% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:17 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Peter_Gilles % @InProceedings{JTPG2009a, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Gilles, Peter}, TITLE = {Phonetische Online-Materialien beim Erlernen von Lautschrift und in der Fremdsprachendidaktik}, BOOKTITLE = {Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung : Tagungsband der 20. Konferenz, Dresden, 21. bis 23. September 2009. - Bd. 1. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2009. - (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 53), S. 388-395}, NOTE = {WB} } @InProceedings{JTPG2009b, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Gilles, Peter}, TITLE = {PhonLaF - phonetic online material for Luxembourgish as a foreign language}, YEAR = {2009}, BOOKTITLE = { PTLC 2009 : proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching & Learning Conference, University College London, August 6-8, 2009. - London, 2009, S. 74-77}, NOTE = {WB} } @Article{GilTro2013, AUTHOR = {Gilles, Peter and Trouvain, Jürgen}, TITLE = {Luxembourgish}, YEAR = {2013}, JOURNAL = {Journal of the International Phonetic Association}, VOLUME = {43}, PAGES = {67-74}, NOTE = {BM} } @InProceedings{SLMGT2017, AUTHOR = {Steiner, Ingmar and Le Maguer, Sébastien and Manzoni, Judith and Gilles, Peter and Trouvain, Jürgen}, TITLE = {Developing new language tools for MaryTTS: the case of Luxembourgish}, YEAR = {2017}, MONTH = {February}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV)}, PAGES = {186-192}, ADDRESS = {Saarbrücken}, NOTE = {BM, IS} }