Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes


Ostermann, S., Roth, M., Pinkal, M. (2019): MCScript2.0: A Machine Comprehension Corpus Focused on Script Events and Participants. Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2019). (pdf)

Silberer, C., Pinkal, M. (2018): Grounding Semantic Roles in Images. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2018). (pdf)

Ostermann, S., Roth, M., Modi, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2018): SemEval-2018 Task 11: Machine Comprehension Using Commonsense Knowledge. Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018). (pdf)

Ostermann, S., Modi, A., Roth, M., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2018): MCScript: A Novel Dataset for Assessing Machine Comprehension Using Script Knowledge. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). (pdf)

Horbach, A., Pinkal, M. (2018): Semi-Supervised Clustering for Short Answer Scoring. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). (pdf)

Hellwig, O., Hettrich, H., Modi, A., Pinkal, M. (2018): Multi-Layer Annotation of the Rigveda. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). (pdf)

Ostermann, S., Seitz, H., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2018): Mapping Texts to Scripts: An Entailment Study. Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). (pdf)

Nguyen, D. Q., Nguyen, D. Q., Chu, C. X., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2017): Sequence to Sequence Learning for Event Prediction. Proceedings of the The 8th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP). (pdf)

Nguyen, D. Q., Nguyen, D. Q., Modi, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2017): A Mixture Model for Learning Multi-Sense Word Embeddings. Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM). (pdf)

Ostermann, S. , Roth, M., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2017): Aligning Script Events with Narrative Texts. Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM) (pdf)

Wanzare, L. , Zarcone, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2017): Inducing Script Structure from Crowdsourced Event Descriptions via Semi-Supervised Clustering. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics (LSDSem) (pdf)

Modi, A., Titov, I., Demberg, V., Sayeed, A., Pinkal, M. (2017): Modeling Semantic Expectations: Using Script Knowledge for Referent Prediction. Transactions of Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL). (pdf)

Rohrbach, M., Rohrbach, A., Regneri, M., Amin, S., Andriluka, M., Pinkal, M., Schiele, B. (2016): Recognizing Fine-Grained and Composite Activities Using Hand-Centric Features and Script Data. International Journal of Computer Vision, 119.3. (pdf)

Friedrich, A., Palmer, A., Pinkal, M. (2016): Situation entity types: automatic classification of clause-level aspect. roceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). (pdf)

Wanzare, L., Zarcone, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2016): A Crowdsourced Database of Event Sequence Descriptions for the Acquisition of High-quality Script Knowledge. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). (pdf)

Modi, A., Anikina, T., Ostermann, S., Pinkal, M. (2016): InScript: Narrative texts annotated with script information. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). (pdf)

Horbach, A., Hensler, A., Krome, S., Prange, J., Scholze-Stubenrecht, W., Steffen, D., Thater, S., Wellner, C. and Pinkal, M. (2016): A Corpus of Literal and Idiomatic Uses of German Infinitive-Verb Compounds. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016). (pdf)

Ostermann, S., Horbach, A., Pinkal, M. (2015): Annotating Entailment Relations for Shortanswer Questions. Proceedings of The 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications. (pdf)

Friedrich, A., Pinkal, M. (2015): Automatic recognition of habituals: a three-way classification of clausal aspect. Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). (pdf)

Mavridou, K.-I., Friedrich, A., Sørensen, M. P., Palmer, A., Pinkal, M. (2015): Linking discourse modes and situation entity types in a cross-linguistic corpus study. Proceedings of Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics (LSDSem). (pdf)

Friedrich, A., Pinkal, M. (2015): Discourse-sensitive Automatic Identification of Generic Expressions. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). (pdf)

Friedrich, A., Palmer, A., Sørensen, M. P., Pinkal, M. (2015): Annotating genericity: a survey, a scheme, and a corpus. Proceedings of the 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW IX). (pdf)

Rudinger, R., Demberg, V., Modi, A., Van Durme, B., Pinkal, M. (2015): Learning to predict script events from domain-specific text. Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (* SEM 2015). (pdf)

Kampmann, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2015): A case-study of automatic participant labeling. Proceedings of the International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL 2015). (pdf)

Horbach, A., Thater, S., Steffen, D., Fischer, P. M., Witt, A., Pinkal, M. (2014): Internet Corpora: A Challenge for Linguistic Processing. Datenbank-Spektrum 15: 41-47. (pdf)

Horbach, A., Steffen, D., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2014): Improving the Performance of Standard Part-of-Speech Taggers for Computer-Mediated Communication. Proceedings of Konvens, Hildesheim. (pdf)

Koleva, N., Horbach, A., Palmer, A., Ostermann, S., Pinkal, M. (2014): Paraphrase Detection for Short Answer Scoring. NLP4CALL, Uppsala. (pdf)

Rohrbach, A., Rohrbach, M., Qiu, W., Friedrich, A., Pinkal, M., Schiele, B. (2014): Coherent Multi-Sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail. German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR). (pdf)

Rohrbach, M., Senina, A., Qiu, W., Friedrich, A., Amin, s., Andriluka, M., Pinkal, M., Schiele, B. (2014): Coherent Multi-Sentence Video Description with Variable Level of Detail.arXiv 2014. (pdf)

Regneri, M., Wang, R., Pinkal M. (2014): Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction. Proceedings of LREC 2014. Reykjavik, Iceland. (pdf)

Frermann, L., Titov, I., Pinkal, M. (2014): A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge. Proceedings of EACL 2014. Gotheborg, Sweden (pdf)

Horbach, A., Palmer, A., Pinkal, M. (2013): Using the text to evaluate short answers for reading comprehension exercises. Proceedings of *SEM, Volume 1:286-295. (pdf)

Rohrbach, M., Qiu, W., Titov, I., Thater, S., Pinkal, M., Schiele, B. (2013): Translating Video Content to Natural Language Descriptions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, Australia, 2013. (pdf)

Regneri, M., Rohrbach, M., Wetzel, D., Thater, S., Schiele, B., Pinkal, M. (2013): Grounding Action Descriptions in Videos. Transactions of ACL 1 (pdf)

Wolska, M., Horbach, A., Steffen, D., Pinkal, M. (2012): Towards Communicative CALL: Specifying Dialogue-based Activities. Proceedings of ICT4LL - International Conference ICT for Language Learning. Florence, Italy.

Rehbein,I., Ruppenhofer, J., Sporleder, C., Pinkal, M. (2012): Adding Nominal Spice to SALSA - Frame-Semantic Annotation of German Nouns and Verbs. Proceedings of KONVENS 2012, Vienna.

Friedrich, A. Engonopoulos, N., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2012): A Comparison of Knowledge-based Algorithms for Graded Word Sense Assignment. December 2012. Short Paper. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (CoLing). Mumbai, India.(pdf)

Rohrbach, M., Regneri, M. Andriluka, S. Amin, M. Pinkal and B. Schiele (2012): Script Data for Attribute-based Recognition of Composite Activities. ECCV 2012 : 12th European Conference on Computer Vision, October, Volume 2012, Firenze, Italy (pdf)

Koller, A., Pinkal, M. (2012): Semantic Research in Computational Linguistics. In C. Maienborn, K. von Heusinger, P. Portner (eds.): "Semantics: An international Handbook of Natural Language Meaning". De Gruyter.

Thater, S., Fürstenau, H., Pinkal, M. (2011): Word Meaning in Context: A Simple and Effective Vector Model. Proceedings of IJCNLP, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (pdf)

Hoffart, J., Yosef, M. A., Bordino, I., Fürstenau, H., Pinkal, M., Spaniol, M., Taneva, B., Thater, S., Weikum, G. (2011): Robust Disambiguation of Named Entities in Text. Proceedings of EMNLP, Edinburgh (pdf)

Regneri, M., Koller, A., Ruppenhofer, J., Pinkal, M. (2011): Learning script participants from unlabeled data. RANLP, Hissar, Bulgaria.

Ruppenhofer, J., Pinkal, M. (2011): Folding FrameNet - Unfolding its Potential? Poster, CICLing 2011, Tokyo.

Pinkal, M., Rehbein, I., Schulte im Walde, S., Storrer, A. (eds.) (2010):Semantic Approaches in Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of KONVENS 2010, Saarbrücken

Backes, M., Dürmuth, M., Gerling, S., Pinkal, M., Sporleder, C. (2010): Acoustic Side-Channel Attacks on Printers. Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium

Regneri, M., Koller, A., Pinkal, M. (2010): Learning Script Knowledge with Web Experiments. Proceedings of ACL, Uppsala (pdf)

Thater, S., Fürstenau, H., Pinkal, M. (2010): Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models. Proceedings of ACL, Uppsala (pdf)

Ruppenhofer, J., Sunde, J., Pinkal, M. (2010): Generating FrameNets of various granularities: The FrameNet Transformer. Proceedings of LREC, Malta

Wolska, M., Buckley, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayova, I., Pinkal, M. (2010): Cooperative Input Interpretation and Dialogue Modelling in a Tutoring System for Mathematical Proofs. In: Siekmann, J., Crocker, M. (eds.): Resource Adaptive Cognitive Processes. Cognitive Technologies Series. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Koller, A., Thater, S., Pinkal, M.(2010): Scope Underspecification with tree descriptions: Theory and practice. In: Siekmann, J., Crocker, M. (eds.): Resource Adaptive Cognitive Processes. Cognitive Technologies Series. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Dinu, G., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2009): Ranking Paraphrases in Context. Proceedings of the ACL Workshop TextInfer: Applied Textual Inference (pdf)

Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S. and Pinkal, M. (2009): FrameNet for the Semantic Analysis of German: Annotation, Representation and Automation. In: Hans C. Boas (ed.) "Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications". Mouton de Gruyter Berlin/New York

Burchardt, A., Pennacchiotti, M., Thater, S., Pinkal, M. (2009): Assessing the Impact of Frame Semantics on Textual Entailment. Journal of Natural Language Engineering

Walter, S. and Pinkal, M.(2009): Definitions in Court Decisions: Automatic Extraction and Ontology Acquisition. In: Joost Breuker, Pompeu Casanovas, Enrico Francesconi, Michel Klein (eds.): Channelling the Legal Information Flood. Legal Ontologies and the Semantic Web. IOS Press

Perera, N., Pitz, M., Pinkal, M. (2008): CLIoS: Cross-lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 2008 (pdf)

Becker, T., Gerstenberger, C., Kruijff-Korbayova, I., Korthauer, A., Pinkal, M., Pitz, M., Poller, P. and Schehl, J. (2006): Natural and intuitive multimodal dialogue for In-Car Applications:The SAMMIE System. 4th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS-2006) (pdf)

Burchardt, A., Erk, K., Frank, A., Kowalski, A., Padó, S., and Pinkal, M. (2006): The SALSA Corpus: a German corpus resource for lexical semantics. LREC 2006 (pdf)

Walter, S. and Pinkal, M.(2006) Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions, In: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Information Extraction Beyond The Document, Sydney, Australia, 20-28 (pdf)

Burchardt, A., Frank, A., and Pinkal, M. (2005): Building Text Meaning Representations from Contextually Related Frames -- A Case Study. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Semantics, IWCS-6, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2005. (ps)

Walter, S., Pinkal, M. (2005): Computational Linguistic Support for Legal Ontology Construction. In Proceedings of ICAIL 2005: 242-243 (pdf)

Burchardt, A., Walter, S. and Pinkal, M. (2004): MiLCA - Distance Education for Computational Linguistics. In New Challenges and Partnerships in an Enlarged European Union -- Proceedings of the 2004 EDEN Conference, Budapest, 2004. (doc)

Pinkal, M. (2004): Neue Technologien und Neue Medien: Brückenschläge im Bildungssystem, in: Girardet, Klaus Martin (ed.): Bildung. Ziele - Wege - Probleme. Ringvorlesung der Philosophischen Fakultäten I-III der Universität des Saarlandes im Wintersemester 2001/2002. St. Ingbert : Röhrig Universitätsverlag 2004

Fillmore, C., Pinkal, M., Baker, C. and Erk, K. (eds.) (2004): Building lexical resources from semantically annotated corpora. Proceedings of a workshop held at LREC, Lisbon, 2004

Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayova, I., Pinkal, M., Siekmann, J., Tsovaltzi, D., Quoc Vo, B., Wolska, M. (2003): Tutorial Dialogs on Mathematical Proofs. In: Proceedings of the IJCAI workshop on Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning for E-Learning Systems, 2003, Acapulco, Mexico. (pdf)

Benzmüller, C., Fiedler, A., Gabsdil, M., Horacek, H., Kruijff-Korbayova, I., Pinkal, M., Siekmann, J., Tsovaltzi, D., Quoc Vo, B., Wolska, M. (2003): A Wizard-of-Oz Experiment for Tutorial Dialogues in Mathematics. In: aied2003 Supplementary Proceedings,Vol.VIII workshop on Advanced Technologies for Mathematics Education, 2003, Sydney, Australia, pp. 471-481. (pdf)

Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S. and Pinkal, M. (2003): Towards a Resource for Lexical Semantics: A Large German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation. Proceedings of ACL 2003, Sapporo. (pdf)

Erk, K., Kowalski, A., Padó, S. and Pinkal, M. (2003): Building a Resource for Lexical Semantics. Proceedings of the the 17th International Conference of Linguists (CIL), Prague. (pdf)

Erk, K., Kowalski, A. and Pinkal, M. (2003): A Corpus Resource for Lexical Semantics. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS), Tilburg.

Pinkal, M., (2002): Am Anfang war das Wort. In: Bibel im Dialog, Evangelische Studentinnen- und Studentengemeinde (Hrsg.), Röhrig Universitätsverlag, St. Ingbert, 34-47.

Egg, M.; Pinkal, M.; Pustejovsky, J. (2001) (Eds.): Underspecification. Special Issue of the Journal of Logic, Language, and Information.

Pinkal, M.; Kohlhase, M. (2000): Feature Logic for Dotted Types. In: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (pdf)

Pinkal, M.; Rupp, C.J. and Worm, K. (2000): Robust Semantic Processing of Spoken Language. In: Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 312-335. (ps)

Pinkal, M. (2000): Semantikformalismen für die Sprachverarbeitung. In: G. Görz (Ed.). Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz. München: Oldenbourg. (Dritte, vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, 739-782.

Pinkal, M. (2000): Constraints for semantic underspecification. In: H. Kamp/B. Partee (Eds.). Context-dependence in the analysis of linguistic meaning. Volume 2: Comments and Replies. Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart, 155-166.

Pinkal, M. (1999): On semantic underspecification. Bunt, H./Muskens, R. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Compuational Linguistics (IWCS 2).

Niehren, J.; Pinkal, M. and Ruhrberg, P. (1997): A uniform approach to underspecification and parallelism. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL). Madrid: Association of Computational Linguistics, 410-417.

Pinkal, M. (1997): Leben in virtuellen Welten. Neue Medien und Künstliche Intelligenz. In: G. Hummel/G. Rothermundt (Eds.). Die verlorene Leiblichkeit. Nach-denklichkeiten über ein Gegenwartsproblem im Umkreis der Theologie Paul Tillichs. Bad Boll: Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, 27-38.

Pinkal, M. (1996): Radical underspecification. In: P. Dekker/M. Stokhof (Eds.). Proceedings of the 10th Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, 587-606.

Kohlhase, M.; Kuschert, S. and Pinkal, M. (1996): A type-theoretic semantics for lambda-DRT. In: P. Dekker/ M. Stokhof (Eds.). Proceedings of the 10th Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: de Gruyter, 479-498.

Pinkal, M. (1996): Vagueness, ambiguity, and underspecification. In: T. Galloway/ J. Spence (Eds.). Proceedings from the Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Rutgers University (SALT). Ithaca: Cornell University, Department of Linguistics, 185-201. (eingeladener Hauptvortrag)

Pinkal, M. (1996): Wie die Semantik arbeitet. Ein unterspezifiziertes Modell. In: M. Bierwisch/ G. Harras (Eds.). Wenn die Semantik arbeitet. Festschrift für Klaus Baumgärtner. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.

Pinkal, M. (1995): Comparative ellipsis and variable binding. In: M. Simons/T. Galloway (Eds.). Proceedings from the Conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT), University of Texas, Austin. Ithaca: Cornell University, Department of Linguistics, 222-236.

Pinkal, M. (1995): Logic and Lexicon. The semantics of the indefinite. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (revidierte und erweiterte englische Fassung von "Logik und Lexikon" (1985)).

Bos, J.; McGlashan, S.; Mastenbroek, E.; Pinkal, M. (1994): A compositional DRS-based formalism for NLP-applications. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS). Tilburg, 21-31.

Pinkal, M. (1993): Chapter 5.3: Semantik. In: G. Görz (Eds.). Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz. Bonn u. a.: Addison-Wesley, 425-498.

Lerner, J.-Y. and Pinkal, M. (1991): Comparatives and nested quantification. In: Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium on Logic, Language and Information. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, 329-347.

Pinkal, M. (1991): Vagheit und Ambiguität. In: A. v. Stechow/D. Wunderlich (Eds.). Handbuch der Semantik, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 250-269.

Görz, G., Habel, Chr., von Hahn, W. and Pinkal, M. (1990): Computerlinguistik als Studienfach. In: Informatik-Spektrum 13. Springer-Verlag, 276-279.

Pinkal, M. (1989): Imprecise concepts and quantification. In: R. Bartsch/J. van Benthem/P. van Emde Boas (Eds.): Semantics and contextual expressions. Dordrecht: Foris, 221-266.

Pinkal, M. (1985): Logik und Lexikon: Die Semantik des Unbestimmten. Berlin: de Gruyter. (Habilitationsschrift)

Pinkal, M. (1984): Consistency and context change: The Sorites paradox. In: F. Landman/ F. Veltman (Eds.). Frontiers of intensional semantics. Dordrecht: Foris, 325-41.

Ballmer, T. and Pinkal, M. (Eds.) (1983): Approaching vagueness. Amsterdam: North Holland.

Pinkal, M. (1979): How to refer with vague descriptions. In: R. Bäuerle/U. Egli/ A. v. Stechow (Eds.). Semantics from different points of view. Berlin: Springer, 32-50.

Pinkal, M. (1977): Kontext und Bedeutung. Ein probabilistisch erweiterter pragmatischer Beschreibungsansatz. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. (Ph.D. thesis)Dissertation)