% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:13 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Year = 1990 % @InProceedings{Avgustinova_Oliva:1990, AUTHOR = {Avgustinova, Tania and Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {Syntactic Description of Free Word Order Languages}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25}, VOLUME = {3}, PAGES = {311-313}, EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} } @InProceedings{Backofen_et_al:1990, AUTHOR = {Backofen, Rolf and Euler, Lutz and Görz, Günther}, TITLE = {Towards the Integration of Functions, Relations and Types in an AI Programming Language}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {14th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (GWAI '90), September 10-14}, VOLUME = {251}, PAGES = {297-306}, EDITOR = {Marburger, H.}, SERIES = {Informatik-Fachberichte}, ADDRESS = {Eringerfeld, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Springer} } @InCollection{Barry:1990, AUTHOR = {Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {Levels of Labelling}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Speech, Hearing and Language}, VOLUME = {4}, PAGES = {29-44}, ADDRESS = {London} } @PhdThesis{Busemann:1990, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan}, TITLE = {Generierung natürlicher Sprache mit Generalisierten Phrasenstrukturgrammatiken}, YEAR = {1990}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, SCHOOL = {Universität des Saarlandes, Fachbereich Informatik} } @PhdThesis{Busemann:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan}, TITLE = {Generierung natürlicher Sprache mit Generalisierten Phrasenstrukturgrammatiken}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {87}, SERIES = {KIT Report}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, SCHOOL = {Technische Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Informatik} } @TechReport{Busemann:1990_2, AUTHOR = {Busemann, Stephan}, TITLE = {Generalisierte Phrasenstruktur-Grammatiken und ihre Verwendung zur maschinellen Sprachverarbeitung}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {RR-90-17}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1990_GPGVMS.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {Der vorliegende Artikel ist eine geringfügig überarbeitete Version des dritten und des vierten Kapitels der Dissertation des Autors [Busemann 1990]. Die zugrundeliegende Forschung wurde im Rahmen des vom Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie unter dem Kennzeichen 1013211 geförderten Projekts KIT-FAST an der Technischen Universität Berlin durchgeführt. Die Arbeit wurde am DFKI im Projekt DISCO, das vom BMFT unter dem Kennzeichen ITW 9002 gefördert wird, fertiggestellt.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1990:GPG.pdf} } @InProceedings{Dalsgaard_Barry:1990, AUTHOR = {Dalsgaard, Paul and Barry, William J.}, TITLE = {Acoustic-Phonetic Features in the Framework of Neural-Network Multi-Lingual Label Alignment}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, November 19-22}, ADDRESS = {Kobe, Japan} } @TechReport{Erbach:1990, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Syntactic Processing of Unknown Words}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {131}, ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}, TYPE = {IWBS Report}, INSTITUTION = {IBM} } @InProceedings{Erbach:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Syntactic Processing of Unknown Words}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Artificial Intelligence IV - Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA '90)}, PAGES = {371-382}, EDITOR = {Jorrand, P. and Sgurev, V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1990:SPUb.pdf} } @TechReport{Erbach:1990_2, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Natural Language Understanding in LILOG: An Intermediate Overview}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {137}, PAGES = {43-47}, ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}, TYPE = {IWBS Report}, INSTITUTION = {IBM Deutschland GmbH} } @TechReport{Erbach:1990_3, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Parsing}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {IWBS Report 137}, ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}, INSTITUTION = {IBM Deutschland GmbH} } @TechReport{Erbach:1990_4, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor}, TITLE = {Syntactic Processing of Unknown Words}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {September}, NUMBER = {3}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, ABSTRACT = {A method for processing sentences which contain unknown words, i. e. words for which no lexical entry exists, is presented. There are three different stages of processing: The sentence with the unknown word is parsed. There are no special requirements for the parsing algorithm, but the lexical lookup procedure needs to be modified. Based on the syntactic structure of the parse, information about the unknown word can be extracted. The information obtained in step 2 may be too fully specified for a lexical entry. Therefore a filter is applied to it to create a new lexical entry. An application of the method is illustrated with examples from Categorial Unification Grammar. The problem of using the extracted information for lexical knowledge acquisition is discussed.} } @TechReport{Erbach_Uszkoreit:1990, AUTHOR = {Erbach, Gregor and Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Grammar Engineering: Problems and Prospects - Report of the Saarbrücken Workshop on Grammar Engineering}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {July}, NUMBER = {1}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~erbach/pub/claus1/ge-claus1.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {TheSaarbrücken Workshop on Grammar Engineeringtook place from June 21st to 23rd, 1990. The aim of the workshop was to bring together for 3 days of intensive discussion a number of people with practical experience in the development of large-coverage grammars and researchers who have investigated concepts and tools for grammar development. The workshop focused on the methodology of grammar engineering, testing and evaluation of grammars, the problem of distributed development, the formalisms and tools needed, and grammar maintenance and reusability. A variety of approaches to grammar writing were presented. Prerequisites for effective grammar engineering were identified.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Erbach:1990:GEP.pdf} } @InProceedings{Gambäck_Rayner:1990, AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Rayner, Manny}, TITLE = {A Micro-World for Reasoning about Communicating Agents}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {9th Annual Workshop and Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April}, PAGES = {35-39}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} } @TechReport{Gambäck_Rayner:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Rayner, Manny}, TITLE = {Contract Bridge as a Micro-World for Reasoning about Communicating Agents}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {November}, NUMBER = {R90011}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {Swedish Institute for Computer Science}, URL = {ftp://ftp.sics.se/pub/SICS-reports/Reports/SICS-R--90-11--SE.ps.Z} } @InProceedings{Gambäck_et_al:1990, AUTHOR = {Gambäck, Björn and Rayner, Manny and Pell, Barney}, TITLE = {Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {2nd London Conference on Computer Games}, PAGES = {87-107}, EDITOR = {Levy, D. N. L. and Beal, D. F.}, ADDRESS = {London, England}, PUBLISHER = {Ellis Horwood} } @Article{Görz_et_al:1990, AUTHOR = {Görz, Günther and Habel, Christopher and von Hahn, Walther and Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {Computerlinguistik als Studienfach - Zur Diskussion gestellt}, YEAR = {1990}, JOURNAL = {Informatik-Spektrum}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {276-279} } @InProceedings{Graf_Krieger:1990, AUTHOR = {Graf, Winfried and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}, TITLE = {Bedeutung multimodaler Benutzerschnittstellen am Beispiel eines Expertensystems in der MRI-Diagnostik}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Biometrie und Informatik - Neue Wege zur Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Medizin. 34. Jahrestagung der GMDS, September 1989}, VOLUME = {71}, PAGES = {257-260}, EDITOR = {Giani, G. and Repges, R.}, SERIES = {Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie}, ADDRESS = {Aachen, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Springer} } @TechReport{Latecki_Pinkal:1990, AUTHOR = {Latecki, Longin and Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {Syntactic and Semantic Conditions for Quantifier Scope}, YEAR = {1990}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Technical Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @TechReport{Millies:1990, AUTHOR = {Millies, Sebastian}, TITLE = {Ein modularer Ansatz für prinzipienbasiertes Parsing}, YEAR = {1990}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {GUK Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes} } @InProceedings{Nerbonne_et_al:1990, AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Iida, Masayo and Ladusaw, William}, TITLE = {Semantics of Common Noun Phrase Anaphora}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {9th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL)}, PAGES = {379-394}, EDITOR = {Halpern, A.}, ADDRESS = {Stanford}, PUBLISHER = {CSLI} } @Misc{Nerbonne_Laubsch:1990, AUTHOR = {Nerbonne, John and Laubsch, Joachim}, TITLE = {Logics for Meaning Representation}, YEAR = {1990}, ABSTRACT = {Unpublished documentation, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, Feb 1990.} } @InProceedings{Neumann_Finkler:1990, AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Finkler, Wolfgang}, TITLE = {A Head-Driven Approach to Incremental and Parallel Generation of Syntactic Structures}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {288-293}, EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the construction of syntactic structures within an incremental multi-level and parallel generation system. Incremental and parallel generation imposes special requirements upon syntactic description and processing. A head-driven grammar represented in a unification-based formalism is introduced which satisfies these demands. Furthermore the basic mechanisms for the parallel processing of syntactic segments are presented.} } @TechReport{Neumann_Finkler:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Neumann, Günter and Finkler, Wolfgang}, TITLE = {A Head-Driven Approach to Incremental and Parallel Generation of Syntactic Structures}, YEAR = {1990}, MONTH = {August}, NUMBER = {2}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {CLAUS-Report}, INSTITUTION = {Universität des Saarlandes}, ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the construction of syntactic structures within an incremental multi-level and parallel generation system. Incremental and parallel generation imposes special requirements upon syntactic description and processing. A head-driven grammar represented in a unification-based formalism is introduced which satisfies these demands. Furthermore the basic mechanisms for the parallel processing of syntactic segments are presented.} } @InProceedings{Oliva:1990, AUTHOR = {Oliva, Karel}, TITLE = {Simple Parser for an HPSG-Style Grammar Implemented in Prolog}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25}, VOLUME = {3}, PAGES = {434-437}, EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} } @InCollection{Pinkal:1990, AUTHOR = {Pinkal, Manfred}, TITLE = {Imprecise Concepts and Quantification}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Semantics and Contextual Expresssion}, PAGES = {221 - 226}, EDITOR = {Van Benthem, Johan F. and Bartsch, R. and van Emde, B.}, ADDRESS = {Dordrecht}, PUBLISHER = {Foris} } @InProceedings{Rayner_Samuelsson:1990, AUTHOR = {Rayner, Manny and Samuelsson, Christer}, TITLE = {Using Explanation-Based Learning to Increase Performance in a Large-Scale NL Query Interface}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {3rd DARPA Speech and Natural Language Workshop, June}, PAGES = {251-256}, ADDRESS = {Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, USA}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann} } @InProceedings{Samuelsson_Rayner:1990, AUTHOR = {Samuelsson, Christer and Rayner, Manny}, TITLE = {Developing an EBL Bypass for a Natural Language System}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {9th Annual Meeting of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, April}, ADDRESS = {Stockholm, Sweden} } @Article{Shieber_et_al:1990, AUTHOR = {Shieber, Stuart M. and van Noord, Gertjan and Pereira, Fernando and Moore, Robert}, TITLE = {A Semantic-Head-Driven Generation Algorithm for Unification-Based Formalisms}, YEAR = {1990}, JOURNAL = {Computational Linguistics}, VOLUME = {16}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {30-42} } @InProceedings{Trost:1990, AUTHOR = {Trost, Harald}, TITLE = {The Application of Two-Level Morphology to Non-Concatenative German Morphology}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 20-25}, VOLUME = {2}, PAGES = {371-376}, EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} } @TechReport{Trost:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Trost, Harald}, TITLE = {The Application of Two-Level Morphology to Non-Concatenative German Morphology}, YEAR = {1990}, NUMBER = {RR-90-15}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, TYPE = {Research Report}, INSTITUTION = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1990/RR-90-15.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Trost:1990:ATLb.pdf Trost:1990:ATLb.ps} } @InCollection{Uszkoreit:1990, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {13 Lexikonartikel für den Bereich der Unifikationsgrammatiken}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft}, EDITOR = {Bußmann, H.}, ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}, PUBLISHER = {Kröner} } @InCollection{Uszkoreit:1990_1, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {16 Einträge für den Bereich der Unifikationsgrammatiken}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft}, EDITOR = {Bußmann, H.}, ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}, PUBLISHER = {Kröner}, NOTE = {In der englischen Übersetzung als Bußmann, H., Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, Routledge, London and New York, 1996} } @InCollection{Uszkoreit:1990_2, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Des faisceaux de traits aux types de données abstraits: nouvelles orientations des représentations et traitements linguistiques}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Grammaires d'Unification}, EDITOR = {Clément, Danièle}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, PUBLISHER = {ATALA}, NOTE = {revised translation of: Uszkoreit, H. (1989): From Feature Bundles to Abstract Data Types: New Directions in the Representation of Linguistic Knowledge. In: Blaser, H., Natural Language at the Computer, Berlin: Springer} } @InCollection{Uszkoreit:1990_3, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {La grammaire d'unification catégorelle}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Formalismes syntaxiques pour le traitement automatique du langage naturel}, PAGES = {183-205}, EDITOR = {Miller, Philip and Torris, T.}, ADDRESS = {Paris}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes}, NOTE = {revised translation of: Uszkoreit, H., Categorial Unification Grammars, In: Proceedings of COLING 1986, August 1986, Bonn.} } @InProceedings{Uszkoreit:1990_4, AUTHOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, TITLE = {Extraposition and Adjunct Attachment in Categorial Unification Grammar}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Linguists, August 10-15 1987}, EDITOR = {Bahner, W.}, ADDRESS = {Berlin, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {Akademie Verlag Berlin} } @InProceedings{Wirén:1990, AUTHOR = {Wirén, Mats}, TITLE = {Incremental Parsing and Reason Maintenance}, YEAR = {1990}, BOOKTITLE = {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '90), August 19-25}, PAGES = {287-292}, EDITOR = {Karlgren, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland} }