T alks
Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Computational Linguistics & Phonetics Fachrichtung 4.7 Universität des Saarlandes





Interaction of Language, Vision and Motor Processes

Leitung: Matthew Crocker

Zeit: Thursday 10:00-11:30 Uhr

Ort: U.15
Beginn: 24.4.2008


This research seminar will consider recent experimental and computational psycholinguistic research of interest to the group, and will also be used for the presentation of our own recent findings. Topics may include visual worlds studies of utterance-mediated visual attention, computational models of situated language processing, embodied language processing and cognitive robotics. Participants will be primarily research staff and students in the psycholinguistics group. Students wishing to participate should contact Prof. Crocker.

Current schedule:

April 24 : Planning meeting, discussion of new labs, Excellenz Cluster, and room allocation.

May 15: Olga Kukina, presentation of MSc research

June 5: Berry Claus, presentation of Anschubfinanzierung research proposal

June 12: Discussion of eye-movement analysis software

June 19: Gunnar Jacob "The role of L1 in L2 syntactic processing"

June 26: Emilia to present the Barr paper (download here)

July 3: Chen Yu "Cross-situational statistical word learning"

July 10: Maria Staudte "Joint-/Language-mediated attention in HRI"

July 17: Lu Zhang to present MSc research