Grammar-based approaches to opinion mining

ESSLLI 2013 course, Düsseldorf, Germany

On this page are the PDF slides containing my course notes/presentations for the course I offered at European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) in 2013. They are only very slightly edited from what I actually presented at ESSLLI.


Introduction and motivation

The primary goals of this course were multiple:

  1. to introduce the surrounding context and underlying concept of opinion mining to the ESSLLI participants, focusing particularly on opinion mining/sentiment analysis as the place where social context meets traditional grammatical concepts.
  2. to present (in some depth, but limited) a selection of published advances over the past 10-12 years in opinion mining, focusing on motivations for including grammatical features.
  3. to introduce some basic techniques and tools to the participants through descriptions and demos, including those that enable the use of rich grammatical constructs.
  4. and to present my not-unbiased perspective and experience in opinion mining research and encourage participants to think about unresolved issues in the opinion mining field.
The course involved a combination of lectures and demos consisting of five approx. 90-minute sessions. The slides are in five parts which do not necessarily match the boundaries of these sessions, but roughly fill up the time with 20 minutes for discussion in the last session, and two 30-minute demo sessions of Amazon Mechanical Turk and crf++.

The slides

Bibliography and background documents

I'm still working on updating the course bibliography, but the original unedited ESSLLI course application is here, including a number of references that also appeared during the course.

Use, attribution, and comments

Feel free to use these materials as long as you give me the appropriate credit by mentioning me and (even better) giving a link back to my current home page. Contact me (spam avoidance: I will leave it to you to figure out how, but my home page has a very big clue) if you have any comments/requests/corrections that you want to make.

Last edited 2013 Aug 19, 02:26 CEST