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Viewing and resolving divergences

Annotation differences can be complete frames, or one or more frame elements within a frame. Annotation differences are highlighted by different colors as can be seen in Figures 9 and 10. One color displays the annotation of one annotator, the second color displays the annotation of the second annotator. The default colors for highlighting differences can be user-defined in the Edit$\Rightarrow$Preferences menu. Note that single underspecified FEs are marked by a blue role label. This color can also be customized.

Figure 9: Annotation difference between Frames 'Existence' and 'Being_located'.
\epsfig{file=merged_frame_diff.eps, width=.7\linewidth}

Figure 10: Annotation difference between FEs 'Place' and 'Circumstance'.
\epsfig{file=merged_fe_diff.eps, width=.7\linewidth}

The currently active pieces of the annotation divergences can be approved (Corpus$\Rightarrow$Accept, or ctrl-j) or rejected (Corpus$\Rightarrow$Discard, or ctrl-n). Once the acceptance or rejection is processed, the color of the annotation changes, and the tool jumps to the next annotation divergence within this sentence[*], again highlighting the active choice. This automatic continuation can be switched off by selecting 'Ask before switching...' in Edit$\Rightarrow$Preferences.

Once the adjudicator clicks on some non-active annotation object (node or arc), the acceptance/rejection feature is inactive again. It will be activated again by pressing Ctrl-d (or chosing Find Next Difference).

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Aljoscha Burchardt 2007-09-04