SFB 378 Einstiegsseite Postscript File BibTeX Eintrag


Entailment of Atomic Set Constraints is PSPACE-Complete

Autor: Joachim Niehren and Martin Müller and Jean-Marc Talbot


The complexity of set constraints has been extensively studied over the last years and was often found quite high. At the lower end of expressiveness, there are atomic set constraints which are conjunctions of inclusions $t_1\subseteq t_2$ between first-order terms without set operators. It is well-known that satisfiability of atomic set constraints can be tested in cubic time. Also, entailment of atomic set constraints has been claimed decidable in polynomial time. We refute this claim. We show that entailment between atomic set constraints can express quantified boolean formulas and is thus PSPACE hard. For infinite signatures, we also present a PSPACE-algorithm for solving atomic set constraints with negation. This proves that entailment of atomic set constraints is PSPACE-complete for infinite signatures. In case of finite signatures, the problem is even DEXPTIME-hard.

SFB 378 Einstiegsseite Postscript File BibTeX Eintrag