% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:30 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Entry type = Proceedings % @Proceedings{Anne_et_al:2000, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora LINC-2000, August 6}, YEAR = {2000}, EDITOR = {Abeillé, Anne and Brants, Thorsten and Uszkoreit, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Luxembourg} } @Proceedings{Tilman_Stephan:1999, TITLE = {May I Speak Freely? Between Templates and Free Choice in Natural Language Generation. Workshop at the 23rd German Annual Conference for Artificial Intelligence (KI'99), Bonn}, YEAR = {1999}, NUMBER = {D-99-01}, EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Busemann, Stephan}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/Documents/1999/D-99-01.tar.gz}, ABSTRACT = {This workshop is, to our knowledge, the first one topicalizing the relation between application tasks and technologies used. It aims at exploring the tension between more general and more specific approaches to NLG, thereby clarifying what NLG technology is suited best for which task. It is intended to be an opportunity to get an overview over existing state-of-the-art technology and its optimal usage. It will be relevant for both developers and users of NLG systems. Exploring conditions for successful NLG applications is a step that should be taken jointly by technology providers and current and potential users of NLG software. The invited speaker, Paul Heisterkamp of DaimlerChrysler AG, will focus on the industrial usage of NLG software, and we appreciate his contribution to this volume. The workshop is embedded into the German Annual AI conference KI'99, following its tradition of hosting small hot-topic workshops. At the same time it is an activity of the Special Interest Group for Natural Language Systems (Fachgruppe 1.3.1) of the German association for computer science, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). The ten contributions to this volume are unpublished research reports reviewed by the workshop organizers. The authors agreed to make available to each other the submitted papers before preparing the final versions. The papers can also be downloaded from the workshop's web page at http://www.dfki.de/service/NLG/KI99.html.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:1999:MSF.tar} } @Proceedings{Tilman_Stephan:2000, TITLE = {Impacts in Natural Language Generation: NLG between Technology and Applications. Workshop at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {D-00-01}, EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Busemann, Stephan}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/Documents/2000/D-00-01.tar.gz}, ABSTRACT = {This report contains the presented papers, abstracts of the invited talk and four sessions on 'burning issues' of the IMPACTS workshop on Natural Language Generation between Technology and Applications, held at Schloss Dagstuhl, July 26-28, 2000.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:2000:INL.tar} } @Proceedings{Tilman_et_al:1997, TITLE = {DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation}, YEAR = {1997}, NUMBER = {D-97-06}, EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Busemann, Stephan and Finkler, Wolfgang}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/Documents/1997/D-97-06.tar.gz}, ABSTRACT = {On the Saarbrücken campus sites as well as at DFKI, many research activities are pursued in the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG). We felt that too little is known about the total of these activities and decided to organize a workshop in order to share ideas and promote the results. This DFKI workshop brought together local researchers working on NLG. Several papers are co-authored by international researchers. Although not all NLG activities are covered in the present document, the papers reviewed for this workshop clearly demonstrate that Saarbrücken counts among the important NLG sites in the world.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:1997:DWN.tar} } @Proceedings{Tilman_Hans-Ulrich:1997, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting on Mathematics of Language - MOL5}, YEAR = {1997}, NUMBER = {D-97-02}, EDITOR = {Becker, Tilman and Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/Documents/1997/D-97-02.tar.gz}, ABSTRACT = {The Fifth Meeting on Mathematics of Language (MOL5) covers all areas of study that deal with the mathematical properties of natural language. These areas include, but are not limited to, mathematical models of syntax, semantics and phonology; computational complexity of linguistic frameworks/theories and models of natural language processing; mathematical theories of language learning; parsing theory; and quantitative models of language. The 1997 meeting takes place in the wonderfully located Schloss Dagstuhl, the International Meeting and Research Center for Computer Science near Saarbrücken, Germany.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Becker:1997:PFM.tar} } @Proceedings{Johan_Michael:2000, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-2), International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, July 29-30}, YEAR = {2000}, PAGES = {149}, EDITOR = {Bos, Johan and Kohlhase, Michael}, ADDRESS = {Schloss Dagstuhl}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~bos/icos/icos2.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Bos:2000:PWI.ps} } @Proceedings{Paul_Koiti:2000, TITLE = {Proceedings of the COLING '00 Workshop on Semantic Annotation and Intelligent Content, August 5-6}, YEAR = {2000}, EDITOR = {Buitelaar, Paul and Hasida, Koiti}, ADDRESS = {Luxembourg, Centre Universitaire}, URL = {http://dfki.de/~paulb/coling2000.proceedings.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {SEMANTIC ANNOTATION is augmentation of data to facilitate automatic recognition of the underlying semantic structure. A common practice in this respect is labeling of documents with thesaurus classes for the sake of document classification and management. In the medical domain, for instance, there is a long-standing tradition in terminology maintenance and annotation/classification of documents using standard coding systems such as ICD, MeSH and the UMLS meta-thesaurus. Semantic annotation in a broader sense also addresses document structure (title, section, paragraph, etc.), linguistic structure (dependency, coordination, thematic role, co-reference, etc.), and so forth. In NLP, semantic annotation has been used in connection with machine-learning software trainable on annotated corpora for parsing, word-sense disambiguation, co-reference resolution, summarization, information extraction, and other tasks. A still unexplored but important potential of semantic annotation is that it can provide a common I/O format through which to integrate various component technologies in NLP and AI such as speech recognition, parsing, generation, inference, and so on. INTELLIGENT CONTENT is semantically structured data that is used for a wide range of content-oriented applications such as classification, retrieval, extraction, translation, presentation, and question-answering, as the organization of such data provides machines with accurate semantic input to those technologies. Semantically annotated resources as described above are typical examples of intelligent content, whereas another major class includes electronic dictionaries and inter-lingual or knowledge-representation data. Some ongoing projects along these lines are GDA (Global Document Annotation), UNL (Universal Networking Language) and SHOE (Simple HTML Ontology Extension), all of which aim at motivating people to semantically organize electronic documents in machine-understandable formats, and at developing and spreading content-oriented application technologies aware of such formats. Along similar lines, MPEG-7 is a framework for semantically annotating audiovisual data for the sake of content-based retrieval and browsing, among others. Incorporation of linguistic annotation into MPEG-7 is in the agenda, because linguistic descriptions already constitute a main part of existing metadata. In short, semantic annotation is a central, basic technology for intelligent content, which in turn is a key notion in systematically coordinating various applications of semantic annotation. In the hope of fueling some of the developments mentioned above and thus promoting the linkage between basic researches and practical applications, the workshop invites researchers and practitioners from such fields as computational linguistics, document processing, terminology, information science, and multimedia content, among others, to discuss various aspects of semantic annotation and intelligent content in an interdisciplinary way.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Buitelaar:2000:PCW.pdf} } @Proceedings{Stephan:2002, TITLE = {Proceedings der 6. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS 2002), 30. September - 2. Oktober}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {D-02-01}, EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {German Research Center for AI (DFKI)}, URL = {http://konvens2002.dfki.de/cd/inhalt/index.html}, ABSTRACT = {Die Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS) wird seit 1992 in zweijährigem Turnus von den wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften DEGA, DGfS, GI, GLDV, ITG und ÖGAI ausgerichtet. Die KONVENS stellt einen wichtigen Kristallisationspunkt für die Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in der Sprachverarbeitung dar. Im Jahr 2002 wird die nunmehr sechste KONVENS von der GI, Fachgruppe Natürlichsprachliche Systeme'', in Saarbrücken veranstaltet. Themen der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz sind alle Bereiche der maschinellen Verarbeitung von natürlicher Sprache in gesprochener als auch in geschriebener Form. Die Tagung verfolgt das Ziel, einen breiten Querschnitt durch die aktuelle Forschung und Entwicklung im Gebiet der Sprachverarbeitung zu bieten - unter Einschluss aller relevanten Disziplinen wie Computerlinguistik, Sprachtechnologie, Kognitions-Psychologie, Informatik, Akustik und Nachrichtentechnik. Beiträge aus der gesamten Bandbreite zwischen Forschung, Entwicklung, Anwendung und Evaluation von natürlichsprachlichen Ressourcen, Komponenten und Systemen waren in Form unveröffentlichter Forschungs- und Entwicklungsergebnisse oder innovativer industrieller Anwendungen willkommen. 44 Papiere wurden eingereicht und von je zwei Mitgliedern des Programmkomitees begutachtet, die teilweise weitere Gutachter hinzuzogen. In diesem Begutachtungsverfahren wählte das Programmkomitee 22 Beiträge als Vorträge und 11 als Poster zur Präsentation während der Tagung und zur Veröffentlichung aus. Zudem konnten zwei hochrangige Wissenschaftler gewonnen werden, ihre aktuellen Arbeiten in Form eingeladener Vorträge vorzustellen. Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University und Berlin-Brandenburgische Akadamie der Wissenschaften) beschreibt Arbeiten zur Repräsentation idiomatischer Wendungen im Lexikon und lexikalischen Datenbanken (WordNet). Matthew Crocker (Universität des Saarlandes) zieht Verbindungen zwischen Psycholinguistik und statistischer Computerlinguistik. Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthält Kurzfassungen der eingeladenen Vorträge sowie die angenommenen Vorträge und Poster. Im Namen des Programmkomitees danke ich herzlich allen Autorinnen und Autoren, die durch ihre Einreichung ein interessantes und anspruchsvolles Tagungsprogramm ermöglichten. Besonders möchte ich den beiden eingeladenen Vortragenden, Christiane Fellbaum und Matthew Crocker, für ihre Beiträge danken. Dem Gastgeber der Konferenz, der DFKI GmbH, gebührt Dank für die Bereitstellung der Räumlichkeiten, der Infrastruktur sowie von Arbeitskraft. Bei der Erstellung der Webseite http://konvens2002.dfki.de und des vorliegenden Tagungsbandes haben Carmen Görl und Matthias Rinck wesentlich mitgewirkt. Das Konferenz-Sekretariat wurde von Corinna Johanns geleitet, die nicht nur die finanzielle Seite der Konferenz betreute, sondern sich auch um die lukullischen und touristischen Aspekte kümmerte: der halbtägige Ausflug nach Nennig und zur Villa Borg mit abendlichem Bankett führt uns in beiderlei Hinsicht auf römische Spuren im Saarland. Allen Mitwirkenden danke ich sehr herzlich für ihr besonderes Engangement, ohne das diese Tagung nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Ausdrücklich möchte ich allen Mitgliedern des Programmkomitees für die effiziente und reibungslose Zusammenarbeit beim Zustandekommen des Tagungsprogramms danken.} } @Proceedings{Stephan_Karin:1993, TITLE = {Re-Usability and Modularity. DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems, October 23}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {D-93-03}, EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, URL = {http://www.dfki.de/dfkibib/publications/docs/Busemann_1992_DWNLSRM.pdf}, ABSTRACT = {This document contains 10 working papers presented at the workshop held at Saarbrücken, October 23, 1992.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1993:RUMb.pdf} } @Proceedings{Stephan_et_al:1998, TITLE = {Workshop auf der 21. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz, Freiburg, 9.-10. September 1997}, YEAR = {1998}, NUMBER = {D-98-03}, EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin and Wermter, Stefan}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI}, URL = {ftp://ftp.dfki.uni-kl.de/pub/Publications/ResearchReports/1998/RR-98-03.ps.gz}, ABSTRACT = {The present document includes the proceedings of a workshop on hybrid connectionist, statistical, and rule-based approaches to natural language processing. The workshop was held during the 21st Annual Conference for Artificial Intelligence, Freiburg, Germany, 1997. See http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/dfkidok/publications/D/98/03/abstract.html.}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Busemann:1998:WDJ.pdf Busemann:1998:WDJ.ps} } @Proceedings{Stephan_et_al:1989, TITLE = {Views of the Syntax/ Semantics Interface. Proceedings of the Workshop 'GPSG and Semantics', February 22-24}, YEAR = {1989}, NUMBER = {74}, EDITOR = {Busemann, Stephan and Hauenschild, Christa and Umbach, Carla}, SERIES = {KIT-Report}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, PUBLISHER = {TU Berlin} } @Proceedings{Roddy_et_al:2000, TITLE = {Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Speech and Emotion: A Conceptual Framework for Research}, YEAR = {2000}, EDITOR = {Cowie, Roddy and Douglas-Cowie, Ellen and Schröder, Marc}, ADDRESS = {Belfast}, PUBLISHER = {Textflow}, URL = {http://www.qub.ac.uk/en/isca/proceedings} } @Proceedings{Jochen_Bernhard:1992, TITLE = {Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Taxonomic Reasoning}, YEAR = {1992}, NUMBER = {D-92-08}, EDITOR = {Heinsohn, Jochen and Hollunder, Bernhard}, SERIES = {DFKI Document}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {DFKI} } @Proceedings{Djoerd_et_al:1998, TITLE = {Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT-14), December 7-8}, YEAR = {1998}, EDITOR = {Hiemstra, Djoerd and de Jong, Franciska and Netter, Klaus}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands} } @Proceedings{Judith L._Philip:1994, TITLE = {The Balancing Act. Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language. Proceedings of the Workshop}, YEAR = {1994}, EDITOR = {Klavans, Judith L. and Resnik, Philip}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge}, PUBLISHER = {MIT Press} } @Proceedings{Alexander_Gideon:2002, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at ACL-02, July 7-12}, YEAR = {2002}, EDITOR = {Koller, Alexander and Mann, Gideon}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA} } @Proceedings{Steven_et_al:1997, TITLE = {Spoken Language Translation. Proceedings of a Workshop sponsored by the Association of Computational Linguistics and by the European Network in Language and Speech (ELSNET)}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Krauwer, Steven and Arnold, Doug and Kasper, Walter and Rayner, Manny and Somers, Harold}, ADDRESS = {Madrid} } @Proceedings{Ivana_Mark:2001, TITLE = {Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Discourse Semantics. ESSLLI 2001 Workshop Proceedings, August 20-24}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Korbayova, Ivana and Steedman, Mark}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, PUBLISHER = {The University of Helsinki} } @Proceedings{Klaus_et_al:1997, TITLE = {Computational Environments for Grammar Development and Linguistic Engineering (ACL'97 - EACL'97 Workshop), July 7-12}, YEAR = {1997}, EDITOR = {Netter, Klaus and Estival, Dominique and Lavelli, Alberto and Pianesi, Fabio}, ADDRESS = {Madrid, Spain} } @Proceedings{Klaus_et_al:1998, TITLE = {Language Technology in Multimedia Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 14th Twente Workshop on Language Technology (TWLT 14), December 7-8}, YEAR = {1998}, EDITOR = {Netter, Klaus and Hiemstra, Djoerd and de Jong, Franciska}, ADDRESS = {University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands}, URL = {http://parlevink.cs.utwente.nl/Conferences/TWLT14/abstracts.html} } @Proceedings{Kristina:2001, TITLE = {Proceedings of the ESSLLI'01 Student Session, August 13-24}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Striegnitz, Kristina}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki, Finland}, URL = {https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~kris/esslli/proc.ps.gz}, ANNOTE = {COLIURL : Striegnitz:2001:PES.pdf Striegnitz:2001:PES.ps} } @Proceedings{Hans:1995, TITLE = {33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-ANNUAL '95). Proceedings of the Conference}, YEAR = {1995}, EDITOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, USA}, PUBLISHER = {ACL}, URL = {http://xxx.unizar.es/cmp-lg/ACL-95-proceedings.html} } @Proceedings{Hans_et_al:1999, TITLE = {Linguistically Interpreted Corpora. Proceedings of the Workshop LINC-1999 at the 9th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics}, YEAR = {1999}, EDITOR = {Uszkoreit, Hans and Brants, Thorsten and Krenn, Brigitte}, ADDRESS = {Bergen, Norway} } @Proceedings{Emily M._et_al:2003, TITLE = {A Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development during the 5th European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = {25-29 August}, EDITOR = {Bender, Emily and Flickinger, Dan and Fouvry, Frederik and Siegel, Melanie}, ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}, ORGANIZATION = {ESSLLI 03}, URL = {http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/~siegel/esslli03/Proceedings.ps https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~fouvry/publications/multigram:03.ps.bz2} } @Proceedings{SpBoGr2007, TITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2007), Prague, Czech Republic, June 28}, YEAR = {2007}, EDITOR = {Sporleder, Caroline and Van den Bosch, Antal and Grover, Claire}, NOTE = {CS, MP} } @Proceedings{Wei Ding_Gregor:2003, TITLE = {CHINERS: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition System for the Sports Domain.}, YEAR = {2003}, MONTH = {July}, VOLUME = {Proc. of the Second SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (ACL 2003 Workshop)}, EDITOR = {Tianfang Yao, Wei Ding and Erbach, Gregor}, ADDRESS = {Sapporo, Japan}, PUBLISHER = {ACL 2003} } @Proceedings{Wei Ding_Gregor:2002, TITLE = {Repairing Errors for Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}, YEAR = {2002}, MONTH = {November}, VOLUME = {Proc. of the First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 2002 (ICMLC 2002)}, EDITOR = {Tianfang Yao, Wei Ding and Erbach, Gregor}, ADDRESS = {Beijing, China}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE and Hebei University} } @Proceedings{Wei Ding_Gregor:2002_1, TITLE = {Correcting Word Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging Errors for Chinese Named Entity Recognition}, YEAR = {2002}, MONTH = {October}, VOLUME = {In Günter Hommel and Sheng Huanye (Eds.): The Internet Challenge: Technology and Applications}, EDITOR = {Tianfang Yao, Wei Ding and Erbach, Gregor}, ADDRESS = {Dordrecht, The Netherlands}, PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @Proceedings{KCC2004, TITLE = {Proceedings of the ACL Workshop Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering and Cognition Together}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Keller, Frank and Clark, Steven and Crocker, Matthew W.}, ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain, July} } @Proceedings{filpink2004, TITLE = {Building lexical resources from semmantically annotated corpora: Proceedings of a workshop held at LREC}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Fillmore, C. and Pinkal, Manfred and Baker, Collin and Erk, Katrin}, ADDRESS = {LIsbon}, ORGANIZATION = {LREC} } @Proceedings{TrBa2007, TITLE = {Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences}, YEAR = {2007}, EDITOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Barry, William J.}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes}, NOTE = {WB} } @Proceedings{TrCa2007, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on The Phonetics of Laughter, Saarbrücken.}, YEAR = {2007}, EDITOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Cambell, N.}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes}, NOTE = {WB} } @Proceedings{BaTr2007, TITLE = {Phonus - Research Reports of Phonetics}, YEAR = {2007}, VOLUME = {Vols 9-11}, EDITOR = {Barry, William J. and Trouvain, Jürgen}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, PUBLISHER = {Universität des Saarlandes}, NOTE = {WB} } @Proceedings{LREC2008, TITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2008 Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data : (LaTeCH 2008) ; Marrakech, Morocco, 1 June, 2008}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Ribarov, Kiril and Sporleder, Caroline}, ADDRESS = {Marrakech}, NOTE = {CS, MP} } @Proceedings{AdNeTrPo2008, TITLE = {Proceedings 1st International and KI-08 Workshop on Ontology-based Information Extraction Systems : (OBIES 2008) ; 23 September 2008, Kaiserslautern (Germany)}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Adrian, Benjamin and Neumann, Günter and Troussov, Alexander and Popov, Borislav}, SERIES = {CEUR workshop proceedings ; 400}, ADDRESS = {Kaiserslautern}, NOTE = {HU} } @Proceedings{CheUs2011, TITLE = {Journal of computer science and technology, Special Section on Natural Language Processing}, YEAR = {2011}, VOLUME = {26. 2011, 1}, EDITOR = {Zong, Chengqing and Uszkoreit, Hans}, ADDRESS = {Boston, Mass.} } @Proceedings{Pyyk2012a, TITLE = {Puhe ja kieli = Tal och språk = Speech and language}, YEAR = {2012}, VOLUME = {32}, NUMBER = {2}, EDITOR = {Pyykkönen, Pirita}, ADDRESS = {Helsinki}, NOTE = {MC} } @Proceedings{MamPass2012, TITLE = {Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities : proceedings of the ACRH Workshop, Heidelberg, 5 Jan. 2012}, YEAR = {2012}, EDITOR = {Mambrini, Francesco and Passarotti, Marco and Sporleder, Caroline}, ORGANIZATION = {Regensburg : Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{MorSpor2012b, TITLE = {Computational linguistics}, YEAR = {2012}, VOLUME = {38}, NUMBER = {2}, EDITOR = {Morante, Roser and Sporleder, Caroline}, ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{DRDDD2016, TITLE = {Joint Proceedings of the 2th Workshop on Emotions, Modality, Sentiment Analysis and the Semantic Web and the 1st International Workshop on Extraction and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical Texts}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {June}, VOLUME = {1613}, EDITOR = {Dragoni, Mauro and Recupero, Diego Reforgiato and Denecke, Kerstin and Deng, Yihan and Declerck, Thierry}, ADDRESS = {Heraklion, Greece}, ORGANIZATION = {CEURS}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{CalChoDec2016, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016)}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {23-28 May}, PAGES = {4556}, EDITOR = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Declerck, Thierry and Goggi, Sara and Grobelnik, Marko and Maegaard, Bente and Mazo, Hélène and Moreno, Asunción and Odjik, Jan}, ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia}, ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{McCChiPon2016, TITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop, LDL 2016 – 5th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Managing, Building and Using Linked Language Resources}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {24 May}, EDITOR = {McCrae, John P. and Chiarcos, Christian and Ponsoda, Elena Montiel and Declerck, Thierry and Osenova, Petya and Hellmann, Sebastian}, ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia}, ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{SorPreDec2016, TITLE = {Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop, CCURL 2016 - Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages: Towards an Alliance for Digital Language Diversity}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = {23 May}, EDITOR = {Soria, Claudia and Pretorius, Laurette and Declerck, Thierry and Mariani, Joseph and Scannell, Kevin and Wandl-Vogt, Eveline}, ADDRESS = {Portorož, Slovenia}, ORGANIZATION = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)}, NOTE = {sonst. Mitarbeiter} } @Proceedings{TrStMö2017, TITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {February}, EDITOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Steiner, Ingmar and Möbius, Bernd}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, NOTE = {BM, IS} } @Proceedings{PetTian2017, TITLE = {Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial 2017 – SaarDial)}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {15-17 August}, EDITOR = {Petukhova, Volha and Tian, Ye}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, NOTE = {DK} } @Proceedings{BockDec2017, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {September}, VOLUME = {1918}, EDITOR = {Bockwinkel, Peggy and Declerck, Thierry and Kübler, Sandra and Zinsmeister, Heike}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, NOTE = {LT} } @Proceedings{DecKüb2017, TITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpora in the Digital Humanities}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {January}, VOLUME = {1786}, PAGES = {85}, EDITOR = {Declerck, Thierry and Kübler, Sandra}, ADDRESS = {Bloomington, Indiana, USA}, NOTE = {LT} } @Proceedings{RehmDec2017, TITLE = {Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age: Proceedings of the GSCL Conference 2017}, YEAR = {2017}, EDITOR = {Rehm, Georg and Declerck, Thierry}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, NOTE = {LT} }