% % GENERATED FROM https://www.coli.uni-saarland.de % by : anonymous % IP : coli2006.lst.uni-saarland.de % at : Mon, 05 Feb 2024 15:41:27 +0100 GMT % % Selection : Author: Khiet-P_Truong % @InProceedings{TruTro2012, AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen}, TITLE = {On the acoustics of overlapping laughter in conversational speech}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {9-13 September}, BOOKTITLE = { Interspeech 2012 : 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association}, ADDRESS = {Portland, OR, USA} } @InProceedings{TroTru2012, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Acoustic, morphological, and functional aspects of yeah/ja in Dutch, English and German}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {7-8 September}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog}, PAGES = {77-80}, ADDRESS = {Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Washington, USA} } @InProceedings{TroTr2012, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Convergence of laughter in conversational speech : effects of quantity, temporal alignment and imitation}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {3-5 September}, BOOKTITLE = {ISICS 2012 : International Symposium on Imitation and Convergence in Speech. - Aix-en-Provence} } @InProceedings{TruTr2012, AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen}, TITLE = {Laughter annotations in conversational speech corpora – possibilities and limitations for phonetic analysis}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {26 May}, BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA}, PAGES = {20-24}, ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} } @InProceedings{TroTruo2012, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Comparing non-verbal vocalisations in conversational speech corpora}, YEAR = {2012}, MONTH = {26 May}, BOOKTITLE = {4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on Emotion Sentiment and Social Signals ES³ 2012 : satellite of LREC 2012, ELRA}, PAGES = {36-39}, ADDRESS = {Istanbul, Turkey} } @InProceedings{TroTru2013, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Exploring sequences of speech and laughter activity usingvisualisations of conversations}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = {20-23 August}, BOOKTITLE = { Proceedings of the Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013)}, ADDRESS = {Grenoble, France}, NOTE = {BM} } @InProceedings{TruoTrou2014, AUTHOR = {Truong, Khiet P. and Trouvain, Jürgen}, TITLE = {Investigating prosodic relations between initiating and responding laughs}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings Interspeech}, PAGES = {1811-1815}, NOTE = {BM} } @InBook{TrouTruo2014, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Towards unravelling prosodic characteristics of speaker-overlapping laughing in conversational speech corpora}, YEAR = {2014}, BOOKTITLE = {Prosodie und Phonetik in der Interaktion – Prosody and phonetics in interaction}, PUBLISHER = {Verlag für Gesprächsforschung}, CHAPTER = {4}, NOTE = {BM} } @InCollection{TrouTruo2017, AUTHOR = {Trouvain, Jürgen and Truong, Khiet P.}, TITLE = {Laughter}, YEAR = {2017}, BOOKTITLE = {The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor}, PAGES = {340-355}, SERIES = {Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics}, ADDRESS = {New York & Milton Park}, PUBLISHER = {Routledge}, NOTE = {BM} }