Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes

Generating Contrastive Referring Expressions

Martín Villalba, Christoph Teichmann, and Alexander Koller
53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) - July 27, 2015

The Impact of Listener Gaze on Predicting Reference Resolution

Nikolina Koleva, Martín Villalba, Maria Staudte, and Alexander Koller
53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) - July 27, 2015

Predicting the resolution of referring expressions from user behavior

Nikos Engonopoulos, Martín Villalba, Ivan Titov, and Alexander Koller
Converence on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) - October 19, 2013

Interpreting Natural Language Instructions Using Language, Vision, and Behavior

Luciana Benotti, Tessa Lau, and Martín Villalba
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) - Special Issue on Multiple Modalities in Interactive Systems and Robots. Volume 4 Issue 3 - October 2014

Corpus-based Interpretation of Instructions in Virtual Environments

Luciana Benotti, Tessa Lau, Julián Cerruti, and Matín Villalba
Proceedings of the 50th Anual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - April 23, 2012

Inference of Strategic Points in Virtual Worlds (Spanish)

Luciana Benotti and Martín Villalba
Argentinean workshop on videogames (WAVI) - October 21, 2011

Aspect-Oriented web requirements engineering with model transformations (Spanish)

Juan Durán and Martín Villalba
Latin-American Conference on Informatics (CLEI) - October 20, 2010