Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes
Vera Demberg - Software

Vera Demberg - Software

PLTAG parser

For an online demo of the PLTAG parser, see here.

Unsupervised morphological segmentation

The implementation of the algorithm described in my 2007 ACL paper "A Language-Independent Unsupervised Algorithm for Morphological Segmentation" is available here. Download (Sorry, it's in Perl.)

Grapheme-to-phoneme conversion with phonological constraints

The algorithm described in my other 2007 ACL paper "Phonological Constraints and Morphological Preprocessing for Grapheme-to-phoneme Conversion" is available here.

Fun: Travelling in Sibiria adventure game

I designed an adventure game about being a tourist in Sibiria for one of my MSc courses. Please have a go and try to take seven photos! But beware of thefts and try not to freeze to death or starve! Download here:
Travelling in Siberia (1.7 MB).
(Instruction for running the game: 1. download 2. unzip 3. open directory and double-click on .jar file 4. if it does not work download and install Java Development Kit (JDK).)