Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes


For Summer Semester 2014, we do not expect to meet every week. Rather, we'll meet as often as we have speakers. This schedule page will be kept up to date; contact Alexis Palmer or Manfred Pinkal if you'd like to present something!

DateSpeakerTopic / Presented PaperTalk Type
Birgit Schwarz Semantic Parsing on an Open Domain Corpus MSc Thesis defense
05.05.2014 cancelled!
12.05.2014 cancelled!
TUESDAY 20.05.2014
12:00 (as FEAST talk)
(a) Manfred Pinkal
(b) Marcos Zampieri
(a) Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction
(b) VarClass: An Open Source Language Identification Tool for Language Varieties
LREC 2014 practice talks
26.05.2014 cancelled!
02.06.2014 cancelled!
09.06.2014 no seminar no seminar Pfingstmontag
16.06.2014 Annemarie Friedrich, Alexis Palmer Automatic prediction of aspectual class of verbs in context Research to be presented at ACL 2014