994, AUTHOR = {Milward, David and Cooper, Robin}, TITLE = {Incremental Interpretation: Applications, Theory and Relationship to Dynamic Semantics}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {748-754}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @Book{John_et_al:1994, TITLE = {German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, YEAR = {1994}, VOLUME = {46}, EDITOR = {Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus and Pollard, Carl J.}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes Series}, ADDRESS = {Stanford}, PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications} } @Book{John_et_al:1994_1, TITLE = {German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, YEAR = {1994}, VOLUME = {46}, EDITOR = {Nerbonne, John and Pollard, Carl and Netter, Klaus}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes Series}, ADDRESS = {Stanford}, PUBLISHER = {CSLI Publications} } @Article{Netter:1994, AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus}, TITLE = {Syntax in der Maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti)}, VOLUME = {36}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {6-13} } @InCollection{Netter:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus}, TITLE = {Towards a Theory of Functional Heads: German Nominal Phrases.}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {German in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, VOLUME = {46}, PAGES = {297-340}, EDITOR = {Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus and Pollard, Carl J.}, SERIES = {Lecture Note Series}, ADDRESS = {Stanford}, PUBLISHER = {CSLI} } @InProceedings{Netter_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus and Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Shanker, Vijay K.}, TITLE = {HPSG and TAG}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September}, NUMBER = {RT-94-01}, PAGES = {77-82}, SERIES = {(TAG+3) Rapport TALANA}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.ps.Z}, ABSTRACT = {We present a compilation algorithm that translates Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammars into lexicalized feature based Tree Adjoining Grammars. Through this exercise we attempt to gain further insights into the nature of the two theories and to identify correlating concepts. While HPSG has a more elaborated lexicalized and principle-based theory of functor argument structures, TAG provides the means to represent lexical-based structural information more explicitly and to factor out recursion. Our objectives are met by giving clear and simple definitions for projecting structure from the lexicon, for determining maximal projections, and for identifying potential auxiliary trees and foot nodes.} } @InProceedings{Netter_et_al:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Netter, Klaus and Kasper, Robert and Kiefer, Bernd and Vijay-Shanker, Krishnamurti}, TITLE = {HPSG and TAG}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {3eme Colloque International sur les Grammaires d'Arbres Adjoints, September}, NUMBER = {RT-94-01}, PAGES = {77-82}, SERIES = {(TAG+3) Rapport TALANA}, ADDRESS = {Paris, France}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.ps.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/knh2tparis.entry} } @InProceedings{Neumann:1994, AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter}, TITLE = {Application of Explanation-Based Learning for Efficient Processing of Constraint-Based Grammars}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, March 1-4}, PAGES = {208-215}, ADDRESS = {San Antonio, Texas, USA}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/ebl.ps.Z http://www.dfki.de/cl/papers/cl-abstracts.html#ebl.abstract} } @PhdThesis{Neumann:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter}, TITLE = {A Uniform Computational Model for Natural Language Parsing and Generation. Saarbruecken Dissertations in Computational Linguistics and Language Technology. Vol. 1}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Computational Linguistics}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/~neumann/publications/new-ps/diss-gn.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Neumann:1994:UCM.pdf Neumann:1994:UCM.ps} } @InCollection{Neumann_van Noord:1994, AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and van Noord, Gertjan}, TITLE = {Reversibility and Self-Monitoring in Natural Language Generation}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing}, PAGES = {59-96}, EDITOR = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}, ADDRESS = {Boston}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/monitor.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/revgram.entry ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/revgram.ps.Z http://www.dfki.de/cl/papers/cl-abstracts.html#revgram.abstract} } @TechReport{Oepen:1994, AUTHOR = {Oepen, Stefan}, TITLE = {German Nominal Syntax in HPSG: On Syntactic Categories and Syntagmatic Relations}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {D-94-15}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {DFKI Document}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/Documents/1994/D-94-15.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Oepen:1994:GNS.pdf Oepen:1994:GNS.ps} } @InProceedings{Oliva:1994, AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {HPSG Lexicon without Lexical Rules}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {823-826}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @TechReport{Oliva:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {Parsing with Syntactic Lists: Linguistic Intuition, Formal Algorithm, Computer Implementation}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Report of the Project LATESLAV}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @TechReport{Oliva:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {HPSG Lexicon without Lexical Rules}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {April}, NUMBER = {38}, PAGES = {7}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, ABSTRACT = {The paper introduces an alternative to the lexical rules in a lexicon in a HPSG style by replacing them by relational constraints corresponding more directly to the standard lexicographic and morphological practice.} } @TechReport{Pechmann_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Pechmann, Thomas and Uszkoreit, Hans and Engelkamp, Johannes and Zerbst, Dieter}, TITLE = {Word Order in the German Middle Field: Linguistic Theory and Psycholinguistic Evidence}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {August}, NUMBER = {43}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Pechmann_1994_WOIGMF.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This paper deals with linearization of complements of German verbs. In German all permutations of the subject, the indirect, and the direct object do occur. Yet, they are supposed to differ regarding their degree of acceptability. Uszkoreit (1987) proposed a set of rules which aimed at representing such preferences as the product of different factors. This theoretical account leads to a predicted ranking of the possible syntactic forms. In a set of experiments we tested some of these predictions by application of different methods for tapping into the actual processing of the sentences. In particular, the predictions were (a) that sentences are more acceptable if subjects precede objects than vice versa and (b) that sentences are more acceptable if indirect objects precede direct objects than vice versa. Both comprehension and production experiments were carried out. The methods we used included a ranking task, delayed sentence matching, delayed articulation, rapid serial visual presentation and a sentence generation task. The findings yielded a very consistent picture concerning the position of the subject. Sentences were particularly easy to process if the subject was in initial position and particularly hard to process in subject-final constructions. Furthermore, there is somewhat weaker evidence for the assumption that sentences are easier to process if direct objects are preceded by indirect objects. Since these results were obtained by rather different methods they can be regarded as particularly reliable. Moreover, the data did provide evidence for a gradual increase or decrease of acceptability and no evidence for a jump function, sharply separating grammatical from ungrammatical forms. One of the principal aims of this first phase of our investigations which is reported in the present paper was to find experimental methods which consistently differentiate between the various permutations of verb complements as predicted by theoretical assumptions. This aim could be achieved. The next step will be to include pragmatic factors which are supposed to play a significant role in determining the acceptability of the sentences we are studying.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Pechmann:1994:WOG.pdf} } @Article{Rothkegel_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Rothkegel, Annely and Schmitt, Michael and Villiger, Claudia}, TITLE = {CHAINING - Eine Strategie zum Aufbau der sequentiellen Textstruktur}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Sprache und Datenverarbeitung}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {19-44} } @InProceedings{Samuelsson:1994, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Notes on LR Parser Design}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {1}, PAGES = {386-390}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @InProceedings{Samuelsson:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Explanation-Based Learning of Grammar for Parsing}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {ELSNET/MLNET Workshop on Machine Learning of Natural Language and Speech, December 2-3}, ADDRESS = {University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands} } @PhdThesis{Samuelsson:1994_2, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Fast Natural-Language Parsing Using Explanation-Based Learning}, YEAR = {1994}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm}, SCHOOL = {The Royal Institute of Technology} } @InProceedings{Samuelsson:1994_3, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Grammar Specialization through Entropy Thresholds}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {32nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL '94), June 27-30}, PAGES = {188-195}, ADDRESS = {New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} } @InProceedings{Samuelsson:1994_4, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Morphological Tagging Based Entirely on Bayesian Inference}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {9th Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics}, PAGES = {225-238}, EDITOR = {Eklund, R.}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} } @TechReport{Samuelsson:1994_5, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {An Efficient Algorithm for Surface Generation}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {September}, NUMBER = {44}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus44.ps ftp://ftp.coli.uni-sb.de/pub/claus/claus44.dvi}, ABSTRACT = {A method is given that inverts a grammar and displays it from the point of view of the semantic form, rather than from that of the word string. Techniques for compiling LR-parsing tables are used to allow a simple recursive-descent generation algorithm to perform functor merging in the same way as an LR-parser performs prefix merging. This is an improvement on the semantic-head-driven generator that results in a much smaller search space.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Samuelsson:1994:EAS.pdf Samuelsson:1994:EAS.ps Samuelsson:1994:EAS.dvi} } @TechReport{Saurer:1994, AUTHOR = {Saurer, Werner}, TITLE = {A Note on Anaphora and Inference}, YEAR = {1994}, MONTH = {October}, NUMBER = {46}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, ABSTRACT = {There are cases of anaphoric relations that even dynamic semantic theories such as Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) have difficulties with in that they cannot provide for an appropriate antecedent for certain occurrences of pronouns. Some people think this shows that those theories are not dynamic enough and have suggested various remedies such as accommodation. In this paper I show how inference can provide for the missing antecedent in those problem cases even within the framework of existing dynamic theories. A natural deduction system working directly with Discourse Representation Structures is used to accomplish this.} } @TechReport{Siegel:1994, AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie}, TITLE = {Definitheit und Numerus. Anforderungen an den Transfer Japanisch-Englisch}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {56}, ADDRESS = {Bielefeld}, TYPE = {Verbmobil-Memo}, INSTITUTION = {Universität Bielefeld} } @TechReport{Siegel_Metzing:1994, AUTHOR = {Siegel, Melanie and Metzing, Dieter}, TITLE = {Nullpronomina und die Organisation von Wissensquellen für den Transfer Japanisch - Englisch}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {12}, ADDRESS = {Bielefeld}, TYPE = {Verbmobil Memo}, INSTITUTION = {Universität Bielefeld} } @InCollection{Strzalkowski:1994, AUTHOR = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}, TITLE = {A General Computational Method for Grammar Inversion}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Reversible Grammars in Natural Language Processing}, PAGES = {175-200}, EDITOR = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}, ADDRESS = {Dordrecht}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @InProceedings{Uszkoreit_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Backofen, Rolf and Busemann, Stephan and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Netter, Klaus and Neumann, Günter and Oepen, Stephan and Spackman, Stephen P.}, TITLE = {DISCO - An HPSG-Based NLP System and its Application for Appointment Scheduling}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'94), August 5-9}, VOLUME = {1}, PAGES = {436-440}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan}, URL = {ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.ps.Z ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1994/RR-94-38.ps.gz ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.dvi.Z ftp://lt-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/papers/local/coli.entry}, ABSTRACT = {The natural language system DISCO is described. It combines - a powerful and flexible grammar development system - linguistic competence for German including morphology, syntax and semantics - new methods for linguistic performance modelling on the basis of high-level competence grammars - new methods for modelling multi-agent dialogue competence - an interesting sample application for appointment scheduling and calendar management}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Uszkoreit:1994:DHBa.pdf Uszkoreit:1994:DHBa.ps} } @TechReport{Uszkoreit_et_al:1994_1, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Backofen, Rolf and Busemann, Stephan and Diagne, Abdel Kader and Hinkelman, Elizabeth and Kasper, Walter and Kiefer, Bernd and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich and Netter, Klaus and Neumann, Günter and Oepen, Stefan and Spackmann, Stephen}, TITLE = {DISCO - An HPSG-Based NLP System and its Application for Appointment Scheduling}, YEAR = {1994}, NUMBER = {RR-94-38}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, ABSTRACT = {The natural language system DISCO is described. It combines o a powerful and flexible grammar development system; o linguistic competence for German including morphology, syntax and semantics; o new methods for linguistic performance modelling on the basis of high-level competence grammars; o new methods for modelling multi-agent dialogue competence; o an interesting sample application for appointment scheduling and calendar management.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Uszkoreit:1994:DHBb.pdf Uszkoreit:1994:DHBb.ps} } @InProceedings{Wirén:1994, AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats}, TITLE = {Minimal Change and Bounded Incremental Parsing}, YEAR = {1994}, BOOKTITLE = {15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '94), August 5-9}, PAGES = {461-467}, EDITOR = {ACL}, ADDRESS = {Kyoto, Japan} } @TechReport{Hajicova_et_al:1994, AUTHOR = {Hajicová, Eva and Sgall, Petr and Uszkoreit, Hans and Oliva, Karel and Platek, Martin and Kubon, Vladislav and Hric, Jano and Bemova, Alevtina and Petkevic, Vladimir and Skoumalová, Hana and Rosen, Alexandr and Korbayova, Ivana}, TITLE = {Adaptation and transfer of parsing techniques}, YEAR = {1994}, TYPE = {Deliverable of the joint project PECO 2824}, INSTITUTION = {Charles University} } @Article{Korbayova:1994, AUTHOR = {Korbayova, Ivana}, TITLE = {Contextual reference of noun phrases in Plinius: Part One}, YEAR = {1994}, JOURNAL = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}, NUMBER = {61}, PAGES = {23-46}, NOTE = {Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic} }