
Diese Seite enthält wichtige Information über Seminare (welche Arten von Seminaren gibt es? wie viele Leistungspunkte sind sie wert?)

This page contains important information about seminars (the types of seminars, their credit points). For the M.Sc. pogram please refer to the English version below.

B.Sc. in Computerlinguistik

Im Bachelor-Studiengang ist die Anzahl und Art der Seminare wie folgt festgelegt:

Nach der "alten" Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (gültig für Studierende, die sich vor dem WS 2006/07 in den B.Sc.-Studiengang immatrikuliert haben):
2 Proseminare, 1 Hauptseminar. Bei beiden galten als erforderliche Prüfungsleistung Seminarvortrag (V) und Hausarbeit (HA).

Nach der "neuen" Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (gültig für Studierende, die sich ab WS 2006/07 in den B.Sc.-Studiengang immatrikuliert haben):
2 Proseminare, 1 Hauptseminar, 1 Projektseminar, 1 Praxisseminar. Bei Pro- und Hauptseminaren wurden die erforderlichen Prüfungsleistungen noch um jeweils 1 mündliche Prüfung (MP) erweitert (15-30 Minuten). Es müssen also insgesamt 3 mündliche Prüfungen gemacht werden.

Im Folgenden eine tabellarische Übersicht über die Leistungspunkte in Seminaren (B.Sc.):

Leistungspunkte bei Seminaren (B.Sc.)

Art des Seminars
Immatrikuliert ab WS 2006/07   ("neu")
Immatrikuliert vor WS 2006/07  ("alt")
5 LP (V + HA + MP) 6 LP (V + HA)
7 LP (V + HA + MP) 9 LP (V + HA)
5 LP
5 LP

M.Sc. in Language Science and Technology

At the moment there are 2 different "Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen" (SPO - Rules and Regulations) for the Master Program. Which one is valid for you depends on the time of your enrollment in the program:

i) If you enrolled before the winter semester 2006, seminar type courses were admissible but not required. Typical course requirements were a presentation (PR) plus paper (PA) (9 CP), or just a presentation (4 CP). Besides seminars, which are generally more theoretically oriented, there was a more practically oriented type of course called "project seminar", the course requirements of which typically included some implementation work and documentation of the program (6 CP).

ii) If you enrolled in the winter semester 2006 or after, one seminar with presentation plus paper was required (7 CP). Seminars where only a presentation was given were worth 4 CP. Another novelty of the new SPO is that  students must take one oral examination (OE) (15-30 minutes) during the course of their studies. This oral exam could be part of any one of the seminars you took. You do not get extra credit points for the oral exam; however its weight corresponds to 1 CP, i.e. about 15 % of the grade of a seminar with presentation plus paper, or 25 % of the grade of a seminar with presentation only. Project seminars carry now 5 CP.

Here is a table (including also pertinent information about the "very old" degree program "Diplomstudiengang in Computerlinguistik", which has been terminated but still has some enrollment):

Type of seminar
M.Sc. beginning Winter 2006  ("new")
M.Sc. before Winter 2006  ("old")
"Diplom Computerlinguistik"
Seminar (PR)
                      4 CP
                   4 CP                    
                       2 CP               
Seminar (PR +  OE)
                      4 CP
Seminar (PR + PA)
                       7 CP
                    9 CP
                        4 CP
Seminar (PR + PA + OE)
                       7 CP
Project Seminar (2 hrs)
                       5 CP
                    6 CP
                         2 CP